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Revision history of "Template:BattleTiers"

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01:52, 6 June 2015(11,811 bytes)
23:24, 5 May 2014(11,547 bytes)added Ke Ni Otsu, T-44-122, T23E3, and SU-85I
21:50, 12 September 2013(11,136 bytes)Added 112 preferential matchmaking info.
21:48, 12 September 2013(11,033 bytes)Added T-34-3 preferential matchmaking.
22:02, 2 July 2013(10,622 bytes)corrected the T80's short name.
19:02, 21 June 2013(10,623 bytes)Changed SPG MM to 8.6
01:11, 20 June 2013(10,627 bytes)I believe I fixed the Excelsior --- ihavenoideawhatimdoing.jpg
01:09, 19 June 2013(10,623 bytes)changed TSPG to 8.6 MM
01:05, 19 June 2013(10,627 bytes)Added TSPG with same tiers as SPG
20:50, 14 June 2013(9,608 bytes)edited in the tier 9 and 10 spg MM to avoid the error from the sidepanel while not affecting current tanks
10:39, 27 April 2013(9,375 bytes)Seems the tank is called T80 in Wiki
10:29, 27 April 2013(9,283 bytes)According MatchmakingChart T-80 does battletiers 4-6
22:42, 20 February 2013(9,098 bytes)Forgot to change the 10 to 11, now correct.
22:40, 20 February 2013(9,098 bytes)Fixed Battle Tier of Type 62 from 7-10 to 8-11, to match MM Chart. This was a change in 8.3.
14:10, 17 December 2012(8,907 bytes)Fixed battle tiers pursuant to developer post: https://forum.worldoftanks.ru/index.php?/topic/41221-
01:39, 6 November 2012(8,804 bytes)Removed "germany:" from Panther M10
10:15, 5 November 2012(8,806 bytes)Added new British tanks from Russian 8.1 MM Chart. Did not check for general tier changes.
11:07, 31 October 2012(8,494 bytes)Added medium for tier 1
10:00, 2 August 2012(7,572 bytes)0.7.5 - i assumed that if it's not in the chart, it shouldn't be here
12:58, 20 June 2012(7,742 bytes)updated/corrected to 0.7.4
21:39, 16 June 2012(6,884 bytes)Template to include the battle tier line into the sidebar.
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