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Revision history of "Tank Destroyers"

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22:40, 7 May 2023(4,166 bytes)Edited in Japanese TDs
23:50, 22 November 2018(4,027 bytes)→ Characteristics‎ This was a much needed edit for the charastics which was needed in order to refect on the changes that was done within the last few patches. Arty is now no longer the most powerful type of tank in the game by firepower, only considering damage mechanic, not other mechanics.
08:57, 2 December 2015(3,757 bytes)Haswell:na moved page Tank type at-spg to Tank Destroyers over redirect: revert
21:06, 15 July 2015(2,698 bytes)Repaired after vandalism by user qiura:eu
20:49, 15 July 2015(10 bytes)Replaced content with "TD OP KAMO"
15:37, 18 March 2015(2,659 bytes)added link to example picture
04:32, 17 January 2015(2,674 bytes)Correction in the initial blurb to account for new Brit Tds
00:35, 30 September 2014(2,686 bytes)False, considerable numbers of TDs have paper for protection. The hp portion doesn't stand as a standalone sentence.
20:46, 10 July 2014(2,131 bytes)Added that a few German Tank Destroyers also have turrets
18:30, 1 October 2012(2,101 bytes)Fixed some grammatical and spelling mistakes
19:23, 24 September 2012(2,091 bytes)TDs are often as mobile as mediums of the tier, saying that they lack mobility is just wrong.
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