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Revision history of "Tanks of USA"

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13:04, 13 May 2012(7,404 bytes)Rewording, spacing, etc.
04:21, 9 May 2012(7,376 bytes)Premium section is redundant. Premium tanks already identified as such within their base class.
02:13, 9 May 2012(8,088 bytes)Added M22 Locust to premium tanks and made the premium tanks section visible (I don't know if there is a reason that it wasn't).
02:09, 9 May 2012(7,971 bytes)Added T34 to premium tanks section.
11:58, 6 May 2012(7,851 bytes)fixed gift tank being listed as premium tank
04:46, 4 May 2012(7,770 bytes)Revised nation's description
01:14, 4 May 2012(7,809 bytes)Added MTLS-1G14 to the page
21:21, 24 April 2012(7,627 bytes)Excessive linking and caps
14:42, 12 April 2012(7,623 bytes)don't think we need the release tree anymore
07:43, 1 April 2012(7,692 bytes)Undo revision 20318 by Snib (talk) If you say "power" in this context, it sounds like you're talking about acceleration.
07:14, 1 April 2012(7,863 bytes)sounds better. I think Nytherr was going for this
07:12, 1 April 2012(7,863 bytes)Undo revision 20305 by Nytherr (talk)
00:53, 1 April 2012(7,863 bytes)Grammar edits to Tank Destroyer section
21:48, 18 March 2012(6,876 bytes)blue starred the T23
13:17, 20 February 2012(6,932 bytes)added research tree pic
10:01, 30 November 2011(6,883 bytes)Mentioned the excellent dogfighting capabilities in mediums section
08:15, 18 September 2011(6,857 bytes)Fixed link to go to"T14" instead of "T-14"
07:44, 18 September 2011(6,858 bytes)Replaced Gold Stars with Gold Stack icon
04:38, 18 September 2011(6,866 bytes)Added a space between the tank names and the star icons
04:11, 18 September 2011(6,860 bytes)Changed M4A2E4 and M6A2E1 to blue stars
04:06, 18 September 2011(6,858 bytes)Fixed some more grammar
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