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09:32, 19 October 2022(9,216 bytes)
18:07, 9 October 2020(8,777 bytes)This edit was made to correct certain paragraphs with more accurate information, and also to clean up unnecessary sentences and words to make reading easier.
11:43, 5 May 2017(5,256 bytes)Correcting the historical accuracy section. O-Ni/O-Ho never existed.
17:55, 3 March 2017(3,762 bytes)Fixed up grammar mistakes by others.
10:41, 20 January 2017(3,332 bytes)fixed grammar errors, also fixed some erronous points. O-Ni is larger than Type 5 Heavy in terms of shilouette from side
03:37, 4 October 2016(2,563 bytes)Cleaned up the performance section
22:32, 7 February 2016(2,438 bytes)The article had some writing errors, therefore I had to edit them so that nobody will read something wrong.
05:37, 10 January 2016(2,141 bytes)added HUGE chunk of info
22:49, 19 October 2015(707 bytes)Add few equipments and a pro
14:06, 2 September 2015(288 bytes)created page from template
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