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GSR 3301 Setter

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18:48, 5 July 2023(7,066 bytes)Added Research and Equipment Builds sections, tweaked a few things here and there.
17:32, 3 March 2023(5,598 bytes)The usual style/grammar/spelling/bullet fixes; added crew-compatibility info.
23:43, 11 May 2020(2,618 bytes)Ref_references->Ref_links
23:43, 11 May 2020(2,621 bytes)Ref_references->Ref_links
18:01, 11 May 2020(2,622 bytes)added qb's & taugrim's review
16:31, 11 May 2020(2,566 bytes)Updated historical info and images, added reference
17:48, 26 April 2020(781 bytes)Only trying to take a pic
17:54, 23 December 2019(661 bytes)slight tweak to include poor dispersion values
06:59, 21 August 2019(352 bytes)Edited last edit to remove punctuation mark. Now I have a better grasp of the wiki format and can get my edits right the first time 0'_'
03:46, 11 August 2019(278 bytes)added template
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