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22:51, 18 January 2013(18,336 bytes)Added link for M6 in research.
18:02, 11 January 2013(18,332 bytes)Removed "be" in the turret armor pros line.
23:59, 9 December 2012(18,087 bytes)please stop editing wrong things into the articles.
15:43, 18 October 2012(18,464 bytes)No such weakspot on turret face, no armor value of 120 on front (it's higher) or cupola (it's lower).
15:16, 18 October 2012(18,565 bytes)Undo revision 34271 by Aigre (talk) the cupola is hardly on the front of the turret.
05:30, 7 October 2012(18,565 bytes)Improved wording, suggestions, removed the personal "you," other minor things.
17:53, 21 May 2012(15,909 bytes)automatically edited by Snib's WoTWikiBot
22:39, 18 May 2012(15,827 bytes)Added spacing to edit page for future edits
15:59, 18 May 2012(15,819 bytes)Full {{TankData}} Conversion
06:08, 14 May 2012(15,816 bytes){{TankData}} Conversion
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