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Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC

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13:01, 16 April 2021(3,376 bytes)
21:40, 13 April 2020(3,288 bytes)I'm just trying to make it look more neater and more professional. Especially the comparison between the M60 and the Cent 5/1 tier-per-tier, i consider it to be an irrelevant comparison.
19:25, 13 May 2018(1,681 bytes)added historical info
12:37, 8 May 2018(300 bytes)Created page with "{{TankData|Tank= Centurion Mk. 5/1 RAAC | |Gallery= |InTheGame_pros= |InTheGame_cons= |InTheGame_performance= |InTheGame_research= |InTheGame_equipment= |InTheGa..."
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