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05:58, 5 July 2022(9,882 bytes)pros cons
10:24, 3 January 2019(10,287 bytes)Added extra details pertaining to historical and in-game stat info.
14:12, 9 March 2018(9,530 bytes)Updated info after latest patch.
10:25, 19 February 2018(8,946 bytes)Info about engine research
22:12, 28 July 2016(8,293 bytes)Cleaned up the Pros, Cons, and Performance sections.
18:00, 9 May 2014(8,387 bytes)Jiri_Starrider:na moved page Tank:Caernarvon to Tank:GB11 Caernarvon: Correct naming
18:01, 9 October 2013(8,366 bytes)Clarified cons section a bit
06:02, 27 June 2013(7,571 bytes)One typo at the beginning of the history section. "mail" - - -> "main".
08:45, 31 March 2013(7,211 bytes)Ammo racked a C' through his lower glacis. You'll need to shield it.
09:59, 28 February 2013(4,879 bytes)Added 2 historical photos
19:18, 26 February 2013(4,773 bytes)Added suggested equipment
23:50, 28 October 2012(221 bytes)8.1 Prep
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