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FCM 50 t

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14:51, 30 July 2023(5,400 bytes)Clarify meaning
22:01, 22 December 2022(5,405 bytes)Removed a bullet point; lack of frontal armour undeniably makes 'ramming attacks' a moot point, in that it often tends to inflict similar damage on the FCM itself. Additionally minor details to formatting and clarification about the tank's dynamics, weaknesses and strengths.
12:31, 19 February 2019(9,284 bytes)Detailed description, intended to help players pick the tank that will make them most happy.
11:45, 2 December 2018(7,627 bytes)removing unprofessional comments made in bad faith
19:55, 12 October 2018(7,787 bytes)Corrected according to datasheets.
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