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Type 3 Chi-Nu

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23:27, 18 December 2023(7,358 bytes)link ChiNu Kai premium
19:13, 6 September 2017(6,460 bytes)Addition to Gameplay section deemed unnecessary and removed
17:09, 6 September 2017(6,952 bytes)Added/Edited content in the Gameplay and Pros/Cons sections. Added detail to the Research section.
23:09, 23 March 2017(6,108 bytes)Chi-Nu pros and cons update
23:06, 23 March 2017(5,992 bytes)Chi-Nu pros and cons update
18:54, 26 October 2015(3,913 bytes)Pros, Cons, Performance overhaul
03:25, 30 July 2014(2,984 bytes)Excessive number of pros/cons added in previous edit(s) [Do not add pros/cons which are not true superlatives]
15:45, 10 July 2014(2,662 bytes)Polished intro, added to pros and cons
15:34, 10 July 2014(2,558 bytes)Added coated optics to recommended equipment
15:20, 10 July 2014(2,542 bytes)Polished the historical part, fixing grammar, rewording sentences, also added a bit to the player's opinion part.
00:05, 11 May 2014(223 bytes)Jiri_Starrider:na moved page Tank:Type 3 Chi-Nu to Tank:Chi Nu: Correct naming
02:39, 5 May 2014(223 bytes)Created page with "{{TankData|Tank=Chi_Nu | |Gallery= |InTheGame_pros= |InTheGame_cons= |InTheGame_performance= |InTheGame_research= |InTheGame_equipment= |History= |HistoricalGallery= ..."
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