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18:00, 21 May 2012(5,723 bytes)automatically edited by Snib's WoTWikiBot
09:41, 8 May 2012(5,745 bytes)Leads to changed.
05:27, 2 May 2012(5,841 bytes)Bolding, Cap and linking policy compliance edit
05:43, 30 March 2012(6,069 bytes)IS-8, not IS-6 (IS-6 will be a tier 8 premium)
20:10, 18 March 2012(5,861 bytes)added Snib's pages
19:56, 22 December 2011(7,413 bytes)is-3 suspension values updated
19:50, 22 December 2011(7,413 bytes)updated turret armor values
14:49, 16 September 2011(7,327 bytes)100mm D10-T, reload time set to 6.2 sec, aiming time set to 2.0 sec per update 6.7 - did not modify sidebar
16:28, 5 September 2011(7,145 bytes)Added firepower stats and more service history
15:31, 23 August 2011(4,381 bytes)6.6 Statistics Checked
10:06, 28 June 2011(3,916 bytes)Added tank life with new turret based on site: https://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/36389-hp-stat-of-tanks-with-upgraded-turret
09:58, 28 June 2011(3,915 bytes)Added tank life with new turret based on site: https://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/36389-hp-stat-of-tanks-with-upgraded-turret
00:13, 9 June 2011(3,876 bytes)Added '3' to the designation
11:25, 9 April 2011(3,874 bytes)simple punctuation corrections
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