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AT 8

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13:30, 7 May 2019(6,243 bytes)inaccuracies
11:58, 7 May 2016(6,464 bytes)Cleaned up the info regarding unlocking the 17-pdr on the Archer
20:40, 20 March 2016(6,491 bytes)AT 8 Pros and cons update
11:24, 20 February 2015(6,450 bytes)Added research note under research that grinding the Tank:GB41_Challenger might be an easier way to obtain the top gun on this vehicle
14:38, 8 July 2014(5,598 bytes)Some clarfication. Bias removed from a writer who clearly did not like this tank.
18:05, 9 May 2014(5,645 bytes)Jiri_Starrider:na moved page Tank:AT 8 to Tank:GB74 AT8: Correct naming
03:54, 4 May 2014(5,631 bytes)ForcestormX:na moved page AT 8 to Tank:AT 8
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