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Revisión a fecha de 21:52 8 oct 2022;
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N/A | N/A | Tier
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Archivo:icon small.png
Research pricelevel;mark_id;mark;shortmark_id;shortMark;description_id;description;price_credit;price_gold;nation;icon;name;aa_caliber_0;aa_caliber_1;aa_caliber_2;aa_caliber_3;aa_damage;aa_defense;aa_maxDist;aaMaxdist;aa_maxDist_0;aaMaxdist0;aa_maxDist_1;aaMaxdist1;aa_maxDist_2;aaMaxdist2;aa_maxDist_3;aaMaxdist3;aa_name_0;aaName0;aa_name_1;aaName1;aa_name_2;aaName2;aa_name_3;aaName3;aa_numBarrels_0;aaNumbarrels0;aa_numBarrels_1;aaNumbarrels1;aa_numBarrels_2;aaNumbarrels2;aa_numBarrels_3;aaNumbarrels3;aa_numGuns_0;aaNumguns0;aa_numGuns_1;aaNumguns1;aa_numGuns_2;aaNumguns2;aa_numGuns_3;aaNumguns3;air_support;air_support_bombDamage_depthcharge;air_support_bombName_depthcharge;air_support_maxDist_depthcharge;air_support_numBombsOnPlane_depthcharge;air_support_numPlanesInCharge_depthcharge;air_support_numSquadrons_depthcharge;air_support_planeMaxHealth_depthcharge;air_support_planeName_depthcharge;air_support_reloadTime_depthcharge;armour_casMax;armourCasmax;armour_casMin;armourCasmin;armour_citMax;armourCitmax;armour_citMin;armourCitmin;armour_deckMax;armourDeckmax;armour_deckMin;armourDeckmin;armour_extremitiesMax;armourExtremitiesmax;armour_extremitiesMin;armourExtremitiesmin;armour_rangeMax;armourRangemax;armour_rangeMin;armourRangemin;artillery_weaponry;atba_bulletMassHE_0;atba_bulletMassHE_1;atba_bulletSpeedHE_0;atba_bulletSpeedHE_1;atba_burnProbHE_0;atba_burnProbHE_1;atba_caliber_0;atba_caliber_1;atba_damageHE_0;atba_damageHE_1;atba_maxDist;atbaMaxdist;atba_nameHE_0;atba_nameHE_1;atba_name_0;atbaName0;atba_name_1;atbaName1;atba_numBarrels_0;atba_numBarrels_1;atba_numGuns_0;atba_numGuns_1;atba_piercingHE_0;atba_piercingHE_1;atba_shotDelay_0;atba_shotDelay_1;atba_shotSpeed;atba_shotSpeed_0;atba_shotSpeed_1;battleLevelRangeMax;battleLevelRangeMin;durability;floodDamage;health;mobility;mobility_maxSpeed;mobilityMaxspeed;mobility_rudderTime;mobilityRuddertime;mobility_turningRadius;mobilityTurningradius;planes_aviation;planes_bomber_forsageRestore;planes_bomber_forsageTime;planes_bomber_hangarVolume;planes_bomber_level;planes_bomber_maxSpeed;planes_bomber_name;planes_bomber_numAttackers;planes_bomber_numInSquadron;planes_bomber_numSquadrons;planesBomberNumsquadrons;planes_bomber_planesRestoreTime;planes_bomber_speed;planes_bomber_torpedo_maxDamage;planes_bomber_torpedo_maxDist;planes_bomber_torpedo_name;planes_bomber_torpedo_speed;planes_bomber_visibility;planes_bomber_vitality;planes_dive_bomb_bulletMassHE_alt;planes_dive_bomb_bulletMass_alt;planes_dive_bomb_bulletSpeedHE_alt;planes_dive_bomb_bulletSpeed_alt;planes_dive_bomb_burnProbHE_alt;planes_dive_bomb_burnProb_alt;planes_dive_bomb_damageHE_alt;planes_dive_bomb_nameHE_alt;planes_dive_bomb_numBombsHE_alt;planes_dive_forsageRestore_alt;planes_dive_forsageTime_alt;planes_dive_hangarVolume_alt;planes_dive_level_alt;planes_dive_maxSpeed_alt;planes_dive_name_alt;planes_dive_numAttackers_alt;planes_dive_numInSquadron_alt;planes_dive_numSquadrons_alt;planes_dive_planesRestoreTime_alt;planes_dive_speed_alt;planes_dive_visibility_alt;planes_dive_vitality_alt;planes_fighter_forsageRestore_alt;planes_fighter_forsageTime_alt;planes_fighter_hangarVolume_alt;planes_fighter_level_alt;planes_fighter_maxSpeed_alt;planes_fighter_name_alt;planes_fighter_numAttackers_alt;planes_fighter_numInSquadron_alt;planes_fighter_numSquadrons_alt;planes_fighter_planesRestoreTime_alt;planes_fighter_rocket_bulletMassHE_alt;planes_fighter_rocket_bulletSpeedHE_alt;planes_fighter_rocket_burnProbHE_alt;planes_fighter_rocket_damageHE_alt;planes_fighter_rocket_nameHE_alt;planes_fighter_rocket_numBombsHE_alt;planes_fighter_speed_alt;planes_fighter_visibility_alt;planes_fighter_vitality_alt;slotsNum;visibility_detection;visibility_distByPlane;visibilityDistbyplane;visibility_distByPlane_fire;visibility_distByPlane_mg;visibility_distByShip;visibilityDistbyship;visibility_distByShip_fire;visibility_distByShip_mg;visibility_distByShip_smoke;visibility_distBySubmarine exp
Purchase pricepromo Doblones
Maximum SpeedError con la expresión: Operador * no esperado knot
Battle Levels
<span class="b-description-img_type b-description-img_type__<mark_unset_error>-premium"></span>

[[Ship:|]] — N/A promo premium Tier  N/A.

' was first available during the Gibraltar Pillars event during Update 0.11.1. on 16th Feb 2022.


Compatible Upgrades

 Slot 1 
Modificación 1 de los grupos aéreos
Modificación 1 del armamento principal
Modificación 1 del armamento auxiliar
Modificación 1 de la santabárbara
Modificación 0 de los sistemas de tiro
Modificación 1 de la aviación de detección
Modificación 1 del equipo de control de daños
Modificación 1 del sonar
 Slot 2 
Modificación 1 del sistema de control de daños
Modificación 1 del empuje del motor
Modificación 1 de fuego AA defensivo
Modificación 1 de búsqueda hidroacústica
Modificación 1 del radar de vigilancia
Modificación 1 de los motores de los aviones
Protección de la sala de máquinas
Modificación 2 del sonar
Modificación 3 del sistema de control de daños
 Slot 3 
Modificación 2 de la batería principal
Modificación 1 de la batería secundaria
Modificación 1 de los cañones AA
Modificación 1 de la sala de control de la artillería
Modificación 1 de los sistemas de tiro
Modificación 1 del generador de humo
Modificación 1 de los bombarderos torpederos
Modificación 1 de los aviones de ataque
Modificación 1 de los tubos lanzatorpedos
Modificación 1 de los torpedos aéreos
Modificación 1 de la capacidad de inmersión
Modificación 1 de los bombarderos de salto
 Slot 4 
Modificación 2 del sistema de control de daños
Modificación 1 de la propulsión
Modificación 1 del aparato de gobierno
Modificación 2 de los aviones de ataque
Modificación 2 de los bombarderos torpederos
Modificación 1 de los bombarderos
Modificación 2 de los bombarderos de salto
Modificación 1 del ataque aéreo
Modificación 1 de las cargas de profundidad
Aparato de gobierno del submarino
Modificación 3 de los grupos aéreos
 Slot 5 
Modificación 1 del control de vuelo
Sistema de vigilancia de torpedos
Modificación 1 del sistema de ocultación
Modificación 2 del aparato de gobierno
Sistemas de ingeniería mejorados
Respuesta de emergencia reforzada
Equipamiento de control de daños mejorado
Mecanismos de carga de la batería principal mejorados
Sistema de cortina de humo de aerosol
Director de control de fuego maestro
Sistema de control de fuego de torpedos
Ocultación del casco mejorada
Artillería principal mejorada
Modificación 1 de los consumibles del barco
Modificación 1 de los consumibles del escuadrón
Cabezas explosivas de torpedo más pesadas
Generadores de humo adicionales
Modificación 3 de los tubos lanzatorpedos
Mamparos reforzados
 Slot 6 
Modificación 3 de la batería principal
Modificación 2 de los tubos lanzatorpedos
Modificación 2 del sistema de control de tiro
Modificación 2 del control de vuelo
Modificación 2 de los grupos aéreos
Modificación 2 de la sala de control de la artillería
Estación de control de fuego de la batería principal
Elevadores de munición mejorados
Sistema director de la batería principal
Puente mejorado
Planta de propulsión mejorada
Medidas de respuesta mejoradas
Alcance eficaz de la batería principal extendido
Sistema de recarga rápida de torpedos
Cargador automático de cañón principal
Puntos de anclaje externos modificados
Sistema de inyección de combustible
Modificación 2 del armamento auxiliar
Diseños de camuflaje mejorados
Mecanismo de carga de la batería principal automatizado
Equipamiento de despegue y aterrizaje forzoso
Sistema director de la batería principal ARP
Modificación 2 de la capacidad de inmersión

Player Opinion


Warning. The data presented in the AA Defense sidebar section may be incorrect.
For a graphic summary of ships Tiers VIII thru XI see LittleWhiteMouse's "Actual AA DPS".

With the large, iconic, and frankly tacky Spanish flags along her hull, Canarias is the first Spanish ship to enter the game and is perhaps one of the most unique Heavy Cruisers at her tier. To begin, compared to her older counterparts Canarias only has access to Armor Piercing ammunition on her eight 203mm guns, unlike other cruisers which have access to both High Explosive and Armor Piercing ammunition, or in the case of the Italian Trento, Semi-Armor Piercing shells. She compensates for this by having improved characteristics on these shells, with an improved fuse timer and auto bounce angles reminiscent of Royal Navy Light Cruisers, which allows her to deal consistent damage against thinly armored targets such as Destroyers and score consistent citadel hits on cruisers with exposed citadel plating, though her guns are easily defeated by ships with spaced armor belts.

The uniqueness doesn't stop there. Canarias is also equipped with a French Engine Boost Consumable, which grants a 15 percent speed increase for a duration of 180 seconds, or up to 234 seconds with the appropriate module slotted. This, along with the Sierra Mike Signal Flag, gives Canarias the ability to push her top speed from 33 knots to 39.4 knots, which is the highest top speed of any of the Tier VI Cruisers and also grants her a unique level of flexibility in being able to reposition quickly to deal with threats.

Speaking of threats, however, this is where the shortcomings begin. Canarias, unfortunately, doesn't get any improved armor plating similar to Pensacola, or even a heal similar to Devonshire, who she more or less shares an armor scheme with, which renders her somewhat fragile against Battleship-caliber weaponry, though she does have a nice big slug of health at 35,100 hitpoints. In addition, while she does come armed with 8-inch ( 203mm ) guns, her AP alpha is actually very low, at just 3800 versus 4400-4600 for most cruisers at this tier, and while the improved fuse and angles mean that you will land consistent damaging salvoes, they won't really hurt that much against anything larger than a Cruiser, even with her fairly quick 12 seconds reload time and fairly good 16.15km maximum range.

From an overall perspective, while Canarias does bring something fresh and unique to the table as far as Tier VI Cruiser gameplay goes, as well as being another unique historical premium ship, as far as her capacity goes her game impact and damage dealing ability is largely limited to dealing with Destroyers and Light Cruisers. She lacks High Explosive Shells to set consistent fires and her chip damage versus battleships stacks up slowly against the more armored targets you will see at Tier VI or even higher tiers. So while a good ship, she's not exactly spectacular, but definitely makes up for it by being quite fresh and unique.


  • Good HP pool of 35,100 Hitpoints.
  • Royal-Navy Style Armor Piercing Shells.
  • Quick-ish Reload for a Tier VI Heavy Cruiser.
  • Decent to good range.
  • High speed with Engine Boost
  • Good concealment of 10km with Concealment Expert


  • No HE Shells
  • AP, while improved, does lower damage compared to 8-inch armed counterparts
  • Fairly mediocre armor scheme and plating
  • Poor AA Defenses


As a premium ship, ' has no module upgrades to research.

Optimal Configuration


The recommended upgrades are:

Commander Skills


' equips the following consumables:


As a premium ship, this ship comes with Default permanent camouflage and a set of permanent combat bonuses.



Historical Info

Historical Gallery



Ship Change Log

See here for links to Update notes.

  • Available for testing by supertesters in the game starting from Update 0.10.11.

Testing Changes

  • DevBlog 243:
    • Preliminary characteristics.
  • DevBlog 257:
    • The ship will lose approximately 15% less speed while turning.
    • Interval between salvos in the alternate firing mode increased from 1 to 1.2 s.
    • Main battery reload time in the alternate firing mode increased from 40 to 45 s.
  • DevBlog 264:
    • Alternate Burst Fire mode removed.
    • Main battery firing range increased from 14.5 to 16.5 km.
    • Added Engine Boost consumable that increases maximum speed by 15%.
    • Main battery reload time decreased from 15 to 10 s.
    • Changed AP shell parameters:
      • Maximum damage increased from 3,800 to 4,500.
      • Armor penetration doubled.
  • DevBlog 269:
    • Main battery reload time increased from 10 to 10.5 s.
    • Main battery firing range decreased from 16.5 to 16.1 km.
    • AP shell maximum damage decreased from 4,500 to 4,250.
  • DevBlog 275:
    • Main battery reload time increased from 10.5 to 12 s.
    • AP shell maximum damage decreased from 4,250 to 3,800.
    • Base detectability range by sea increased from 10.8 to 11.5 km. Other detectability ranges increased accordingly.
  • Update 0.11.1:
    • First available for 70 Mediterranean Tokens during the Gibraltar Pillars event.
  • Update 0.11.5:
    • The name of the main battery caliber shell was changed from 203 mm AP 256 lb to 203 mm AP 256 lb Mk I

<span class="b-tech-nav_icon b-tech-nav_icon__<mark_unset_error>"></span>Ships of N/A
Aircraft Carriers
<span class="b-tech-nav_icon b-tech-nav_icon__<mark_unset_error>"></span>N/A