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03:25, 4 May 2014(9,588 bytes)ForcestormX:na moved page IS-3 to Tank:IS-3
13:20, 8 July 2013(9,621 bytes)Corrected minor grammatical errors.
17:38, 30 May 2013(9,395 bytes)Cleaned up pros/cons, shortened and removed redundant points
11:05, 27 January 2013(7,721 bytes)some info on performance
16:04, 3 January 2013(7,580 bytes)corrected a typographical error.
17:19, 6 October 2012(7,137 bytes)The previous wording made it sound like a serious suggestion to do it, this shows it's more of a preferential option.
22:13, 2 October 2012(7,130 bytes)Remove personalisation - "you", "your", etc.
03:40, 20 September 2012(7,228 bytes)Improved wording and additional information added.
07:36, 12 September 2012(6,974 bytes)Improved Early Research section
02:56, 29 August 2012(6,673 bytes)Improved gameplay suggestions, fixed inaccuracies.
06:49, 15 July 2012(6,446 bytes)Added historical photos
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