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13:30, 25 May 2019(9,744 bytes)
18:28, 12 November 2015(9,554 bytes)Corrections, significant additions regarding the 4.5" transforming this SPG
04:10, 1 October 2014(6,601 bytes)Only one British arty has more than -5 degrees depression, and only a few British arties have more than 45 degrees elevation. Besides, the elevation doesn't matter considering the tank's high shell arc. O
18:15, 9 May 2014(6,593 bytes)Jiri_Starrider:na moved page Tank:Bishop to Tank:GB28 Bishop: Correct naming
07:10, 20 August 2013(6,120 bytes)low gun elevation is only an issue for stock gun
15:57, 16 August 2013(5,522 bytes)Removed overlapping pro
15:59, 1 August 2013(7,164 bytes)image added to text box
15:57, 1 August 2013(7,043 bytes)historical gallery added
06:30, 29 July 2013(3,134 bytes)Grammar fix in description
22:28, 24 July 2013(213 bytes)page created
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