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Revision history of "Template:WoWs GD"

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20:32, 20 March 2024(11,423 bytes)
05:00, 3 August 2023(11,355 bytes)Vanguard can be removed from explicit definition as premium
02:19, 14 June 2023(11,398 bytes)Added Paolo Emilio, Vallejo, Alabama VL
01:44, 14 June 2023(11,312 bytes)Added Ragnar, Marceau, Max Immelmann, ARP Yamato, Yoshino B, Alvaro de Bazan, Forrest Sherman, Incomparable, Khabarovsk
01:35, 14 June 2023(11,097 bytes)Added Brisbane, Vampire II, Mecklenberg, Grosser Kurfurst, Z-42, Napoli, Napoli B, Hayate, Shikishima, Tromp, Druid, Plymouth, Malta, Gibraltar, Austin, Puerto Rico, Roosevelt, Moskva, Slava, Sevastopol
19:57, 11 July 2022(10,674 bytes)Remove wrong entry for Indomitable
18:27, 27 April 2021(10,697 bytes)Add Smaland as promo ship
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