127 mm/38 Mk38 mod. 03 х 2 pcs. |
Rate of Fire20 shots/min. |
Reload Time3 sec. |
Rotation Speed25 deg./sec. |
180 Degree Turn Time7.2 sec. |
Firing Range11.12 km. |
Maximum Dispersion98 m. |
HE Shell127 mm HE Mk32 |
Maximum HE Shell Damage1800 |
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell5 % |
Initial HE Shell Velocity792 m./s. |
HE Shell Weight24.5 kg. |
AP Shell127 mm AP/SC Mk38 |
Maximum AP Shell Damage2100 |
Initial AP Shell Velocity792 m./s. |
AP Shell Weight25 kg. |
533 mm Mk152 х 5 pcs. |
Rate of Fire0.44 shots/min. |
Reload Time136 sec. |
Rotation Speed25 deg./sec. |
180 Degree Turn Time7.2 sec. |
TorpedoMk17 |
Maximum Damage17 900 |
Torpedo Speed66 knot |
Torpedo Range16.5 km. |
127 mm/38 Mk38 mod. 03 х 2 pcs. |
. . . Average Damage per Second45.3 |
. . . Firing Range5.01 km. |
40 mm Bofors Mk22 х 4 pcs. |
. . . Average Damage per Second31.8 |
. . . Firing Range3.51 km. |
20 mm Oerlikon Mk412 х 1 pcs. |
. . . Average Damage per Second43.2 |
. . . Firing Range2.01 km. |
40 mm Bofors Mk12 х 2 pcs. |
. . . Average Damage per Second22.6 |
. . . Firing Range3.51 km. |
Maximum Speed36 knot |
Turning Circle Radius640 m. |
Rudder Shift Time3.3 sec. |
Surface Detectability Range7.56 km. |
Air Detectability Range4.26 km. |
Gearing — American Tier X destroyer.
Developed from the Fletcher class, Gearing was the largest destroyer built by the U.S. Navy during World War II. The ship was superior in firepower to all foreign counterparts, owing to new dual-purpose twin mounts with a very high rate of fire. Numerous automatic AA guns ensured a respective level of efficiency for her AA defenses.
Four of the class are preserved as military museum ships: USS Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. in Fall River, Massachusetts; ROKS Jeong Buk (ex-USS Everett F. Larson) in Gangneung, South Korea; ROKS Kang Won (ex-USS William R. Rush) in Jinhae, South Korea; and TCG Gayret (ex-USS Eversole) in Izmit, Turkey.
Compatible Upgrades
Slot 1 | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM030_MainWeapon_Mod_I_bb1e79efbcc73dfa03a6dd5ae173566ee691b77e3a6587389d6f7ea07eb03588.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 del armamento principal|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_del.C2.A0armamento_principal]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM031_SecondaryWeapon_Mod_I_5369d8b071df59a515906433ea1fff10a55841495258bcd04d3365467e61e4af.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 del armamento auxiliar|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_del.C2.A0armamento_auxiliar]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM032_PowderMagazine_Mod_I_9607d8ec91ddcca4a95443845b888fbd9de4cd81df5a30a199d400657a552017.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de la santabárbara|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_la.C2.A0santab.C3.A1rbara]] | |
Slot 2 | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM006_MainGun_Mod_II_bffc35efc4e090487fd6110a10a2be1f5d51b7918303f724194817e698055412.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 2 de la batería principal|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A02_de_la.C2.A0bater.C3.ADa_principal]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM018_AirDefense_Mod_III_d3f357c6dc4e5e627a86e17a16432cb38da32bb1b7999b4a7852371491511770.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de los cañones AA|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_los.C2.A0ca.C3.B1ones_AA]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM033_Guidance_Mod_I_10c7521afe2d577c42618dd04cf6834f2be78cf6b64503844cf87793a5816484.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de los sistemas de tiro|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_los.C2.A0sistemas_de_tiro]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM070_Torpedo_Mod_IV_9e34ebc4f1a15656201b4148e32870eb1c67ddb2fb1a0bc410406236b472d1dd.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de los tubos de torpedo|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_los.C2.A0tubos_de_torpedo]] |
Slot 3 | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM013_MainGun_Mod_III_c6e20a5a027888820aca2cd031ba5959d38bc828202d8066ece4030712df8bd8.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 3 de la batería principal|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A03_de_la.C2.A0bater.C3.ADa_principal]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM014_Torpedo_Mod_III_460876b51f5b3133f939c6ca7b0ec3be146a5ea6776695388f5cc3365de8a56f.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 2 de los tubos de torpedo|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A02_de_los.C2.A0tubos_de_torpedo]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM015_FireControl_Mod_II_5ca921f0d2091adf28b41b6ba5c580a6f18367edbeabab0d0e7c8ad486971ab9.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 2 del sistema de control de tiro|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A02_del_sistema_de_control_de_tiro]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM074_AuxiliaryArmament_Mod_I_6c88e35c308f597529e7bd744826e39242fdb3a3f0429b0a3b2fb7a219480498.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 2 del armamento auxiliar|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A02_del_armamento_auxiliar]] |
Slot 4 | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM020_DamageControl_Mod_I_bbc708467bc8f1e6264ac88fb8999ea40660e4b0b94b59ab7b3f1a8b60539ed8.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 del sistema de control de daños|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_del.C2.A0sistema_de_control_de_da.C3.B1os]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM069_Movement_Mod_I_ca8429dcc45fdad36cdd474a13e5a289d6f7cf27ae32c9f30d42b72b9db493af.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Protección de la sala de máquinas|link=Ship:Upgrades#Protecci.C3.B3n_de_la_sala_de_m.C3.A1quinas]] | ||
Slot 5 | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM023_DamageControl_Mod_II_3c6aea0c5bccc94f1d8f1fa52662232afa007d784638ce6e981c8ad3457c63fa.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 2 del sistema de control de daños|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A02_del.C2.A0sistema_de_control_de_da.C3.B1os]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM024_Engine_Mod_II_4b4f4c217cf5cf580f47ccbbf76ecede110c5143055c55ab45a82d19e87423fb.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de la propulsión|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_la.C2.A0propulsi.C3.B3n]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM025_SteeringGear_Mod_II_523c86ce4c7d228e73ee3d2cb406f4d78a205aa2453fec45b0925dec519bf7c5.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 del aparato de gobierno|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_del.C2.A0aparato_de_gobierno]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM089_DepthCharges_Mod_I_734ed2711a1c6aa8227fa258f81054dcc2db8aecf66e4baaf0006589181ceb33.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de las cargas de profundidad|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_las_cargas_de_profundidad]] |
Slot 6 | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM026_LookoutStation_Mod_I_9bdab08af77f5c612cec2a357353f7b60d37118aaab4763721dd53230f68943b.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Sistema de vigilancia de torpedos|link=Ship:Upgrades#Sistema_de_vigilancia_de_torpedos]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM027_ConcealmentMeasures_Mod_I_bda1386ab237032301b6273e655a1998de5bfb50e2c8e59124c8a93d73093f0a.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 del sistema de ocultación|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_del.C2.A0sistema_de_ocultaci.C3.B3n]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM035_SteeringGear_Mod_III_9bbaf379d4027413eb48f3407a4374e40151f55611d71fac0a66d12a5d4e4434.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 2 del aparato de gobierno|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A02_del.C2.A0aparato_de_gobierno]] | [[File:wows icon_modernization_PCM072_AbilityWorktimeBoost_Mod_I_e6323cc6cf2a0c16e8a3a3ca4db0ceaebbdb868447435dbafea6f580b66ff101.png", "local": "{\"default\": \"gui|44px|Modificación 1 de los consumibles del barco|link=Ship:Upgrades#Modificaci.C3.B3n.C2.A01_de_los_consumibles_del_barco]] |
Player Opinion
As the Tier X American destroyer, Gearing represents the ultimate embodiment of the jack-of-all-trades destroyer in World of Warships.
Like all American destroyers, the primary focus is her main battery guns. Gearing is built around the same style of dual barrel 127mm turrets that form the main battery of Atlanta and Flint, as well as the secondary batteries of North Carolina, Iowa, and Montana. Gearing packs three such turrets, with a stock reload speed of 3.0 seconds. This makes her utterly devastating to enemy destroyers at close range, as no other destroyer in the game can possibly match her raw rate of fire. Her main battery is also more than capable of threatening and harassing cruisers and battleships from behind cover or within smoke.
Her torpedoes are the 2nd longest-legged fish in the game, clocking in at a 16.5 km range. While she won't land many hits at that kind of range, it at least gives her the ability to threaten enemy ships from well beyond the range of her main battery. Her torpedoes are also as difficult to detect as Fletcher’s, despite doing slightly less damage. Gearing’s access to Upgrade Slot 3 gives her the same choice Fletcher has between a couple of Main Battery Builds or a Torpedo Build when customizing her upgrades and commander skills.
Like Fletcher, Gearing can equip the Defensive AA Fire consumable without giving up anything to do so, which helps shore up the traditional destroyer weakness to enemy airstrikes. Her anti-aircraft suite is otherwise unremarkable. Veteran American destroyer captains will also notice that Gearing handles differently than Benson and Fletcher; she's slightly slower to respond to rudder commands and has a noticeably larger turning radius. This makes her more challenging to handle in tight quarters or when dodging torpedoes. Captains should allow for some adjustment time in learning how Gearing handles differently before intentionally putting her into situations where precision handling is expected.
Gearing bridges the gap between the other Tier X destroyers currently in the game. She has better guns than Shimakaze, and better concealment and torpedoes than Khabarovsk and Z-52. Despite having the slowest top speed out of the quartet, Gearing can adapt to changing battlefield situations in ways sure to make captains of the other ships jealous.Pros:
- Fantastically fast-turning turrets and fast-firing main battery guns.
- Has access to the Defensive AA Fire consumable.
- Excellent concealment (identical to that of Shimakaze).
- 2nd longest-ranged torpedoes in the game.
- Best Tier X destroyer for taking (and defending) capture points in Domination games.
- Very long torpedo reload time. Gearing can install Torpedo Tubes Modification 3 to reduce the reload time but the tubes will have an additional risk of becoming incapacitated.
- Top speed is pretty average.
- Slower velocity of main battery means shell arcs are rather high; shells take long time to reach the target point (but can reach over islands).
- Very short range for her main battery guns — only 11.1 km by default — second only to Grozovoi (11.0 km).
- Lowest chance of fire caused from HE shells among Tier X destroyers.
- Handles more sluggishly than her predecessors (larger turning circle and longer rudder shift time).
- Anti-aircraft suite will struggle against high-tier aircraft (equipping Defensive AA Fire is recommended).
- Torpedoes do less damage than those of Fletcher.
Optimal Configuration
Similar to Benson and Fletcher, Gearing can be tailored to maximize either her torpedo armament or main battery guns. Most players will opt to maximize the damage output of her main battery given that this is already her strongest armament.
The recommended upgrades for Gearing are fairly obvious choices, and largely self-explanatory: Main Armament Modification 1 in Upgrade Slot 1, Propulsion Modification 1 in Upgrade Slot 4, Propulsion Modification 2 in Upgrade Slot 5, and Concealment System Modification 1 in Upgrade Slot 6. Upgrade Slot 2 offers either Aiming Systems Modification 1 or AA Guns Modification 2; neither is a bad choice. AA Guns Modification 2 is recommended for captains who wish to equip Defensive AA Fire and play a larger role in assisting friendly capital ships from fending off enemy aircraft. Most captains will opt to leave their AA guns disabled most of the time and plug Aiming Systems Modification 1 into this slot.
The upgrade chosen for Upgrade Slot 3 will largely determine how Gearing plays.
Main Battery (Maximum Rate of Fire) Build: The most popular build for Gearing captains is to stack buffs to her main battery rate of fire. From an upgrade perspective, this means plugging Main Battery Modification 3 into the third upgrade slot; when paired with Level 3 commander skill Basic Firing Training, it drops her reload speed to a mind-numbing 2.4 seconds.
Main Battery (Maximum Range) Build: Also worth considering is the ability to stack Gun Fire Control System Modification 2 with the Level 4 commander skill Advanced Firing Training and push Gearing’s main battery range well past 15 km. It is worth noting that shell flight times at such ranges are extreme and landing hits against anything but slow-moving battleships will be incredibly challenging.
Torpedo Build: A less popular — but no less potent — Gearing build is to buff her torpedo reload time by stacking Torpedo Tubes Modification 3 in Upgrade Slot 3 with the Level 3 commander skill Torpedo Armament Expertise. Combined, these upgrades drop Gearing’s torpedo reload to 104 seconds, a significant improvement over her stock reload of 136 seconds.
Commander Skills
As with Benson and Fletcher, Gearing commanders should start with a base build of: Preventative Maintenance at Level 1, Last Stand at Level 2, Survivability Expert at Level 3, and Concealment Expert at Level 4. The remaining 9 available skill points can be used to tailor Gearing to taste.
Torpedo Build Gearings will want to pick up Torpedo Armament Expertise at Level 3, potentially pairing it with Level 2's Torpedo Acceleration in order to give enemies even less reaction time to incoming torpedoes; Gearing’s torpedoes can afford to sacrifice some range. Captains pursuing either of the Main Battery Build Gearing options will want to focus on Basic Firing Training and Demolition Expert instead. Players concerned about enemy aircraft could opt for Advanced Firing Training or Manual Fire Control for AA Armament. The latter is the better option — as Gearing will run most of the time with her anti-aircraft guns disabled in order to avoid detection — though Gearing captains that spend time buffing their anti-aircraft suite are uncommon as they generally do not get much return out of the points invested.
Recommended Commander Skills | ||||||||
Cost (points) |
Endurance | Attack | Support | Versatility | ||||
1 |
★ |
★★★ |
2 |
★★ |
★ |
★★ |
★ |
★★ |
★★★ |
3 |
★★★ |
★★ |
★★ |
★★ |
★★ |
★★ |
4 |
★ |
★ |
★★ |
★★★ |
Key: ★★★ - Extremely Useful ★★ - Frequently Useful ★ - Occasionally Useful No stars - Not Useful |
Just like her predecessor, Defensive AA Fire is recommended over Engine Boost due to the extreme threat that enemy aircraft create for a Gearing. Simply having it equipped and demonstrating to an enemy carrier that it is available is frequently a deterrent to them swarming Gearing with bombers or assigning a squadron to keep her spotted.
Beyond that, Damage Control Party II is worth the credits (or doubloons) for the shortened cooldown on repairing broken modules.
Type 1, 2, or 5 camouflage can be equipped for credits; Types 1 or 5 are recommended at a minimum to reduce detectibility range.
Players who wish to spend doubloons can equip Gearing with Type 20 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, reduces her repair costs, increases her credit earnings, and increases the amount of experience she earns.
Captains who have opted for a Torpedo Build Gearing will want to equip a Juliet Whiskey Unaone signal in order to maximize potential damage from torpedo hits. Throwing on a Sierra Mike is an excellent way to help make up for her slow top speed. November Foxtrot and Juliet Charlie are also highly recommended, if available. Main Battery Build Gearing captains should also consider Victor Lima and India X-Ray signals to increase the fire chance of her main battery shells.
Recommended Signal Flags | |||||
Combat | |||||
★ |
★★ |
★★ |
★★ |
★ |
★★★ |
★★★ |
★★★ |
Economic | |||||
★ |
★ |
★ | |
Special | |||||
★ |
| |
Key: ★★★ - Extremely Useful ★★ - Frequently Useful ★ - Occasionally Useful No stars - Not Useful |
Historical Info
Historical Gallery