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03:28, 9 November 2015(9,546 bytes)Added pros and cons. Changed the fact that this had ARTY in it.
12:18, 15 July 2015(9,686 bytes)link and info given to removal of tank
01:43, 7 May 2015(8,290 bytes)Grammar Corrections
07:38, 25 January 2015(7,494 bytes)Added Super Heavy Spall Liner under Pros.
18:40, 24 November 2014(7,454 bytes)removed KV2 bit (KV2 is almost every tier6's greatest fear); reorganized added information as part of the preexisting paragraphs; re-phrased some stuff
07:18, 26 October 2014(7,223 bytes)Minor edits to the performance caregory and added a pro
21:27, 23 October 2014(7,125 bytes)Rephrased composite pro
16:03, 25 September 2014(8,559 bytes)Added notes regarding in-game humor for the TOG
09:27, 6 August 2014(8,234 bytes)Offensive suggestion of TOG playstyle
04:58, 10 July 2014(7,396 bytes)Tweaked the pros and cons section
18:00, 9 May 2014(7,672 bytes)Jiri_Starrider:na moved page Tank:TOG II* to Tank:GB63 TOG II: Correct naming
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