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01:33, 12 November 2021(4,801 bytes)
17:55, 19 July 2018(4,097 bytes)fixed grammar and formatting
06:04, 18 July 2018(4,138 bytes)removed broken link
09:58, 8 January 2017(4,180 bytes)Hummel doesn't perform as previously said with 100% crew + Chocolate.
22:16, 12 July 2013(4,273 bytes)Like normal HE, if you hit fat armour you won't deal full damage
15:56, 19 June 2013(4,805 bytes)Now that the engines got ripped off, I would say this is far from agile
17:10, 8 January 2013(4,756 bytes)corrected a typographical error.
12:54, 25 December 2012(4,752 bytes)Added Early Research section
21:04, 22 May 2012(2,612 bytes)Full {{TankData}} Conversion, moved Google translate version of history to discussion until properly translated.
17:55, 21 May 2012(6,069 bytes)automatically edited by Snib's WoTWikiBot
21:18, 18 March 2012(6,177 bytes)added Snib's pages
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