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New York

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New York
Battleship | U.S.A. | Tier V
Tech Tree Position
New Mexico
Research price13000 exp
Purchase price1 880 000 Creditos
Hit Points42 600 
Main Battery
356 mm/45 Mk25 х 2 pcs.
Rate of Fire1.75 shots/min.
Reload Time34.28 sec.
Rotation Speeddeg./sec.
180 Degree Turn Time60 sec.
Firing Range16.4 km.
Maximum Dispersion240 m.
HE Shell356 mm HE 1400 lb 
Maximum HE Shell Damage4900 
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell27 %
Initial HE Shell Velocity792 m./s.
HE Shell Weight635 kg.
AP Shell356 mm AP Early 1400 lb 
Maximum AP Shell Damage10 000 
Initial AP Shell Velocity792 m./s.
AP Shell Weight635 kg.
Secondary Armament #1
127 mm/51 Mk716 х 1 pcs.
Firing Rangekm.
Rate of Fire8.57 shots/min.
Reload Timesec.
HE Shell127 mm HE/HC Mk39 
Maximum HE Shell Damage1800 
Initial HE Shell Velocity960 m./s.
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shel%
AA Defense
76.2 mm/50 Mk22 mod. 28 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second22.4 
. . . Firing Range3.51 km.
12.7 mm Browning M2 mod. 28 х 1 pcs.
. . . Average Damage per Second30.4 
. . . Firing Range1.2 km.
Maximum Speed18.35 knot
Turning Circle Radius600 m.
Rudder Shift Time19.4 sec.
Surface Detectability Range16.02 km.
Air Detectability Range10.44 km.
Battle Levels
1 880 000

New York — American Tier V battleship.

Developed from the Wyoming class. In contrast to her predecessor, she featured reinforced armor and main battery guns of a larger caliber. When upgraded, she received reasonably good AA defense and improved torpedo protection.


link=Ship: Rate of Fire
180 Degree Turn Time
Maximum Dispersion
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Research price
Purchase price
356 mm/45 Mk.8 en una torreta26024050003010 300 0190 000
link=Ship: Hit Points
Main Turrets
Secondary Gun Turrets
AA Mounts
Torpedo Tubes
Hangar Capacity
Research price
Purchase price
New York (A)42 600133565128/8 0240 000
New York (B)49 10013356564/10 7600820 000
link=Ship: Firing Range Increase
Maximum Firing Range
Research price
Purchase price
Mk5 mod. 10 084 000
Mk5 mod. 20 4100380 000
link=Ship: Maximum Speed
Research price
Purchase price
Propulsión: 27 000 CV18,4 080 000
Propulsión: 28 100 CV21 2700220 000

Compatible Upgrades

 Slot 1 
Modificación 1 del armamento principal
Modificación 1 del armamento auxiliar
Modificación 1 de la santabárbara
Modificación 1 de la aviación de detección
Modificación 1 del equipo de control de daños
 Slot 2 
Modificación 1 del sistema de control de daños
Protección de la sala de máquinas
 Slot 3 
Modificación 2 de la batería principal
Modificación 1 de la batería secundaria
Modificación 1 de los cañones AA
Modificación 1 de la sala de control de la artillería

Player Opinion


The first American superdreadnought, New York is a substantial firepower upgrade from Wyoming with ten (10) 14-inch main guns. These guns can penetrate most targets within two tiers of her. New York is a very short battleship at 573 feet long and, combined with better accuracy than its predecessor, this concentration of firepower means she is a very dangerous target to broadside at short-to-medium range. The midships turret has a very limited engagement arc to either side and usually has to be brought to bear by turning the hull. In terms of protection she is heavily and reliably armored against lateral fire but her deck armor is ineffective against most battleship rounds she will meet, so long-range duels and exposure are best avoided.


  • Heavily armed with a strong broadside with ten 14-inch guns in five twin turrets.
  • Compact and well armored.
  • Upgraded AA is significant for tier and a major hazard to Tier IV carriers.
  • Decent dispersion at mid-range which makes New York a deadly foe enemy cruisers.
  • Much more heavily armored and armed than her Japanese counterpart, Kongo.


  • Stock hull is a downgrade from elite World War II Wyoming including ineffective AA and secondaries (even when upgraded), poor penetration, and extreme sluggishness.
  • Worse speed and range compared to Kongo and Kaiser, even when upgraded.
  • Torpedoes have a higher chance of causing detonations due to the magazines all along the hull.
  • Very narrow full salvo firing arc, which means captains must show her broadside or forget about using her third turret.
  • Armor scheme is tough but can be tricky to use.


While it may be tempting to invest in Hull (B) first, New York’s stock speed is pathetically slow and liable to keep her out of the battle for significant lengths of time. It's best to buy the upgraded Propulsion module first, then pick up Hull (B). The range boost from the improved Fire Control System module can be left for last.

Optimal Configuration


New York only has a handful of upgrade slots to fill. There's not really a bad option for Upgrade Slot 1; a case can be made for any of the three choices. Upgrade Slot 2 is best filled with AA Guns Modification 2 to improve New York’s air defenses. Damage Control System Modification 1 is the obvious choice in Upgrade Slot 4.

Commander Skills


As a Tier V USN battleship, New York has access to the following consumables:

Players finding themselves quickly and easily set on fire may want to mount premium Damage Control Party for a decreased cooldown on the consumable. Said players may also want to mount premium Repair Party to lower the cooldown for said consumable as well, as fires are 100% repairable, but can easily and quickly eat away a lot of health.


Type 1, 2, or 5 camouflage can be equipped for credits; Types 2 or 5 are recommended at a minimum to reduce the accuracy of incoming shells.

Players who wish to spend doubloons can equip New York with Type 15 camouflage that lowers her detection radius, reduces the accuracy of incoming shells, and increases the amount of experience she earns. An alternate permanent camouflage ("Skull") is occasionally available that paints her hull entirely black with a white skull on either side of her bow.



Historical Info

Historical Gallery

Ships of U.S.A.
Destroyers  II Sampson • II SmithDoblones • III Wickes • IV Clemson • V Nicholas • V HillDoblones • VI Farragut • VI MonaghanDoblones • VII Mahan • VII SimsDoblones • VII Sims BDoblones • VIII Benson • VIII KiddDoblones • IX Fletcher • IX BenhamDoblones • IX HalfordDoblones • IX Black BDoblones • IX BlackDoblones • IX JohnstonDoblones • IX Frank Friday • X Gearing • X Somers • X Forrest Sherman • X [[Ship:[Gearing]|[Gearing]]] •  Joshua Humphreys 
Cruisers  I Erie • II Chester • II AlbanyDoblones • III St. Louis • III CharlestonDoblones • IV Phoenix • V Omaha • V MarbleheadDoblones • V Marblehead LimaDoblones • V RattleheadDoblones • VI [[Ship:Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)|Cleveland (< 31.05.2018)]] • VI Pensacola • VI Dallas • VII AtlantaDoblones • VII [[Ship:Pensacola (< 31.05.2018)|Pensacola (< 31.05.2018)]] • VII New Orleans • VII Helena • VII IndianapolisDoblones • VII Atlanta BDoblones • VII BoiseDoblones • VII FlintDoblones • VIII [[Ship:New Orleans (< 31.05.2018)|New Orleans (< 31.05.2018)]] • VIII Baltimore • VIII Cleveland • VIII WichitaDoblones • VIII AnchorageDoblones • VIII CongressDoblones • VIII RochesterDoblones • VIII San DiegoDoblones • VIII AL MontpelierDoblones • IX [[Ship:Baltimore (< 31.05.2018)|Baltimore (< 31.05.2018)]] • IX Buffalo • IX Seattle • IX Vallejo • IX Alaska • IX TulsaDoblones • IX Alaska BDoblones • X Des Moines • X Worcester • X Puerto Rico • X Salem • X Austin •  Jacksonville •  Annapolis 
Battleships  III South Carolina • IV Wyoming • IV Arkansas BetaDoblones • V New York • V OklahomaDoblones • V TexasDoblones • VI New Mexico • VI ArizonaDoblones • VI W. Virginia '41Doblones • VII Colorado • VII FloridaDoblones • VII West Virginia '44Doblones • VII CaliforniaDoblones • VII Colorado 2 • VIII North Carolina • VIII Kansas • VIII Nebraska • VIII AlabamaDoblones • VIII MassachusettsDoblones • VIII Alabama VL • VIII ConstellationDoblones • VIII Massachusetts BDoblones • VIII Alabama ST • VIII TennesseeDoblones • VIII North Carolina CLRDoblones • VIII Volunteer State • VIII North Carolina 2 • IX Iowa • IX Minnesota • IX Delaware • IX Missouri • IX KearsargeDoblones • IX IllinoisDoblones • IX Kearsarge BDoblones • IX GeorgiaDoblones • IX Iowa 2 • X Montana • X Vermont • X Louisiana • X Ohio • X Rhode Island • X Wisconsin • X BA Montana • X [[Ship:[Montana]|[Montana]]] • X Montana 2 • X Utah •  Maine 
Aircraft Carriers  IV [[Ship:Langley (< 23.01.2019)|Langley (< 23.01.2019)]] • IV Langley • V [[Ship:Bogue (< 23.01.2019)|Bogue (< 23.01.2019)]] • VI [[Ship:Independence (< 23.01.2019)|Independence (< 23.01.2019)]] • VI Independence • VI Ranger • VII [[Ship:Ranger (< 23.01.2019)|Ranger (< 23.01.2019)]] • VII [[Ship:Saipan (< 23.01.2019)|Saipan (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII [[Ship:Lexington (< 23.01.2019)|Lexington (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII Yorktown • VIII Lexington • VIII [[Ship:Enterprise (< 23.01.2019)|Enterprise (< 23.01.2019)]] • VIII EnterpriseDoblones • VIII SaipanDoblones • VIII HornetDoblones • VIII Saipan BDoblones • VIII AL HornetDoblones • IX [[Ship:Essex (< 23.01.2019)|Essex (< 23.01.2019)]] • X [[Ship:Midway (< 23.01.2019)|Midway (< 23.01.2019)]] • X Essex • X Midway • X Franklin D. Roosevelt • X [[Ship:[Midway]|[Midway]]] •  United States
U.S.A.  III South Carolina • IV Wyoming • IV Arkansas BetaDoblones • V New York • V OklahomaDoblones • V TexasDoblones • VI New Mexico • VI ArizonaDoblones • VI W. Virginia '41Doblones • VII Colorado • VII FloridaDoblones • VII West Virginia '44Doblones • VII CaliforniaDoblones • VII Colorado 2 • VIII North Carolina • VIII Kansas • VIII Nebraska • VIII AlabamaDoblones • VIII MassachusettsDoblones • VIII Alabama VL • VIII ConstellationDoblones • VIII Massachusetts BDoblones • VIII Alabama ST • VIII TennesseeDoblones • VIII North Carolina CLRDoblones • VIII Volunteer State • VIII North Carolina 2 • IX Iowa • IX Minnesota • IX Delaware • IX Missouri • IX KearsargeDoblones • IX IllinoisDoblones • IX Kearsarge BDoblones • IX GeorgiaDoblones • IX Iowa 2 • X Montana • X Vermont • X Louisiana • X Ohio • X Rhode Island • X Wisconsin • X BA Montana • X [[Ship:[Montana]|[Montana]]] • X Montana 2 • X Utah •  Maine 
N/A  V Viribus UnitisDoblones • VII Lugdunum • IX Karl XIV JohanDoblones • IX Niord 
Germany  III Nassau • III Von der Tann • III König AlbertDoblones • IV Kaiser • IV Moltke • V König • V Derfflinger • VI Bayern • VI Mackensen • VI Prinz Eitel FriedrichDoblones • VII Gneisenau • VII Prinz Heinrich • VII ScharnhorstDoblones • VII AL Prinz HeinrichDoblones • VII Scharnhorst BDoblones • VII Scharnhorst '43Doblones • VIII TirpitzDoblones • VIII Bismarck • VIII Zieten • VIII OdinDoblones • VIII BrandenburgDoblones • VIII AnhaltDoblones • VIII Brandenburg BDoblones • VIII Tirpitz BDoblones • VIII BA TirpitzDoblones • IX Friedrich der Grosse • IX Prinz Rupprecht • IX PommernDoblones • IX Pommern BDoblones • IX Prinz Sigismund • X Grosser Kurfürst • X Schlieffen • X Preussen • X Mecklenburg • X [[Ship:[Grosser Kurfürst]|[Grosser Kurfürst]]] •  Hannover 
U.S.S.R.  III Knyaz Suvorov • IV Imperator Nikolai IDoblones • IV Gangut • V Pyotr Velikiy • V Oktyabrskaya RevolutsiyaDoblones • VI Izmail • VI NovorossiyskDoblones • VII Sinop • VII PoltavaDoblones • VIII Vladivostok • VIII LeninDoblones • VIII BorodinoDoblones • VIII V. I. Lenin • IX Sovetsky Soyuz • IX NavarinDoblones • IX AL Sov. RossiyaDoblones • X Kremlin • X Slava •  Admiral Ushakov 
Italy  IV Dante Alighieri • V Conte di Cavour • V Giulio CesareDoblones • VI Andrea Doria • VII Francesco Caracciolo • VIII Vittorio Veneto • VIII RomaDoblones • VIII AL LittorioDoblones • IX Lepanto • IX Marco PoloDoblones • IX Giuseppe VerdiDoblones • X Cristoforo Colombo • X Ruggiero di Lauria • X Sicilia • X Amerigo Vespucci 
N/A  V Rio de JaneiroDoblones • VIII Ipiranga • VIII AtlânticoDoblones • IX Los Andes • X Libertad • X Comodoro 
Japan  II MikasaDoblones • III Kawachi • IV Myōgi • IV IshizuchiDoblones • V Kongō • V ARP Kongō • V ARP Kirishima • V ARP Haruna • V ARP Hiei • V HSF HieiDoblones • VI Fusō • VI MutsuDoblones • VI IseDoblones • VI Ise 2 • VI Ise 3 • VII Nagato • VII AshitakaDoblones • VII HyūgaDoblones • VIII Amagi • VIII Yumihari • VIII KiiDoblones • VIII Ignis PurgatioDoblones • VIII RagnarokDoblones • IX Izumo • IX Adatara • IX Musashi • IX HizenDoblones • IX IwamiDoblones • IX DaisenDoblones • IX TsurugiDoblones • IX Iwami BDoblones • X Yamato • X Bungo • X Shikishima • X ARP Yamato • X [[Ship:[Yamato]|[Yamato]]] •  Satsuma 
U.K.  III Bellerophon • III Indefatigable • III DreadnoughtDoblones • IV Orion • IV Queen Mary • V Iron Duke • V Tiger • V AgincourtDoblones • VI WarspiteDoblones • VI Queen Elizabeth • VI Renown • VI RepulseDoblones • VI Repulse BDoblones • VII King George V • VII Rooke • VII HoodDoblones • VII NelsonDoblones • VII Duke of YorkDoblones • VII CollingwoodDoblones • VII Renown '44Doblones • VII RodneyDoblones • VIII Monarch • VIII Hawke • VIII VanguardDoblones • IX Lion • IX Duncan • IX MarlboroughDoblones • IX Scarlet ThunderDoblones • X Conqueror • X St. Vincent • X Thunderer • X Incomparable • X Cumberland • X [[Ship:[Conqueror]|[Conqueror]]] •  Devastation 
France  III Turenne • IV Courbet • V Bretagne • VI Normandie • VI DunkerqueDoblones • VI Dunkerque BDoblones • VII Lyon • VII StrasbourgDoblones • VIII Richelieu • VIII GascogneDoblones • VIII ChampagneDoblones • VIII FlandreDoblones • VIII PicardieDoblones • VIII [[Ship:[Richelieu]|[Richelieu]]]Doblones • IX Alsace • IX Jean Bart • IX Jean Bart BDoblones • X République • X Bourgogne •  Patrie 
Pan-Asia  VII Teng She • IX BajieDoblones • IX WujingDoblones • IX Sun Yat-SenDoblones • IX LouchuanDoblones • IX Xuan WuDoblones 
N/A  IX VictoriaDoblones 
Commonwealth  VII YukonDoblones