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Tank:Équipage : Différence entre versions

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Version du 2 août 2013 à 14:56
Correct Deadeye perk to reflect no cumulative if two gunners.
Version du 21 octobre 2018 à 16:24
30 révisions intermédiaires par 15 utilisateurs non affichées
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?No vehicle in World of Tanks can operate without a complete virtual crew. The crew operates the vehicle under the direction of the player. The size of a complete crew is dependant upon the requirements of a specific vehicle. In-game crews ranges from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 6 crew members. Individual crew members fill one of five designated roles, or [[Crew#Major_Qualifications|'''<i>Major Qualifications</i>''']] within the vehicle. These roles are Commander, Gunner, Driver, Radio Operator, and Loader. +Aucun véhicule de World of Tanks ne peut fonctionner sans un équipage virtuel complet, qui conduit le véhicule sous la direction du joueur. Le nombre de membres d'équipage complet dépend des exigences de chaque véhicule. Les équipages en jeu vont d'un minimum de 2 à un maximum de 6 membres. Chaque membre d'équipage occupe l'un des cinq rôles ou [[Crew#Major_Qualification|'''<i>Qualification principale</i>''']] dans le véhicule : Commandant, Tireur, Pilote, Opérateur radio et Chargeur.
?Like vehicles accumulate experience, individual crew members accumulate ''training'' in each battle they participate in. Similar to the Service Record for a player or a vehicle, each crew member has a [[Crew#Personal_File|'''<i>Personal File</i>''']], which records his own battle statistics, medals, and training level and the levels of any Skills and Perks he has acquired. An individual crew member can be trained with experience earned in battle, or with training purchased for credits or gold, until his [[Crew#Training_Level|'''<i>Training Level</i>''']] in his Major Qualification reaches 100%. Thereafter, additional battle experience is applied towards increasing the levels of certain selected [[Crew#Skills|'''<i>Skills</i>''']] or [[Crew#Perks|'''<i>Perks</i>''']] chosen by the player. The level of Skills and Perks can only be increased through battle experience and cannot be purchased with credits or gold.+Tout comme les véhicules accumulent de l'expérience, le niveau d' entraînement de chaque membre d' équipage augmente à chaque combat auquel il participe. Semblable aux États de service du joueur ou aux statiques des véhicules, chaque membre de l'équipe dispose d'un [[Crew#Personal_File|'''<i>Dossier personnel </i>''']] qui détaille ses caractéristiques, ses statistiques de combat, ses médailles, son niveau d'entraînement et ses performances, ainsi que les niveaux de toutes ses Compétences et Aptitudes. Le Niveau de qualification principale d'un membre d'équipage peut être augmenté grâce à l'expérience acquise au combat ou en achetant une formation achetée avec des crédits ou de l'or, jusqu'à 100%. Par la suite, une expérience de combat supplémentaire est appliquée pour augmenter les niveaux des [[Crew#Skills|'''<i>Compétences</i>''']] ou [[Crew#Perks|'''<i>Aptitudes</i>''']] définies par le joueur. Le niveau de Compétences et Aptitudes ne peut être augmenté que par l'expérience au combat ou l'utilisation d'expérience libre et ne peut pas être acheté avec des crédits ou de l'or.
?The degree of [[Crew#Proficiency|'''<i>Proficiency</i>''']] that each crew member achieves through training directly affects and improves the performance of their vehicle in battle. If a crew member is [[Battle_Mechanics#Crew Damage| ''wounded or killed'']] in battle, the [[Battle_Mechanics#Tank Statistics|''vehicle's performance'']] will suffer, particularly in the area effected by his expertise. An injured or killed Driver reduces the ability of the vehicle to maneuver. If all the crew members are knocked out, the vehicle will become inoperable.+Le [[Crew#Proficiency|'''<i> degré de compétence</i>''']] de chaque membre de l’équipe affecte directement les performances de son véhicule au combat. Si un membre de l'équipage est blessé ou tué au combat, les performances du véhicule s'en ressentent, en particulier dans le domaine dont il a la charge. Ainsi, un pilote blessé ou tué rend le véhicule plus difficile à manœuvrer. Si tous les membres de l'équipe sont mis hors d'état, le véhicule devient inutilisable..
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?{{panel content toc|title=Major Qualification|content=+{{panel content toc|title=Qualification principale|content=
?Each crew member fills one of five named roles within the vehicle. Each role performs a specific job. These five roles are referred to in-game as the '''"Major Qualification"''' of the crew member, and include: '''Commander''', '''Gunner''', '''Driver''', '''Radio Operator''', or '''Loader'''. The Major Qualifications are also referred to as an indicator of crew member health, graphically in the battle interface display by the following icons. +Le [[Crew#Proficiency|'''<i> degré de compétence </i>''']] de chaque membre de l’équipage affecte directement les performances du véhicule au combat. Si un membre de l'équipage est blessé ou tué au combat, les performances du véhicule s'en ressentent, en particulier dans le domaine dont il a la charge. Ainsi, un pilote blessé ou tué rend le véhicule plus difficile à manœuvrer. Si tous les membres de l'équipe sont hors d'état, le véhicule devient inutilisable.
 <div align="left"><table cellspacing="20"><tr> <div align="left"><table cellspacing="20"><tr>
 </tr> </tr>
?<td><center>'''Radio Operator'''</center></td>+<td><center>'''Opérateur radio'''</center></td>
 </tr></table></div> </tr></table></div>
?===Proficiency===+===Degré de compétence===
?For each crew member, the combined total of his experience, [[Crew#Training_Level|'''<i>Training Level</i>''']] in his Major Qualification, and the levels of each and every [[Crew#Skills|'''<i>Skill</i>''']] or [[Crew#Perks|'''<i>Perk</i>''']] he has acquired, all combine to constitute his overall '''"Proficiency"'''. +Pour chaque membre d’équipage, le total de ses expériences, [[Crew#Training_Level|'''<i> Niveau d'entraînement </i>''']] dans sa qualification principale et les niveaux de chacune des [[Crew#Skills|'''<i> Compétences </i>''']] ou [[Crew#Perks|'''<i> Aptitudes </i>''']] se combinent pour définir son "degré de compétence" dans son ensemble.
?The degree of Proficiency of each individual crew member is important because the factors contributing to it are all used in the game mechanics calculations. A crew member's Proficiency directly affects and improves the properties of certain modules installed on his vehicle, the respective handling and performance characteristics of those modules, and the vehicle's overall performance in battle. The Proficiency of the crew members also impacts the speed at which damaged modules are repaired and whether fires are extinguished before its too late. Proficiency also affects the effectiveness of camouflage hiding the vehicle from its enemies.+Le degré de compétence de chaque membre de l’équipage est important car tous les facteurs qui le constitue sont utilisés dans les calculs des mécaniques du jeu. L'expertise d'un membre d'équipage affecte et améliore directement les propriétés de certains modules installés sur le véhicule, les caractéristiques de maniement et de performance de ces modules, ainsi que la performance globale du véhicule au combat. Le degré de compétence des membres de l’équipe a également une incidence sur la vitesse à laquelle les modules endommagés sont réparés, sur l’extinction des incendies avant qu’il ne soit trop tard ainsi que les valeurs de camouflage du le véhicule et donc son efficacité à se dissimuler.
?[[image:CrewRoleCommander.png|60px|left|link=]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Commander''' +[[image:CrewRoleCommander.png|60px|left|link=]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Commandant'''
?:::The Commander's principal job is to spot enemy vehicles. The Commander's degree of Proficiency directly affects his [[Battle_Mechanics#View_Range|''View Range'']]. The more Proficient the Commander the greater the distance at which an enemy can be [[Battle_Mechanics#Spotting_Range|''Spotted'']]. +:::La tâche principale du Commandant est de repérer les véhicules ennemis. Le degré de compétence du commandant affecte directement sa [[Battle_Mechanics # View_Range | '' Portée de vue '']]. Plus le commandant est compétent, plus la distance à laquelle un ennemi peut être [[Battle_Mechanics # Spotting_Range | '' repéré '']] est importante.
?[[image:CrewRoleGunner.png|60px|left|link=]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Gunner''' +[[image:CrewRoleGunner.png|60px|left|link=]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Tireur'''
?:::The Gunner's principal job is to aim and fire the vehicle's main gun. The Gunner's degree of Proficiency directly affects the [[Battle_Mechanics#Aiming|''Aiming Speed'']] at which the sights lock on to a target, the [[Battle_Mechanics#Accuracy_and_Dispersion|''Accuracy'']] of each shot, and the [[Turret#Turret_Characteristics|''Turret Traverse'']] (rotation) speed. The more Proficient the Gunner, the better the shots he will make.+:::La principale tâche du Tireur consiste à viser et à tirer avec l'arme principale du véhicule. Le degré de compétence de l'artilleur affecte directement le [[Battle_Mechanics # Visant | '' Temps de visée '']] lorsque le viseur se fixe sur une cible, la [[Battle_Mechanics # Accuracy_and_Dispersion | '' Précision '']] de chaque tir, et la [[Tourelle # Tourelle_Caractéristiques | '' Vitesse de rotation de la tourelle '']] . Plus le Tireur est compétent, meilleurs seront ses tirs.
?[[image:CrewRoleDriver.png|60px|left|link=]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Driver''' +[[image:CrewRoleDriver.png|60px|left|link=]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Pilote'''
?:::The Driver's principal job is to drive and maneuver the vehicle. The Gunner's degree of Proficiency directly affects the [[Battle_Mechanics#Movement|''Movement and Manueverability'']] of the vehicle, including its acceleration, top speed, terrain resistance, and hull traverse speed. The more Proficient the Driver, the better the vehicle will maneuver.+:::La tâche principale du Pilote est de diriger le véhicule. Le degré de compétence du conducteur affecte directement la [[Battle_Mechanics # Movement | '' mobilité et la maniablilité '']] du véhicule, y compris son accélération, sa vitesse maximale, sa résistance au sol et sa vitesse de rotation. Plus le Pilote est compétent, plus le véhicule sera mobile.
?[[image:CrewRoleRadioman.png|60px|left|link=]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Radio Operator''' +[[image:CrewRoleRadioman.png|60px|left|link=]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Opérateur radio'''
?:::The Radio Operator's principal job is communicating with allies. The Radio Operator's degree of Proficiency directly affects the [[Battle_Mechanics#Radio_Range|''Radio or Signal Range'']] of the vehicle. The vehicle can communicate with any allied vehicle whose Signal Range overlaps with its own. Any vehicles (friend or foe) which are spotted by any allied vehicle within Signal Range will also be communicated to and display on the player's mini-map. This provides battlefield situational awareness which can be a decisive tactical advantage. The more Proficient the Radio Operator, the greater the distance that the vehicle can communicate with allies and thereby spot enemy tanks.+:::Le rôle principal de l'Opérateur radio est de communiquer avec ses alliés. Le degré de compétence de l'Opérateur radio affecte directement le [[Battle_Mechanics # Radio_Range | '' Portée du signal Radio '']] du véhicule. Le véhicule peut communiquer avec tout véhicule allié dont la portée du signal se superpose à la sienne. Tout véhicule (ami ou ennemi) qui est repéré par un véhicule allié à portée de signal radio sera également signalé et sa position s'affichera sur la mini-carte du joueur. Cela donne un état de la situation sur le champ de bataille qui peut constituer un avantage tactique décisif. Plus l'opérateur radio est compétent, plus le véhicule peut communiquer avec ses alliés et repérer les chars ennemis.
?[[image:CrewRoleLoader.png|60px|left|link=]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Loader''' +[[image:CrewRoleLoader.png|60px|left|link=]] &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''Chargeur'''
?:::The Loader's principal job is loading the next round into the main gun. Each Loader's Proficiency directly affects how fast the next shell is loaded, and the more Proficient the Loader(s) the faster the gun reloads. The more Proficient the Loader, the faster the time to reload the gun.+:::La tâche principale du Chargeur est de charger les obus dans le canon principal. Le degré de compétence de chaque chargeur affecte directement la vitesse de chargement de l'obus suivant. Plus le chargeur est compétent, plus le temps de chargement du canon est rapide.
?===Multiple Major Qualifications===+===Qualifications principales multiples===
?Some vehicles, particularly large caliber SPGs and TDs, may require a crew of 6 members and include a second Loader. The [[M2_Medium_Tank]] requires a crew of 6, two of whom are Radio Operators.+Certains véhicules, en particulier les canons AM et les chasseurs de chars disposant de canons de gros calibre, peuvent nécessiter un équipage de 6 membres et inclure un deuxième chargeur. Le [[M2 Medium Tank]] nécessite un équipage de 6 personnes, dont deux opérateurs radio. Le [[T1 Heavy Tank]] et le [[M6]] disposent chacun d'un équipage de 6 personnes avec deux tireurs.
?Other vehicles may require a crew complement of only 2, 3, or 4 crew members, less than the five Major Qualifications. Small light tanks with a crew of only 2 usually include a Commander and a Driver. In such cases the game mechanics calculations require a crew member to perform additional roles. For example, in an [[MS-1]], the Commander also fills the secondary roles of Gunner, Radio Operator, and Loader, while the Driver only drives.+Sur d'autres véhicules, l'équipage nécessaire peut n'être que de 2, 3 ou 4 membres d'équipage, c'est à dire moins de membres que de qualifications principales requises (cinq). Les petits chars légers ont en général un équipage composé de 2 personnes seulement : un Commandant et un Pilote. Dans ce cas, le calcul des mécaniques de jeu oblige un des membre de l’équipage à remplir des rôles supplémentaires. Dans un [[MS-1]] par exemple, le Commandant remplit également les rôles secondaires de Tireur, d’Opérateur radio et de Chargeur, alors que le Pilote ne remplit que son rôle de pilote.
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?{{panel content toc|title=<div id="Skills and Perks">Skills and Perks</div>|content=+{{ panel content toc
?'''Skills''' and '''Perks''' are additional proficiencies that a crew member can learn beyond those proficiencies in his Major Qualification. Skills and Perks only become available for selection after a crew member's [[Crew#Training_Level|''Training Level'']] reaches 100% in his [[Crew#Major_Qualifications|''Major Qualification'']]. At such time a small plus icon [[image:New_skill_small.png|link=]] will appear beneath the crewman's name when his vehicle is selected in the Garage to indicate that he is now ready to start training of a new Skill or Perk. Click on the icon to see which Skills and Perks are available. Consider the pros and cons of the available choices and select one. Tables describing in detail each available Skill and Perk are set out below.+|title= Gestion des équipages
 +La caserne est le lieu où le joueur peut trouver tous les membres d'équipage, que le membre d'équipage soit affecté à un char dans le garage ou qu'il se trouve dans la caserne même. Dans le Garage, les membres d'équipage affectés au véhicule sélectionné s'affichent sur la gauche de la fenêtre.
 +===Caserne et Garage===
 +L'onglet Caserne est situé, en haut à droite dans la vue Garage. La Caserne compte au départ seize lits. Les joueurs peuvent auhmenter le nombre de lits par incréments supplémentaires de 16 lits pour un coût de 300 pièces d' [[Gold_Economy | Or]] en cliquant sur le bouton '' 'Agrandir la caserne' ''. Seuls les membres d'équipage qui ne sont pas affectés à un char dans le garage occupent un lit dans la Caserne. Les membres d'équipage actuellement affectés à des véhicules dans le Garage s'affichent dans la fenêtre de la Caserne, mais n'occupent pas de lits. En utilisant les boutons radio et les menus déroulants sur le côté gauche de la fenêtre de la Caserne, il est possible de trier les membres d'équipage par Nationalité, Spécialisation sur un véhicule en particulier, Qualification principale et Emplacement (si le membre d'équipage se trouve dans un char ou non).
 +Dans la vue Garage, placez le curseur de la souris sur un membre d'équipage pour afficher des informations sur celui-ci. Un clic gauche sur un membre de l'équipage affiche un petit menu contextuel qui permet de remplacer ce membre d'équipage par 1) une nouvelle recrue ou 2) par un autre membre d'équipage ayant la même qualification principale et occupant actuellement un lit dans la Caserne. Un clic droit sur un membre d'équipage ouvre un autre petit menu contextuel permettant de 1) voir le dossier personnel du membre d'équipage sélectionné, 2) de l'envoyer à la caserne.
 +===Dossier personnel===
 +Les joueurs peuvent consulter le Dossier personnel d’un membre d’équipage en cliquant avec le bouton droit de la souris sur l’icône du membre dans les vues Caserne ou Garage. Sur le côté gauche de cette fenêtre se trouve la liste des caractéristiques principales du membre d'équipage, notamment :
 +* L'avatar du membre d'équipage, son Grade et son Nom complet.
 +* Le nom du véhicule dans lequel il se trouve actuellement dans le garage. (il ne s'affiche rien s'il occupe un lit dans la Caserne)
 +* Sa qualification principale, c'est-à-dire le rôle pour lequels il est formé.
 +* Le Niveau d'entraînement de sa Qualification principale exprimé en pourcentage.
 +* Les Modificateurs : des bonus liés au Niveau d'entraînement du Commandant, aux équipements et aux consommables installés sur le véhicule ainsi qu 'à certaines Compétences et Aptitudes.
 +* La Spécialisation : le nom du véhicule pour lequel il possède une Qualification principale.
 +* Ses Compétences et Aptitudes acquises à 100% ou en cours d'entraînement.
 +Le volet droit de la fenêtre du Dossier personnel contient quatre onglets permettant d'afficher des informations différentes sur le membre d'équipage :
 +* '''Services rendus''': - Affiche des informations sur les états de service du membre d'équipage, le nombre de batailles qu'il a livrées et les récompenses qu'il a reçues au cours de sa carrière. Ces informations le suivent même si le membre de l'équipage est transféré et réentraîné dans un autre véhicule. Cet onglet permet également d'afficher la quantité d'expérience et une estimation du nombre de batailles nécessaires pour améliorer la Compétence ou l'Aptitude qu'il apprend.
 +* '''Entraînement''': - Permet 1) l’augmentation du niveau d'entraînement du membre d’équipage dans sa Qualification principale sur son véhicule actuel ou 2) le réentraînement de celui-ci sur un véhicule différent avant son transfert. '' Voir aussi: '' [[# Formation.2: Formation | Réentraînement]].
 +* '''Compétences''': - Affiche des informations sur les Compétences et les Aptitudes actuellement disponibles pour le membre d'équipage sélectionné. Lorsqu'un membre d'équipage est prêt à débuter son entraînement sur une compétence / une Aptitude, un bouton apparaît permettant au joueur de la sélectionner. '' Voir aussi: '' [[#Skills_and_Perks | Compétences et Aptitudes]].
 +* '''Dossier persinnel''': - Affiche la photo / l'avatar, le prénom et le nom du membre d'équipage. À partir de cet écran, moyennant 50 [[Gold_Economy | Or]], les joueurs peuvent modifier les noms et l'avatar de chaque membre d'équipage en sélectionnant dans la liste de noms et d'avatars prédéfinis.
 +===Nouvelles recrues, Transferts, et Renvois===
 +* '''Nouvelles recrues''' - Un nouveau membre d'équipage peut être recruté à tout moment. Le joueur choisit la Qualification principale et le véhicule, les autres caractéristiques (avatar, nom) des nouvelles recrues sont générées aléatoirement.
 +'' 'Transférer un membre d'équipage expérimenté sur un autre véhicule' '' - Un membre d'équipage peut être transféré d'un véhicule à un autre tant qu'il conserve la même Qualification principale et que le nouveau véhicule est de la même nation que celui qu'il quitte. Il devra être ré-entraîné sur le nouveau véhicule comme décrit dans la section suivante.
 +* '' '' Renvois '' '- Un membre d'équipage peut être congédié à tout moment, soit en cliquant sur le bouton en bas à gauche de son Dossier personnel ou en cliquant sur le bouton "Congédier" dans la vue Caserne. Un membre d'équipage congédié ayant suffisamment d'expérience pour apprendre au moins une Compétence ou Aptitude peut être recruté de nouveau pendant 2 jours gratuitement et 30 jours contre 60 000 crédits après le renvoi. Le renvoi est ensuite permanent et ne peut être annulé. L'expérience accumulée, le Niveau d'entraînement, les Compétences ou Aptitudes acquises par le membre d'équipage congédié sont alors perdus.
 +===Training and Retraining in the Major Qualification===
 +Regardless of whether a player is recruiting a new crew or a single new crew member for a vehicle, or retraining an existing crew or single crew member for a move to a different vehicle, the player will be presented with a series of screens displaying three choices to set or reset his Training Level for his Major Qualification. These three options are:
 +<div align="left"><table cellspacing="30"><tr>
 +<tr><td><center>'''Tank Academy'''</center></td>
 +<td><center>'''Regimental School'''</center></td>
 +<td><center>'''Rapid Courses'''</center></td>
 +'''Choices for Training a New Recruit in His Major Qualification'''
 +* '''Tank Academy''' - At the cost of 200 [[Gold_Economy|Gold]], the player's selection of the Tank Academy option will cause the new recruit to immediately obtain a 100% Training Level in his Major Qualification, and thereby automatically unlock and make available the further selection of a first Skill or Perk.
 +* '''Regimental School''' - At the cost of 20,000 credits, the player's selection of the Regimental School option will cause the new crew member to immediately obtain a 75% Training Level in his Major Qualification. In such case no Skill or Perk selection will become available until the crew member's Training Level in his Major Qualification reaches 100% through experience earned in battle.
 +* '''Rapid Courses''' - For free, the player's selection of the Rapid Courses option will cause the new recruit to obtain the default of a 50% Training Level in his Major Qualification. In such case no Skill or Perk selection will become available until the crew member's Training Level in his Major Qualification reaches 100% through experience earned in battle.
 +'''Choices for Re-Training a Crew Member for Move to a Different Vehicle'''
 +* '''Tank Academy''' - At the cost of 200 [[Gold_Economy|Gold]], the player's selection of the Tank Academy option will cause the existing crew member to immediately obtain a 100% Training Level in his Major Qualification for the new vehicle. If the crew member has no existing Skills or Perks, then this option will automatically unlock and make available the further selection of a first Skill or Perk. If the crew member has already acquired any Skills or Perks, then each of them will carry over to the new vehicle and immediately become active without any reduction in the same percentage level earned prior to the move.
 +* '''Regimental School''' - At the cost of 20,000 credits, the player's selection of the Regimental School option will cause the existing crew member to immediately obtain a new Major Qualification Training Level equivalent to 75%, or to 90% of his former Training Level, whichever is greater; if he is retraining to a new vehicle of the same type. For example, moving from one TD to a different TD. If the move is from a vehicle of one type to another, a TD to SPG, then the Regimental School option retrains him to 75%, or 80% of his former level, whichever is greater. In either such case no new Skill or Perk selection will become available until the crew member's Training Level in his Major Qualification reaches 100% through experience earned in battle.
 +* '''Rapid Courses''' - For free, the player's selection of the Rapid Courses option will cause the existing crew memberuit to immediately obtain the default Major Qualification Training Level equivalent to 50%, or to 80% of his former Training Level, whichever is greater; if he is retraining to a new vehicle of the same type. For example, moving from one TD to a different TD. If the move is from a vehicle of one type to another, a TD to SPG, then the Regimental School option retrains him to 50%, or 60% of his former level, whichever is greater. In either such case no new Skill or Perk selection will become available until the crew member's Training Level in his Major Qualification reaches 100% through experience earned in battle.
 +* '''Effect on Pre-Existing Skills and Perks''' - If the crew member has already acquired any Skills or Perks prior to retraining by Rapid Courses or by Regimental School, then each of them will carry over to the new vehicle without any reduction in the same percentage level earned prior to the move. They will remain effective in the new vehicle at their current percentage levels. However, their icons will be greyed out and such Skills and Perks will not resume accumulating additional experience through battle and increasing in effectiveness until such time as the Training Level in the Major Qualification in the new vehicle reaches 100%. Thereafter, such Skills and Perks will all be restored to active, their icon will illuminate, and once again they will start accumulating additional experience through battle.
 +'''Reasons to Re-Train and Transfer Crew Members'''
 +After your grind is finished and you plan on selling your vehicle and purchasing the one in the next higher tier, it is almost always a good idea to send your crew from the sold vehicle to the Barracks prior to its sale, buy the new higher tier vehicle with "No Crew" option box checked, and then move the old crew to the new vehicle and retrain them for it. This is especially true if you have any Skills and Perks among the crew.It takes a lot of experienced gained in battles or a substantial amount of gold to train a crew to 100% in their Major Qualifications. It takes a lot more hard fought battle experience over a long period of time for a crewman to acquire 1, 2, or 3 Skills or Perks. You have a big investment in your crew member's training. That investment translates into improved performance on the battlefield of any vehicle the experienced crew member serves on.
 +If a crew member has any accumulated Skills or Perks at all it is not a good idea to dismiss him, even if you have to buy additional bunks for the Barracks to keep him available for a future vehicle. A fresh recruit, even if with a 100% Training Level in his Major Qualification purchased with gold at the time of recruitment will start with his one new [[#Skills_and_Perks|Skill or Perk]] at 0% level. Since Skills and Perks are retained through retraining, it is almost always a good idea to retrain crew members who have already obtained them.
 +Even if your crew does not yet have any Skills or Perks it may make sense to retrain. For example, if your existing crew member has already reached more than 83% Training Level in his Major Qualification, retraining him to a vehicle of the same type in the Regimental School at 90% of his former level will leave him with a training level that is still higher than the 75% for a crew member recruited fresh out of Regimental School. You should avoid retraining between vehicle types or use gold which retrains to 100% regardless of the type.
 +A crew member's [[#Ranks|rank]] and the [[Achievements|medals]] he has earned are retained through retraining. Although neither have any affect on the crew member's performance, you may be interested to continue a crew member's career to further their rank and achievements.
 +{{panel content toc|title=<div id="Skills and Perks">Compétences et Aptitudes</div>|content=
 +'''Skills''' and '''Perks''' are additional [[Crew#Proficiency|<i>Proficiencies</i>]] that a crew member can learn beyond those of his Major Qualification. Skills and Perks only become available for selection after a crew member's [[Crew#Training_Level|''Training Level'']] in his [[Crew#Major_Qualifications|''Major Qualification'']] reaches 100%. At such time a small plus icon [[image:New_skill_small.png|link=]] will appear beneath the crewman's name, on the crew panel when his vehicle is selected in the Garage, to indicate that he is now ready to start training of a new Skill or Perk. Click on the icon to see which Skills and Perks are available to him. Consider the pros and cons of the available Skill and Perk choices for the vehicle and your play style. Tables describing in detail the Proficiency enhancement of each available Skill and Perk are set out below. In considering your choice, remember that there is a an important difference between a Skill and a Perk:
 +* '''Skills''' become partially effective immediately upon their selection. A Skill contributes to the [[Crew#Proficiency|<i>Proficiency</i>]] of the crew member in proportion to the percentage amount of [[Crew#Training_Level|''Training Level'']] that the crewman has accumulated. A Skill trained to 45% Training Level will impart 45% of its effectiveness to the performance Proficiency of its crew member in battle mechanics calculations.
?After selecting a Skill or a Perk, a new icon representing the selected Skill or Perk will replace the plus icon, and the percentage of training towards its completion will appear next to it. A crew member can only be trained in one Skill or Perk at a time. After the first Skill or Perk reaches 100%, the [[image:New_skill_small.png|link=]] icon will reappear and a second Skill or Perk can be selected in the same manner. However, the amount of experience required to train an additional Skill or Perk doubles each time one is selected, making the acquisition of every available Skill and Perk an unrealistic goal for each crew member. Skills and Perks are very similar but have one very important difference:+* '''Perks''' do not become partially effective at all. Instead, a Perk "switches on" at full 100% effectiveness, but only at such time as the [[Crew#Training_Level|''Training Level'']] for the Perk reaches 100%. Thereafter, the Perk imparts 100% of its effectiveness to the performance [[Crew#Proficiency|<i>Proficiency</i>]] of the crew member in battle mechanics calculations.<br />
?* '''Skills''' immediately become partially effective and contribute to additional proficiency in proportion to their respective percentage level. A Skill trained to 45% will impart 45% of its effectiveness to its crew member in battle mechanics calculations. +After selecting a Skill or a Perk, a new icon representing it will replace the plus icon in the crew panel, and the percentage of Training Level achieved towards its completion will appear next to it. Skills are displayed as lighted icons on the crew panel. A Perk that has not yet reached a Training Level of 100% and become active is displayed as a shaded or greyed-out icon.
?* '''Perks''' do not become effective at all until they reach 100% trained level, at which time they "switch on" at 100% effectiveness. A Perk that has not yet reached a level of 100% and become active is displayed as a shaded icon.+A crew member can only be trained in one Skill or Perk at a time. After the first Skill or Perk reaches 100%, the [[image:New_skill_small.png|link=]] icon will reappear and a second Skill or Perk can be selected in the same manner. However, the amount of experience required to train an additional Skill or Perk doubles each time one is selected, making the acquisition of every available Skill and Perk an unrealistic goal for each crew member. See the section on [[Crew#Training_Level|''Training Level'']] for an explanation of how experience is applied to increase it.
 <div align="center" style="margin-top:25px;margin-bottom:20px;font-weight:bold;font-size:18px;"><h4>Skills</h4></div> <div align="center" style="margin-top:25px;margin-bottom:20px;font-weight:bold;font-size:18px;"><h4>Skills</h4></div>
?<table width=95% cellspacing="0" border="1" bordercolor="#FFCC00" cellpadding="6">+<table style="width:95%; border:solid black 1px; border-collapse: collapse;">
  <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">  <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
? <th width="60">Icon</th>+ <th style="width:180; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Icon</th>
? <th width="180">Skill Name</th>+ <th style="width:180; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Skill Name</th>
? <th width="60">Role</th>+ <th style="width:60; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Role</th>
? <th>Description</th>+ <th style="border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Description</th>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Repair.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Repair.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Repair</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Repair</b></td>
? <td align="center">All</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">All</td>
? <td align="left">This skill improves the crew member's ability to [[Battle_Mechanics#Repair|repair]] a module that has been knocked out, with a higher training level resulting in faster repairs. The skill bonus starts to take effect as soon as a module is damaged. Repair skills are essential for vehicles where returning to operational condition as quickly as possible is paramount, such as fast tanks which rely on their speed or heavy tanks, which take a long time to repair. The effective training level is averaged across the entire crew. The skill is cumulative with a [[Equipment|Toolbox]].</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Repair Skill improves a crew member's ability to [[Battle_Mechanics#Repair|''repair'']] a module that has been damaged or knocked out. The Repair Skill effect is cumulative with that of any installed [[Equipment|''Toolbox'']] equipment. The higher this Skill's Training Level the faster repairs are completed. The Repairs effect starts as soon as a module is damaged. The Repair Skill is a common Skill which each one of the crew members on a single vehicle may acquire. The effective Repairs Skill Training Level is averaged across the entire crew. If only one crewman in a crew of 4 has this Skill at 80% Training Level then the effectiveness upon the vehicle's Repairs performance is (80+0+0+0)/4 or 20%.<br><br>''Quick repairs are essential for vehicles where returning to operational condition as quickly as possible is paramount, such as fast tanks which rely on their speed or heavy tanks, which take a long time to repair''.</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:FireFighting.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:FireFighting.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Firefighting</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Firefighting</b></td>
? <td align="center">All</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">All</td>
? <td align="left">This skill improves the crew member's ability to put out a fire, should a vehicle ever be unlucky enough to be in such a situation. A higher training level results in shorter times to extinguish a fire and thus prevent it from spreading to other modules. It is noteworthy however that the amount of damage done by each tick of fire is also lowered with higher training level. This skill does not affect the chances of a vehicle catching on fire in the first place. The skill bonus takes effect as soon as the vehicle catches fire. [[Battle_Mechanics#Firefighting|Firefighting]] skills are more useful for large vehicles that can stand to take some damage before being utterly destroyed, but using [[Consumables#Manual_Fire_Extinguishers|Manual Fire Extinguishers]] or [[Consumables#Automatic_Fire_Extinguishers|Automatic Fire Extinguishers]] consumables is generally more effective. The effective training level is averaged across the entire crew.</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Firefighting Skill improves the crew member's ability to put out a fire, should a vehicle ever be unlucky enough to be in such a situation. The Firefighting Skill takes effect immediately when the vehicle catches fire. The higher the Training Level for this Skill, the faster a fire is put out and the less the amount of damage per second the fire does to the vehicle before it is extinquished. The Firefighting Skill does NOT reduce the chances of a vehicle catching on fire in the first place. The Firefighting Skill is a common Skill which each one of the crew members on a single vehicle may acquire. The effective Firefighting Skill Training Level is averaged across the entire crew. If only one crewman in a crew of 4 has this Skill at 80% Training Level then the effectiveness upon the vehicle's fire fighting performance is (80+0+0+0)/4 or 20%.<br><br>''Firefighting Skills are more useful for large vehicles that can stand to take some damage before being utterly destroyed, but purchasing the player controlled and consumbable [[Consumables#Manual_Fire_Extinguishers|'''Manual''']] or [[Consumables#Automatic_Fire_Extinguishers|'''Automatic''']] Fire Extinguisher is generally more effective in preventing fire from spreading to other modules or destroying the vehicle''.</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Camouflage.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Camouflage.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Camouflage</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Camouflage</b></td>
? <td align="center">All</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">All</td>
? <td align="left">This skill improves the crew member's ability to hide the vehicle from enemies. A higher training level lowers the chances that the vehicle will be [[Battle_Mechanics#Spotting_Range|spotted]] by the enemy, requiring enemies to be closer in order to detect your vehicle. The [[Battle_Mechanics#Camouflage|Camouflage]] skill is always active and the overall effect depends on the tank's inherent camouflage rating. This skill is particularly useful for Tank Destroyers, lower tier SPGs, and scouts. The effective training level is averaged across the entire crew.</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Camouflage Skill improves the crew member's ability to help increase the vehicle's [[Battle_Mechanics#Camouflage|''Camouflage'']] capability and hide the vehicle from enemies. A higher Training Level lowers the chances that the vehicle will be [[Battle_Mechanics#Spotting_Range|''spotted'']] by the enemy, requiring enemies to be closer in order to detect your vehicle. The Camouflage Skill effect is cumulative with that of any installed [[Equipment|''Camouflage Net'']] equipment. The Camouflage Skill is a common Skill which each one of the crew members on a single vehicle may acquire. The effective Camouflage Skill Training Level is averaged across the entire crew. If only one crewman in a crew of 4 has this Skill at 80% Training Level then the effectiveness upon the vehicle's Camouflage performance is (80+0+0+0)/4 or 20%.<br><br>''This Skill is particularly useful for Tank Destroyers, lower tier SPGs, and scouts. The Camouflage Skill is always active and the overall effect on the vehicle depends on the the vehicle's inherent camouflage rating. [ '''See the interactive Camo Rating here''']</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Commander tutor.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Commander tutor.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Mentor</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Mentor</b></td>
? <td align="center">Commander</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Commander</td>
? <td align="left">For every 1% of this skill, all crew members except the Commander himself receive 0.1% additional experience at the end of every battle (Up to 10%). If the Commander's training level increases during the battle, the crew will benefit from the increase.<br><br>''Useful on any tank you plan to keep indefinitely.''</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">For every 1% of the Training Level of the Commander's Mentor Skill, all crew members except the Commander himself, receive an amount of 0.1% additional experience at the end of every battle, up to a maximum of 10% each when the Mentor Skill reaches 100%. If the Commander's Mentor Skill Training Level increases during the battle, the crew will benefit from the increase.<br><br>''Useful on any tank you plan to keep indefinitely.''</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Commander eagleEye.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Commander eagleEye.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Recon</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Recon</b></td>
? <td align="center">Commander</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Commander</td>
? <td align="left">Provides a small bonus of 0.02% per training level (up to 2%) to your vehicle's [[Battle_Mechanics#View_Range|View Range]] statistic. The bonus increases to 0.2% per training level (up to 20%) with a damaged observation device to help counteract the damage penalty. The in-game description's reference to "maximum" view range is incorrect. The skill is cumulative with the Situational Awareness skill, [[Equipment#Coated_Optics|Coated Optics]], and/or [[Equipment#Binocular_Telescope|Binocular Telescope]].</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Recon Skill progressively increases your vehicle's [[Battle_Mechanics#View_Range|View Range]]. For every percentage point of the Commander's Training Level an amount of 0.02% is added to the vehicle's View Range up to a maximum of 2% once the Training Level reaches 100%. Additionally, but only in the event of battle damage to an observation device, effect will increase to 0.2% per Training Level percentage point up to a maximum of 20% for the duration of the damage. The effect of the Commander's Recon Skill is cumulative with the effects of any Radio Operator's Situational Awareness Skill and/or with any installed [[Equipment#Coated_Optics|''Coated Optics'']] or [[Equipment#Binocular_Telescope|''Binocular Telescope'']] equipment.</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Commander universalist.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Commander universalist.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Jack of All Trades</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Jack of All Trades</b></td>
? <td align="center">Commander</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Commander</td>
? <td align="left">Enables the Commander to fill in for knocked-out crew members. Only roles are substituted. The replacement effect starts at the skill's current training level x 0.5% (Up to 50%) for the first knocked out crew member (same as a new recruit, but better than 0%) which then gets divided evenly between each additional crew member (25% each for two, 12.5% for four, etc.).<br><br>''Primarily helpful on tanks that can take a beating, such as heavy tanks and well armored tank destroyers.''</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Jack of All Trades Skill enables the Commander to fill in for and perform the role of any wounded or killed crew members. The replacement starts immediately upon injury or death of a crew member, but is limited to the Skill's current Training Level x 0.5% (Or up to a maximum of 50%) for the first knocked out crew member. If additional crew members are knocked out then the effect is divided evenly between the additional knocked out crew members. If the Commander is replacing one knocked out crewman then the Commander performs that role at 50% level, if he must replace 2 knocked out crewman at the same time, the Commander performs each of the two roles at 25%. THe Jack of All Trades Skill is useful for large vehicles that can be expected to take a lot of damage dangerous to the crew, but purchasing the player controlled and consumable [[Consumables#Large_First_Aid_Kit|''Large'']] or [[Consumables#Small_First_Aid_Kit|''Small'']] First Aid Kit is generally more effective.<br><br>''Primarily helpful on tanks that can take a beating, such as heavy tanks and well armored tank destroyers.''</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Gunner gunsmith.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Gunner gunsmith.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Armorer</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Armorer</b></td>
? <td align="center">Gunner</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Gunner</td>
? <td align="left">This skill reduces the [[Battle_Mechanics#Accuracy_and_Dispersion|accuracy]] penalty from a damaged gun by 0.2% per training level (up to 20%). If two Gunners have this skill, only the higher rating is effective.</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Armorer Skill enables the Gunner to reduce the penalty effect on [[Battle_Mechanics#Accuracy_and_Dispersion|accuracy]] that results from battle damage to a gun. The effectiveness is progressive and reduces the accuracy penalty by an amount of 0.2% per percentage point of the Skill's Training Level up to a maximum of 20% when the Skill level reaches 100%. The effect of the Armorer Skill is cumulative with that of any installed [[Equipment#Vertical_Stabilizer|''Vertical Stabilizer'']] equipment. If two Gunners on the vehicle have the Armorer Skill, only the one with the higher Training Level is effective.</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Gunner smoothTurret.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Gunner smoothTurret.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Snap Shot</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Snap Shot</b></td>
? <td align="center">Gunner</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Gunner</td>
? <td align="left">Reduces the [[Battle_Mechanics#Accuracy_and_Dispersion|accuracy]] penalty applied during turret rotation by 0.075% per training level (up to 7.5%). If two Gunners have this skill, only the higher rating is effective. Typically not as valuable on vehicles without turrets, but it does apply to lateral gun movement on turret-less vehicles too. The skill is cumulative with a [[Equipment#Vertical_Stabilizer|Vertical Stabilizer]].<br><br>''Primarily helpful on fast tanks that like to circle or flank, but also useful for peek-a-boo shooting. Also helpful on artillery with large gun arcs, as dispersion will be reduced (excluding chassis rotation), but not as effective.''</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Snap Shot Skill enables the Gunner to reduce the penalty to [[Battle_Mechanics#Accuracy_and_Dispersion|''accuracy and shot dispersion'']] that is applied to shots made while the turret is in rotation. The effectiveness is progressive by an amount of 0.075% per percentage point of the Skill's Training Level up to a maximum of 7.5% when the Skill level reaches 100%. Although not maybe as valuable on vehicles without turrets, the Snap Shot Skill does apply to gun traverse movement on turret-less vehicles too. The effect of the Snap Shot Skill is cumulative with that of any installed [[Equipment#Vertical_Stabilizer|''Vertical Stabilizer'']] equipment. If two Gunners on the vehicle have the Snap Shot Skill, only the one with the higher Training Level is effective.<br><br>''The Snap Shot Skill is primarily helpful on fast tanks that like to circle or flank, but also useful for peek-a-boo shooting. To be clear, the Snap Shot Skill improves the accuracy of shots made while the "turret" is moving and the Smooth Ride Skill affects same when the "vehicle"'s hull is moving. Both Snap Shot and Smooth Ride Skills are recommended for best performance, particularly for medium tanks or for any player who likes to run and gun and fire on the move.''</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Driver_virtuoso.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Driver_virtuoso.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Clutch Braking</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Clutch Braking</b></td>
? <td align="center">Driver</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Driver</td>
? <td align="left">Increases vehicle [[Battle_Mechanics#Hull_Traverse_Speed|rotation]] speed by 0.05% per training level (up to 5%). The skill is cumulative with [[Equipment#Additional_Grousers|Additional Grousers]], a [[Consumables#Quality_Oil|Removed Speed Governor]], and any speed boosting [[Consumables|consumables]] (fuels).<br><br>''Primarily helpful with fast tanks that don't already turn plenty fast (i.e. [[Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs]], [[T-50]]). Also useful on heavy tanks that turn really slow, such as the Soviet KV line. Very useful for non-turreted Vehicles like most Tank Destroyers and Artillery</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Clutch Braking Skill enables the Driver to increase the [[Battle_Mechanics#Hull_Traverse_Speed|''traverse speed'']], or rotation speed, of the vehicle. The effectiveness is progressive and increases traverse speed by an amount of 0.05% per percentage point of the Skill's Training Level up to a maximum of 5% when the Skill level reaches 100%. The effect of the Clutch Braking Skill is cumulative with that of any installed [[Equipment#Additional_Grousers|''Additional Grousers'']] equipment and with that of any purchased regular or premium [[Consumables#Quality_Oil|''Consumables'']] including Removed Speed Governor, Lend-Lease Oil, Quality Oil, 100-Octane Gasoline, and/or 105-Octane Gasoline. <br><br>''Primarily helpful with fast tanks that don't already turn plenty fast (i.e. [[Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs]], [[T-50]]). Also useful on heavy tanks that turn really slow, such as the Soviet KV line. Very useful for non-turreted Vehicles like most Tank Destroyers and Artillery</td>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Driver_smoothDriving.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"">[[image:Driver_smoothDriving.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Smooth Ride</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Smooth Ride</b></td>
? <td align="center">Driver</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Driver</td>
? <td align="left">Reduces the [[Battle_Mechanics#Accuracy_Penalties|accuracy penalty]] applied to a moving vehicle by 0.04% per training level (up to 4%). To be more precise, the game applies one accuracy penalty to forward and backward movement, and a separate penalty for vehicle rotation. This skill affects the former, but not the latter. The skill is cumulative with a [[Equipment#Vertical_Stabilizer|Vertical Stabilizer]].<br><br>''This skill does nothing for vehicles rotating in place.''</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Smooth Ride Skill enables the Driver to reduce the penalty [[Battle_Mechanics#Accuracy_and _Dispersion|accuracy and shot dispersion]] that is applied to shots made while the vehicle is moving. The effectiveness is progressive by an amount of 0.04% per percentage point of the Skill's Training Level up to a maximum of 4.0% when the Skill level reaches 100%. The effect of the Smooth Ride Skill is cumulative with that of any installed [[Equipment#Vertical_Stabilizer|''Vertical Stabilizer'']] equipment.<br><br>''The Smooth Ride Skill is primarily helpful on fast tanks that like to circle or flank, but also useful for peek-a-boo shooting. To be clear, the Smooth Ride Skill improves the accuracy of shots made while the "vehicle" is moving and the Snap Shot Skill affects the same when the "turret" is moving. Both Snap Shot and Smooth Ride Skills are recommended for best battle performance, particularly for medium tanks or for any player who likes to run and gun and fire on the move.''</td>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Driver badRoadsKing.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Driver badRoadsKing.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Off-Road Driving</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Off-Road Driving</b></td>
? <td align="center">Driver</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Driver</td>
? <td align="left">Reduces the maneuverability and acceleration penalties due to [[Battle_Mechanics#Terrain_Resistance|terrain resistance]] by 0.1% per training level (up to 10%) on soft terrain and 0.025% per training level (up to 2.5%) on average terrain. Applies pretty much everywhere other than on roads, cobblestone, and asphalt. The skill is cumulative with [[Equipment#Additional_Grousers|Additional Grousers]].<br><br>''Primarily helpful on fast tanks that rely on speed, but it can also be a good choice on some slow tanks to help compensate.''</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Off-Road Driving Skill enables the Driver to reduce the [[Battle_Mechanics#Terrain_Resistance|''terrain resistance'']] penalty that is applied to a vehicle's maneuverability and acceleration when it is moving over soft or wet ground or a terrain other than a road. On soft or wet terrain the effectiveness is progressive by an amount of 0.1% per percentage point of the Skill's Training Level up to a maximum of 10.0% when the Skill level reaches 100%. There is no effect when driving on roads, cobblestone, or asphalt. When driving on all other terrain the effectiveness is progressive by an amount of 0.025% per percentage point of the Skill's Training Level up to a maximum of 2.5% when the Skill level reaches 100%. The effect of the Off-Road Driving Skill is cumulative with that of any installed [[Equipment#Additional_Grousers|''Additional Grousers'']] equipment.<br><br>''Primarily helpful on fast tanks that rely on speed, but it can also be a good choice on some slow tanks to help compensate.''</td>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Driver rammingMaster.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Driver rammingMaster.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Controlled Impact</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Controlled Impact</b></td>
? <td align="center">Driver</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Driver</td>
? <td align="left">Decreases ramming damage to your vehicle and increases ramming damage to an enemy vehicle by 0.15% per training level (up to 15%) if your vehicle is in motion. There is no effect on collisions with allied vehicles. Contrary to the official game description this skill is not effective when both vehicles are in motion, it is effective only when vehicle with this skill is in motion and the other is stationary.<br><br>''Primarily helpful with heavy and medium tanks with high frontal armor, with the exception of the slowest heavy tanks.''</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Controlled Impact Skill enables the Driver to decreases damage caused by ramming to your vehicle and increase the damage caused by ramming if your vehicle provided that your vehicle is in motion at the moment of impact. The effectiveness is progressive by an amount of 0.15% per percentage point of the Skill's Training Level up to a maximum of 15.0% when the Skill level reaches 100%. The effect of the Controlled Impact Skill on damage received in a collision is cumulative with that of any installed [[Equipment#Spall_Liner|''Spall Liner'']] equipment.<br><br>''Primarily helpful with heavy and medium tanks with high frontal armor, with the exception of the slowest heavy tanks. Good to have if you enjoy the sport of arty hunting.''</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Radioman inventor.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Radioman inventor.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Signal Boosting</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Signal Boosting</b></td>
? <td align="center">Radio Operator</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Radio Operator</td>
? <td align="left">This skill extends the [[Battle_Mechanics#Radio_Range|Signal Range]] of your vehicle's radio by 0.2% per training level (up to 20%). If two Radio Operators have the skill, only the higher rating is effective.<br><br>''Primarily helpful for SPGs and scouts.</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Signal Boosting Skill enables the Radio Operator to extend the [[Battle_Mechanics#Radio_Range|''Signal Range'']] of your vehicle's radio. The effectiveness is progressive by an amount of 0.2% per percentage point of the Skill's Training Level up to a maximum of 20.0% when the Skill level reaches 100%. If two Radio Operators in the same vehicle each have this Skill, then only the higher Skill Training percentage level is applied.<br><br>''Primarily helpful for SPGs and scouts.</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Radioman finder.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Radioman finder.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Situational Awareness</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Situational Awareness</b></td>
? <td align="center">Radio Operator</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Radio Operator</td>
? <td align="left">This skill extends your vehicle's [[Battle_Mechanics#View_Range|View Range]] statistic by 0.03% per training level (up to 3%). If two Radio Operators have the skill, only the higher rating is effective. The skill is cumulative with the Recon skill. This skill has a higher bonus to View Range than Recon under normal circumstances, but does nothing to counteract the penalty from a damaged observation device.</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Situational Awareness Skill enables the Radio Operator to extend your vehicle's [[Battle_Mechanics#View_Range|''View Range'']]. The effectiveness is progressive by an amount of 0.03% per percentage point of the Skill's Training Level up to a maximum of 3.0% when the Skill level reaches 100%. If two Radio Operators in the same vehicle each have this Skill, then only the higher Skill Training percentage level is applied. The effect of the Situational Awareness Skill is cumulative with that of the Commander's Recon Skill. This Skill has a higher bonus to View Range than Recon under normal circumstances, but does nothing to counteract the penalty from a damaged observation device.</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Radioman_retransmitter.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Radioman_retransmitter.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Relaying</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Relaying</b></td>
? <td align="center">Radio Operator</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Radio Operator</td>
? <td align="left">This skill extends the [[Battle_Mechanics#Radio_Range|Signal Range]] of allied communications within your vehicle's radio coverage by 0.1% per training level (up to 10%). It does not affect your own Signal Range. If two Radio Operators have the skill, only the higher rating is effective.</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Relaying Skill enables the Radio Operator to extend the [[Battle_Mechanics#Radio_Range|''Signal Range'']] of all allied vehicles within your vehicle's radio coverage by 0.1% per Training Level (up to 10%). The effectiveness is progressive by an amount of 0.1% per percentage point of the Skill's Training Level up to a maximum of 10.0% when the Skill level reaches 100% for all allied vehicles within your Signal Range. The Skill has no effect upon your own Signal Range. If two Radio Operators in the same vehicle each have this Skill, then only the higher Skill Training percentage level is applied.</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
 </table> </table>
 <div align="center" style="margin-top:25px;margin-bottom:20px;font-weight:bold;font-size:18px;"><h4>Perks</h4></div> <div align="center" style="margin-top:25px;margin-bottom:20px;font-weight:bold;font-size:18px;"><h4>Perks</h4></div>
?<table width=95% cellspacing="0" border="1" bordercolor="#FFCC00" cellpadding="6">+<table style="width:95%; cellspacing:0; border:solid black 1px; border-collapse:collapse; cellpadding:6;">
  <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">  <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
? <th width="60">Icon</th>+ <th style="width:60; border: solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Icon</th>
? <th width="180">Perk Name</th>+ <th style="width:180; border: solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Perk Name</th>
? <th width="60">Role</th>+ <th style="width:60; border: solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Role</th>
? <th>Description</th>+ <th style="border: solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Description</th>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Brotherhood.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Brotherhood.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Brothers in Arms</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Brothers in Arms</b></td>
? <td align="center">All</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">All</td>
? <td align="left">This perk increases the training level of each crew member's Role/Major Qualification by 5%. It also improves the Repair, Firefighting, and Camouflage skills by 5%. As of 8.2 it also improves commander's Mentor skill. It does not affect other role-specific skills, nor any perks (in-game description is incorrect). There is no benefit whatsoever unless all of the crew have this trained to 100%. The perk stays in effect if a crew member is knocked out during battle. The perk is cumulative with [[Equipment#Improved Ventilation|Improved Ventilation]] and skill boosting [[Consumables|consumables]].</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Brothers in Arms (aka "BIA") Perk increases by a fixed 5%, the Training Level of each one of the crew members in their Major Qualification and in any of the common Skills (Repair, Firefighting, and/or Camouflage) they may have acquired. It also improves the Commander's Mentor Skill by 5%. The BIA Perk does not have any affect on other other role-specific Skills or Perks, and provides no benefit whatsoever unless all of the crew have it trained to 100%. It does stay in effect if a crew member is knocked out during battle. The effect of the BIA Perk is cumulative with that of any installed [[Equipment#Improved_Ventilation|''Improved Ventilation'']] equipment and with any purchased crew Skills boosting [[Consumables|''consumables'']] such as Extra Combat Rations, Case of Cola, Chocolate, Pudding and Tea, Strong Coffee, and.or Improved Combat Rations.</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Commander sixthSense.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Commander sixthSense.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Sixth Sense</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Sixth Sense</b></td>
? <td align="center">Commander</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Commander</td>
? <td align="left">Allows the Commander to know if the vehicle has been detected by the enemy. Three seconds after being detected by the enemy, an indicator appears on your UI. The indicator turns off after a few seconds whether you are still detected or not. There is no indicator to show whether or not you have become hidden again.<br><br>''Primarily helpful for TDs, SPGs, and passive scouts. Many players have mentioned they'd prefer the indicator to remain on for as long as the enemy detects you, but that is not how it currently works.''</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Sixth Sense Perk enables the Commander to know if the vehicle has been detected by the enemy. Three seconds after being detected by the enemy, a visual indicator in the form of a light bulb appears in the upper center screen portion of your battle interface. The indicator turns off after a few seconds whether you are still detected or not. There is no indicator to show whether or not you have become hidden again.<br><br>''Primarily helpful for TDs, SPGs, and passive scouts. Many players have mentioned they'd prefer the indicator to remain on for as long as the enemy detects you, but that is not how it currently works.''</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Commander expert.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Commander expert.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Eagle Eye</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Eagle Eye</b></td>
? <td align="center">Commander</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Commander</td>
? <td align="left">This perk enables the Commander to identify the [[Battle_Mechanics#Module_Damage|critical damage]] of targeted vehicles after a delay of 4 seconds. Indicators for each damaged module will then appear below the targeted vehicle. It will only work for enemies [[Battle_Mechanics#Spotting_Range|spotted]] by your crew, not for enemy contacts relayed by your team.<br><br>''Primarily helpful for snipers and in some cases for flankers.''</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Eagle Eye Perk enables the Commander to identify any critically damaged modules on a targeted enemy vehicle after a delay of 4 seconds. Indicators for each damaged module will then appear below the targeted vehicle, allowing you to target them for further damage. It will only work for enemies [[Battle_Mechanics#Spotting_Range|''Spotted'']] by your crew, not for enemy contacts relayed by your team mates.<br><br>''Primarily helpful for brawlers and flankers.''</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Gunner sniper.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Gunner sniper.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Deadeye</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Deadeye</b></td>
? <td align="center">Gunner</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Gunner</td>
? <td align="left">This perk increases the chance to critically damage enemy vehicle modules and crew with [[Ammo|AP, APCR, or HEAT]] shells by 3%. It does not work with HE shells. If two Gunners have the perk, the effect is not cumulative.<br><br>''If combined with the Eagle Eye perk, you'll be able to get an idea of how well this perk is working.''</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Deadeye Perk enables the Gunner to increase, by a fixed amount of 3%, the chance that a shot will critically damage enemy vehicle modules and crew with [[Ammo|AP, APCR, or HEAT]] shells. It does not work with HE shells. If two Gunners on the vehicle have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative.<br><br>''If combined with the Eagle Eye Perk, you'll be able to get an idea of how well this Perk is working.''</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Gunner rancorous.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Gunner rancorous.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Designated Target</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Designated Target</b></td>
? <td align="center">Gunner</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Gunner</td>
? <td align="left">This perk makes targeted enemy vehicles within 10 degrees of your reticle remain visible for two more seconds than they normally would be. Your crew will only make use of this perk while in [[Battle_Mechanics#Arcade_View|arcade view]] or [[Battle_Mechanics#Sniper_View|sniper view]]. Your crew will not make use of it while in [[Battle_Mechanics#Strategic View (SPG)|strategic view]] (SPG only). However, any vehicle will benefit from a team mate's use of this perk, including SPGs using strategic view. If two Gunners have the perk, the effect is not cumulative.<br><br>''Primarily helpful for snipers and in some cases for scouts.''</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Designated Target Perk enables the Gunner to make targeted enemy vehicles within 10 degrees of your reticle remain visible for two more seconds than they normally would remain visible. This Perk works only while in [[Battle_Mechanics#Arcade_View|''arcade view'']] or [[Battle_Mechanics#Sniper_View|''sniper view'']] and not in SPG [[Battle_Mechanics#Strategic View (SPG)|strategic view]]. However, any allied vehicle will benefit from a team mate's use of this Perk, including SPGs using strategic view. If two Gunners on the vehicle have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative.<br><br>''Primarily helpful for snipers and in some cases for scouts.''</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Driver tidyPerson.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Driver tidyPerson.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Preventative Maintenance</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Preventative Maintenance</b></td>
? <td align="center">Driver</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Driver</td>
? <td align="left">This perk reduces the chance of engine fire by preventing gas or oil leakage in the engine compartment by 25%. The perk is cumulative with the reduced chance of fire from [[Consumables#Automatic_Fire_Extinguishers|Automatic Fire Extinguishers]].</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Preventive Maintenance Perk enables the Driver to reduce by 25% the chance of engine fire by preventing gas or oil leakage in the engine compartment. The effect of this Perk is cumulative with that of the reduced chance of fire provided by any purchased [[Consumables#Automatic_Fire_Extinguishers|''Automatic Fire Extinguisher'']] premium consumable.</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:radioman_lastEffort.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:radioman_lastEffort.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Call for Vengeance</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Call for Vengeance</b></td>
? <td align="center">Radio Operator</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Radio Operator</td>
? <td align="left">This perk allows a Radio Operator who survived the destruction of his vehicle to report enemy positions for an additional two seconds. If two Radio Operators have the perk, the effect is not cumulative.<br><br>''Primarily helpful for scouts.''</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Call for Vengeance Perk enables the Radio Operator to continue to report enemy positions for an additional two seconds after the destruction of his own vehicle. If two Radio Operators on the vehicle have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative.<br><br>''Primarily helpful for scouts.''</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Loader pedant.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Loader pedant.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Safe Stowage</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Safe Storage</b></td>
? <td align="center">Loader</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Loader</td>
? <td align="left">The Loader stacks the shells in such a way that they do not come into contact with each other. The result is simulated as an increase in ammo rack durability of 12.5%. If two Loaders have the perk, the effect is not cumulative. The perk is cumulative with the increased ammo rack durability that comes with using a [[Equipment#Wet_Ammo_Rack|"Wet" Ammo Rack]].</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Safe Storage Perk enables a Loader to stow rounds in the storage racks in such a way that they do not come into contact with each other. The result is simulated as an increase in ammo rack durability of 12.5%. If two Loaders have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative. The effect of the Safe Storage Perk is cumulative with that of increased ammo rack durability that comes with any installed [[Equipment#Wet_Ammo_Rack|''Wet Ammo Rack'']] equipment.</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Loader desperado.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Loader desperado.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Adrenaline Rush</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Adrenaline Rush</b></td>
? <td align="center">Loader</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Loader</td>
? <td align="left">This perk shortens reload time by 9.1% if the vehicle has less than 10% of its hit points left. If two Loaders have the perk, the effect is not cumulative. The perk is cumulative with the increased loading speed from using a [[Equipment#Rammer|Gun Rammer]].</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Adrenaline Rush Perk enables a Loader to shorten the time to reload the gun by 9.1% if the vehicle has less than 10% of its hit points left. If two Loaders on the vehicle have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative. The effect of the Adrenaline Rush Perk is cumulative with that of the increased loading speed from using any installed [[Equipment#Rammer|''Gun Rammer'']] equipment.</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
  <tr>  <tr>
? <td align="center">[[image:Loader intuition.png|link=]]</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">[[image:Loader intuition.png|link=]]</td>
? <td align="center"><b>Intuition</b></td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;"><b>Intuition</b></td>
? <td align="center">Loader</td>+ <td style="align:center; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">Loader</td>
? <td align="left">This perk creates a 17% chance that the shell type will switch instantly when changing [[Ammo|shell types]], regardless of whether the gun was loaded and ready to fire or in the middle of the loading process. At least from v0.7.5, the effect is cumulative, so two Loaders with this perk will create a 34% chance. After the perk takes effect, the gun must be completely reloaded before it can take effect again. <br><br>''Primarily helpful on tanks where you change shell types a lot.''</td>+ <td style="align:left; border:solid black 1px; padding:6px;">The Intuition Perk creates a 17% chance that the Loader will magically and instantly switch the [[Ammo|shell type]] to the best choice for doing damage, regardless of whether the gun was loaded and ready to fire or in the middle of the loading process. The effect of this Perk is cumulative, so if a vehicle has two Loaders and both Loaders have this Perk then the chance for a switch will increase by 34%. The Perk only works if more than one ammo shell type is on-board and available. After the Perk takes effect, the gun must be completely reloaded before it can take effect again.</td>
  </tr>  </tr>
 </table> </table>
 +===Managing Skills and Perks===
 +'''Delaying Selection of a Skill or Perk'''
 +If you do not chose a Skill or a Perk immediately after it becomes available, that crew member will nevertheless continue to gather experience and will apply stored experience to the proper Skill once a Skill is chosen. This is beneficial when purchasing a new tank with 100% crew, but not knowing what Skills or Perks would benefit it. You can play some battles with that crew before selecting their Skills or Perks. It can also be useful during [[#Training.2FRetraining|retraining]]. If a crew member's Training Level percentage for his role drops due to [[#Training.2FRetraining|retraining]], all new experience earned will be applied to restoring the Training Level in his Major Qualification until it reaches 100% again. However, any acquired Skills or Perks will not drop and will remain in effect.
? +'''Effect of Secondary Roles on a Skill or Perk'''
?=== Delaying Selection of a Skill or Perk ===+
?If you do not chose a Skill or a Perk immediately after it becomes available, that crew member will nevertheless continue to gather experience and will apply stored experience to the proper Skill once a Skill is chosen. This is beneficial when purchasing a new tank with 100% crew, but not knowing what Skills or Perks would benefit it. You can play some battles with that crew before selecting their Skills or Perks. It can also be useful during [[#Training.2FRetraining|retraining]].+
? +
?If a crew member's Training Level percentage for his role drops due to [[#Training.2FRetraining|retraining]], all new experience earned will be applied to restoring the Training Level in his Major Qualification until it reaches 100% again. However, any acquired Skills or Perks will not drop and will remain in effect.+
? +
? +
?=== Effect of Secondary Roles on a Skill or Perk ===+
 Some vehicles require crew members to assume secondary roles in addition to that of their Major Qualification. In a vehicle requiring a crew of only two, a Commander and a Driver, the Commander also fills the secondary roles of Gunner, Radio Operator, and Loader. In such case, any [[Crew#Skills|Skills]] and [[Crew#Perks|Perks]] that would otherwise be available only to the Gunner, Radio Operator, or Loader are available to the Commander. If the Commander is moved to another vehicle where he no longer fills a secondary role then any Skill or Perk he had specifically for the secondary role becomes inactive. Some vehicles require crew members to assume secondary roles in addition to that of their Major Qualification. In a vehicle requiring a crew of only two, a Commander and a Driver, the Commander also fills the secondary roles of Gunner, Radio Operator, and Loader. In such case, any [[Crew#Skills|Skills]] and [[Crew#Perks|Perks]] that would otherwise be available only to the Gunner, Radio Operator, or Loader are available to the Commander. If the Commander is moved to another vehicle where he no longer fills a secondary role then any Skill or Perk he had specifically for the secondary role becomes inactive.
?For example, the [[Leichttraktor]] has a crew of three and the Commander assumes the secondary roles and acts also as the vehicle's Radio Operator and Gunner. You have trained him with a Skill available only to a Radio Operator and a Perk available only to a Gunner. If you then move that Commander to the [[Pz.Kpfw. II]] which has a crew of three, your Commander loses the role of Radio Operator and the Skill associated with it. However, he retains his Perk as Gunner because he has that secondary role in the new vehicle.+For example, the [[Leichttraktor]] has a crew of three and the Commander assumes the secondary roles and acts also as the vehicle's Radio Operator and Gunner. You have trained him with a Skill available only to a Radio Operator and a Perk available only to a Gunner. If you then move that Commander to the [[Pz.Kpfw. II]] which has a crew of three, your Commander loses the role of Radio Operator and the Skill associated with it. However, he retains his Perk as Gunner because he has that secondary role in the new vehicle. The Radio Operator Skill is not lost, merely inactive when the Commander is placed in a vehicle with another member of the Crew in the role of Radio Operator. If the Commander is later moved back to the [[Leichttraktor]], the Skill will be restored at its previous level.
? +
?The Radio Operator Skill is not lost, merely inactive when the Commander is placed in a vehicle with another member of the Crew in the role of Radio Operator. If the Commander is later moved back to the [[Leichttraktor]], the Skill will be restored at its previous level.+
? +
?<h3>Dropping Skills and Perks</h3> 
?You can reset all of a crewman's learned skills and perks. This allows you to change your crew member's skills or perks without having to start all over with a new recruit. There are three options available:+'''Dropping Skills and Perks'''
?* If done for free, it results in the loss of 20% of the crewman's total skill/perk experience points. +You can reset all of a crewman's learned Skills and Perks. This allows you to change your crew member's Skills or Perks without having to start all over with a new recruit. There are three options available:
?* If done for credits, it results in the loss of 10% of the crewman's total skill/perk experience points. +* If done for free, it results in the loss of 20% of the crewman's total Skill/Perk experience points.
 +* If done for credits, it results in the loss of 10% of the crewman's total Skill/Perk experience points.
 * For 200 [[Gold_Economy|Gold]], it results in no loss of experience. * For 200 [[Gold_Economy|Gold]], it results in no loss of experience.
?Since the first two options are based on total skill/perk experience points, the more skills/perks a crewman has, the more expensive (in terms of experience points) they become.+Since the first two options are based on total Skill/Perk experience points, the more Skills/Perks a crewman has, the more expensive (in terms of experience points) they become. However, these options only reduce a crewman's Skill/Perk experience points, and don't take his role experience points into consideration. For example, if you have a crewman who just reached 100% in his Major Qualification, and you choose a Skill (which has 0% Training Level), and then immediately decide to change it, then choosing the free option won't actually cost you any experience.
?However, these options only reduce a crewman's skill/perk experience points, and don't take his role experience points into consideration. For example, if you have a crewman who just reached 100% in his role, and you choose a skill (which has 0% training level), and then immediately decide to change it, then choosing the free option won't actually cost you any experience.+Since each additional percentage point requires more experience than the one before, you can't simply take 10/20% off of the displayed Training Level percentage. Instead you have to determine the crewman's Skill/Perk experience points (calculated from the [[Crew#Training_Level|''chart below'']]), and take 10/20% off of that. Then you can use the number of Skill/Perk experience points remaining to determine what the Skill/Perk's Training Level will be after the reduction.
?Since each additional percentage point requires more experience than the one before, you can't simply take 10/20% off of the displayed training level percentage. Instead you have to determine the crewman's skill/perk experience points (calculated from the [[Crew#Training_Level|chart below]]), and take 10/20% off of that. Then you can use the number of skill/perk experience points remaining to determine what the skill/perk's training level will be after the reduction.+''For example, if you have a crewman with a 50% Training Level in his first Skill/Perk, and drop his Skill/Perk with the free option (a 20% reduction), you don't take 20% off of 50%. If you did, you'd get 40%, which would be wrong. You actually get 45%. It takes 19,097 experience points to reach a 50% Training Level. Reduce that by 20% and you have 15,227 experience points remaining. 15,227 experience points are enough for a 45% Training Level. Likewise a crewman with 100% in his first Skill/Perk and 80% Training Level in his second Skill/Perk (which comes to 374,765 experience points) will end up at 100% and 67% with the 298,662 experience points remaining, not 100% and 44%.''
?''For example, if you have a crewman with a 50% training level in his first skill/perk, and drop his skill/perk with the free option (a 20% reduction), you don't take 20% off of 50%. If you did, you'd get 40%, which would be wrong. You actually get 45%. It takes 19,097 experience points to reach a 50% training level. Reduce that by 20% and you have 15,227 experience points remaining. 15,227 experience points are enough for a 45% training level. Likewise a crewman with 100% in his first skill/perk and 80% training level in his second skill/perk (which comes to 374,765 experience points) will end up at 100% and 67% with the 298,662 experience points remaining, not 100% and 44%.'' +Given the high cost (in experience, credits, or gold) it's clearly in your best interest to choose Skills and Perks carefully in the first place.
?Given the high cost (in experience, credits, or gold) it's clearly in your best interest to choose skills and perks carefully in the first place. +If retraining a crew member from another vehicle resulted in his Training Level dropping below 100% for his role, then subsequently resetting his Skills and Perks will automatically assign all free experience to the Major Qualification Training Level until it reaches 100% again. Any experience left over can then be reassigned to Skills or Perks of your choice.''
? +
?If retraining a crew member from another vehicle resulted in his training level dropping below 100% for his role, then subsequently resetting his Skills and Perks will automatically assign all free experience to the role's training level until it reaches 100% again. Any experience left over can then be reassigned to Skills or Perks of your choice.''+
 }} }}
?{{panel content toc|title=Skill Bonuses and Penalties|content= 
?Each crew member has a base training level for their role and skills (as shown in your garage), and certain modifiers that raise or lower this training level, resulting in the [[#Effective_Training_Level|effective training level]] which is used to calculate your [[Battle_Mechanics#Tank Statistics|vehicle's performance]].  
 +{{panel content toc
 +|title=Training Level
 +The Training Level for each crew member is progressively increased by gaining Experience Points or '''XP''' earned in battle. Each crew member earns the same amount of XP from each battle that his vehicle does, plus or minus any applicable [[#Experience_Bonuses_and_Penalties|''Bonuses and Penalties'']]. The XP earned in battle is applied first to the Training Level of the crew member in his Major Qualification until it reaches 100%. Next all of the XP is applied to the Training Level of the 1st Skill or Perk until it reaches 100% and then XP is applied to the 2nd Skill or Perk and so on. <br>
?The following modifiers increase the base training level of your crew members. They are cumulative. 
?*'''Commander Bonus''': The tank's Commander provides 10% of his own training level as a bonus to the primary and non-role specific skills of each crew member under his command, but not to himself. So, for example, if all your crew members are at 75% base training level, the Commander will add 7.5 to each of them, resulting in an effective training level of 82.5%. +<h3>Purchasing Increased Training Level</h3>
?*'''Equipment Bonus''': The Improved Ventilation [[equipment]] permanently increases the effective training level of each crew member's primary and non-role specific skills by 5. +There are no options to purchase increases in the Training Level of crew member Skills or Perks. Such increases can only be accomplished by battle experience. However, there are 3 options for purchasing increased Training Level in the Major Qualification for any crew member. This can be accomplished at original recruitment by [[#Training_and_Retraining_in_the_Major_Qualification|''Training'']] or at any time thereafter by [[#Training_and_Retraining_in_the_Major_Qualification|''Re-Training'']] through one of the following methods:
?*'''Consumable Bonus''': The premium [[Consumables#Premium_Consumables|consumables]] Chocolate, Coca-Cola Box, Extra Combat Rations, Improved Combat Rations, and Hot Coffee increase each crew member's primary and non-role specific skills by 10 for a single battle.+
 +* '''Rapid Courses''' - To increase the Training Level of any crew member in his [[Crew#Major_Qualification|''Major Qualification'']] from the 50% level originally acquired through training or retraining with the [[#Training_and_Retraining_in_the_Major_Qualification|''Rapid Courses'']] option to the full 100%, the crewman must acquire an additional total amount of 95,484 XP. Rapid Courses are the default starting point for any crew member's training or retraining and fix the starting point Training Level at 50%. The 9,758 XP otherwise required to increase the Training Level from 0% to 50% are therefore free.
?===Penalties===+* '''Regimental School''' - To increase the Training Level of any crew member in his [[Crew#Major_Qualification|''Major Qualification'']] from the 75% level originally acquired through training or retraining with the [[#Training_and_Retraining_in_the_Major_Qualification|''Regimental School'']] option to the full 100%, the crewman must acquire an additional total amount of 72,543 XP. Regimental School training or retraining will fix the starting point Training Level at 75%. The 22,940 XP otherwise required to increase a crew member's Training Level from 50% to 75% may be purchased at a cost of 20,000 credits. From time to time Wargaming holds specials and promotional events which include discounting the cost of Regimental School by 50% to 10,000 credits.
?If a crew member is not competent to operate the tank he is placed in, or if a crew member gets injured during battle, then there is a penalty to the base training level of his primary and non-role specific skills. Penalties are always applied before Bonuses.+
?;Lack of Competence+* '''Tank Academy''' - To increase the Training Level of any crew member to the full 100% in his [[Crew#Major_Qualification|''Major Qualification'']] through training or retraining by the [[#Training_and_Retraining_in_the_Major_Qualification|''Tank Academy'']] option does not require earning any additional XP. Tank Academy training or retraining will fix the starting point Training Level at 100%. The 95,484 XP otherwise required to increase a crew member's Training Level from 50% to 100% may be purchased at a cost of 200 gold. From time to time Wargaming holds specials and promotional events which include discounting the cost of Tank Academy by 50% to 100 gold.
?A crew member is always trained for a specific vehicle. Should a crewman operate a vehicle that he is not trained for, he may receive a penalty to his training level. This is indicated by the training level being colored red in the garage screen. A penalty received for the following situations:+
?*If a crew member is in a vehicle of the same class, and the vehicle is a premium vehicle, there is no penalty.+
?*If a crew member is in a vehicle of the same class, and the vehicle is not a premium vehicle, he will take a 25% penalty to his current training level. So, for example, 80% base training level will be reduced to 60%, or 100% base training level will be reduced to 75%.+
?*If a crew member is in a vehicle of a different class, and the vehicle is a premium vehicle, he will also take a 25% penalty to his current training level.+
?*If a crew member is in a vehicle of a different class, and the vehicle is not a premium vehicle, he will take a 50% penalty to his current training level. So, for example, an 80% crew will be reduced to 40% base training level, while a 100% crew will reduced to 50% base training level.+
?Experience gain for each crew member is also reduced under these conditions. 
?;Crew Knockout+<h3>Experience Required to Increase Training Level</h3>
?During the course of battle, a crew member can be knocked out/killed, affecting the [[Battle_Mechanics#Tank Statistics|vehicle's performance]] accordingly.+It is important to recognize two facts about the amount of XP required to increase Training Level.
?[[image:CrewJobCommandInjured.png|link=]]'''Commander''' knockout removes the bonus given to all crew members and reduces view range.+* First, the total amount of experience required to achieve a 100% Training Level in the 1st Skill or Perk is '''double''' that required to increase the Major Qualification to 100%. This doubling occurs each time with each new Skill or Perk. Training the 2nd Skill or Perk to 100% requires double the amount of XP that the 1st Skill or Perk requires, the 3rd requires double the XP of the 2nd and so on. To increase the Training Level of the:
?[[image:CrewJobDriveInjured.png|link=]]'''Driver''' knockout reduces the top speed, traverse speed, and acceleration of the vehicle.+:* Major Qualification from 0% to 100% requires a total of 105,242 XP.
 +:* 1st Skill or Perk from 0% to 100% requires a total of 210,484 XP.
 +:* 2nd Skill or Perk from 0% to 100% requires a total of 420,128 XP.
 +:* 3rd Skill or Perk from 0% to 100% requires a total of 840,255 XP.
?[[image:CrewJobLoadInjured.png|link=]]'''Loader''' knockout decreases reloading speed. If a shell was being loaded at the moment of the Loader's death, the process might start over.+* Second, the amount of experience required to achieve each additional 1% of Training Level is not a fixed amount but instead also increases as the Training Level increases. For example, to increase the Training Level of the:
 +:* Major Qualification by 1% from 68% to 69% requires 2<sup>1</sup> &times; 25 &times; 100<sup>(68/100)</sup> = 1,146 XP, but to increase it the 1% from 98% to 99% will require 2<sup>1</sup> &times; 25 &times; 100<sup>(98/100)</sup> = 4,560 XP.
 +:* 1st Skill or Perk by 1% from 48% to 49% requires 2<sup>2</sup> &times; 25 &times; 100<sup>(48/100)</sup> = 912 XP, but to increase it the 1% from 98% to 99% will require 2<sup>2</sup> &times; 25 &times; 100<sup>(98/100)</sup> = 9,120 XP.
 +:* 2nd Skill or Perk by 1% from 48% to 49% requires 2<sup>3</sup> &times; 25 &times; 100<sup>(48/100)</sup> = 1,824 XP, but to increase it the 1% from 98% to 99% will require 2<sup>3</sup> &times; 25 &times; 100<sup>(98/100)</sup> = 18,240 XP.
 +:* 3rd Skill or Perk by 1% from 48% to 49% requires 2<sup>4</sup> &times; 25 &times; 100<sup>(48/100)</sup> = 3,648 XP, but to increase it the 1% from 98% to 99% will require 2<sup>4</sup> &times; 25 &times; 100<sup>(98/100)</sup> = 36,480 XP.
?[[image:CrewJobGunINjured.png|link=]]'''Gunner''' knockout reduces aiming speed and increases dispersion. Turret traverse speed will also decrease. If the gun was in the process of zeroing in on target at the moment of the Gunner's death, the process might start over. 
?[[image:CrewJobRadioInjured.png|link=]]'''Radio Operator''' knockout reduces radio range.+The amount of experience required to increase the Training Level by an increment of 1% can be calculated using the following formula: <br />
?Should a crew member have multiple roles, then all the roles associated with the crewman take a penalty. For example, if a crew member was responsible for loading and firing the gun, then both the Gunner and Loader injury would take effect.+::'''<big><font color=#ff0000>XP for next_SkillLevel%+1</font> = 2<sup><font color=#0000ff>Y</font></sup> &times; 25 &times; 100<sup>(<font color=#ff0000>current_SkillLevel%</font>/100)</sup></big>'''
?Crew members who are knocked out will perform at 0% base training level for the purpose of finding the average calculations, but bonuses still apply. Having multiple members perform the same job is beneficial, because if one is knocked out during the course of battle, the effective training level will not drop to 0%.+:::where '''"<font color=#0000ff>Y</font>"''' is equal to:
 +::::'''1''' in the case of the Training Level of the Major Qualification
 +::::'''2''' in the case of the Training Level of the 1st Skill or Perk
 +::::'''3''' in the case of the Training Level of the 2nd Skill or Perk
 +::::'''4''' in the case of the Training Level of the 3rd Skill or Perk
 +:::and so on...
?The [[Consumables#Small_First_Aid_Kit|Small First Aid Kit]] and [[Consumables#Large_First_Aid_Kit|Large First Aid Kit]] consumables will allow knocked out crew members to return to battle without any penalties to their performance or experience gain. 
 +:::::''If you wish, you can download an Excel calculator to help you visualize the implications of the formula and make your own calculations. The link can be found in the WoT Community Portal or here at [ '''WoT Training Level Calculator''']''.<br><br>
?===Effective Training Level===+'''The following graphs illustrate the progression of Training Level as it relates to the amount of experience required'''.<br />
?The training level can be found by hovering the cursor over a crew member in the garage, but note that the display is rounded to the nearest whole number. Also, the consumable bonus is not included because it is only applied once battle starts and the consumable is consumed.+
?The effective training level of your crew's skills is not displayed, only the base training level is shown for those. You need to calculate the effective level. 
?*Maximum effective training level for your Commander is 120% (100% base training level + 5% Brothers in Arms skill + 5% Improved Ventilation equipment + 10% premium consumable bonus).+<gallery caption="Experience Point Charts" widths=550px heights=394 perrow=2>
?*Maximum effective training level for every other crew member is 132% (120% as above plus 10% Commander bonus).+file:CrewExperienceGraph.png|Graph detailing the amount of experience required to increase the Training Level of the Major Qualification and that of the first 3 Skills or Perks from 0% to 100%.
?*For tanks that do not have Improved Ventilation [[Equipment]] available to them, the maximum training level is 115% for the Commander and 126.5% for his crew.+file:CrewExperienceGraphCumulative.png|Graph detailing cumulative amount of experience required to increase the Training Level of the Major Qualification and that of the first 2 Skills or Perks from 0% to 100%.
?If several crew members are assigned to the same [[#Roles|role]], the average of their training level is used to determine your crew's performance in that role. This average is the effective training level. For example, for the two Loaders on an [[SU-14]], if one performs at 50%, and the other at 100%, their average training level of 75% is the effective training level that the SU-14 will operate at.+=== Bonuses and Penalties ===
 +The game mechanics include a system of Bonuses and Penalties that have variable effect upon the Training Level of the Major Qualification and that of any acquired Skill or Perk. Bonuses and Penalties also effect the applicability, effectiveness, and performance of some Skills and Perks and the amount of experience earned in a battle that is applied to increasing the Skill or Perk's Training Level. Bonuses and Penalties may change at any time during a battle depending upon the battlefield situation, the equipment installed on the vehicle, the consumables available on-board, the types of acquired Skills and Perks of the crew, the Training Levels of each crew member, and/or some combination of all of these factors.
?Non-role-specific [[#Skills_and_Perks|skills]] are averaged across all crew members. Crew members that do not have any training in a certain skill will add a 0% to the averaging calculations. Thus, to reach a 100% effective training level in a non-role specific skill for a tank with a crew of 4, all 4 crew members must reach 100% in that specific skill. +At the start of each battle those applicable Bonuses and Penalties have an impact on the Training Level of each crew member in his Major Qualification and that in each of his acquired Skills and Perks. The cumulative effect of these Bonuses and Penalties results in an overall [[#Effective_Training_Level|''Effective Training Level (See that section below)'']] for the vehicle which includes Bonus additions and Penalty reductions used by the game mechanics to calculate your vehicle's performance in battle. The calculations are dynamic and change as Bonuses and Penalties change throughout the battle. At the conclusion of the battle, the net effect of all of the Bonuses and Penalties applied during the game will have an effect upon the amount of experience earned in the battle by the vehicle and by each crew member.
?Role-specific skills/perks are not averaged. If multiple crewmen train in the same role-specific skill, only the highest training level will be used.  
?{{panel content toc+'''Bonuses that Impact Crew Experience and Crew Training Levels'''<br>
?|title=Crew Advancement+The following Bonuses increase the Effective Training Level of your crew members and may also increase the amount of experience they earn in a battle.
?When recruiting a new crew, you will be faced with the option to select between three different training levels:+
?[[image:CrewTrainingTankAcademy.png|link=]] '''Tank Academy''' 
?::At the cost of 200 [[Gold_Economy|Gold]], this option trains a crew member to 100% training level in their role, and thus automatically unlock a skill. 
?[[image:CrewTrainingRegimentalSchool.png|link=]] '''Regimental School'''+* '''The Premium Consumables Bonus''': If at the start of a battle the vehicle is carrying any purchased premium consumables that enhance Training Level it will provide a flat 10% addition to the Training Level of the Major Qualification and to that of any acquired Skills for each crew member. There is no Bonus effect on Perks. The Bonus is added for the entire duration of the battle, and it applies even if the Major Qualification or Skill Training Level is at 100%, ie 100+10=110%. The Training Level enhancing premium consumables are available for purchase by country and are:<br>
?::At the cost of 20,000 credits, this option trains a crew member to 75% in their role.+:* '''Extra Combat Rations''' are only available for Soviet vehicles.<br>
 +:* '''Case of Cola''' is only available for American vehicles.<br>
 +:* '''Chocolate''' is only available for German vehicles.<br>
 +:* '''Pudding and Tea''' is only available for British vehicles.<br>
 +:* '''Strong Coffee''' is only available for French vehicles.<br>
 +:* '''Improved Combat Rations''' are only available for Chinese vehicles.<br>
 +:* '''Onigiri''' is only available for Japanese vehicles.
?[[image:CrewTrainingRapidCourses.png|link=]] '''Rapid Courses'''+* '''The Improved Ventilation Equipment Bonus''': If at the start of a battle the vehicle is equipped with any purchased and installed Improved Ventilation equipment it will provide a flat 5% addition to the Training Level of the Major Qualification and to that of any acquired Skills for each crew member. There is no Bonus effect on Perks. The Bonus addition is effective for the entire battle and will remain effectgive for so long as the equipment is installed on the vehicle. The Bonus effect applies even if the Major Qualification or Skill Training Level is at 100%, ie 100+5=105%.
?::This option is free, and trains a crew member to 50% in their role, which is the minimum that a crew member can be at.+
?If you want to see what a crew member looks like before you spend on training, recruit using Rapid Courses and dismiss as necessary until you get an appearance you like. Then right-click on the crewman's portrait, open his Personal File, and click on the Training tab.+* '''Commander's Mentor Skill Bonus''': If the vehicle's Commander has acquired the Mentor Skill, for every 1% of the Training Level of the Commander's Mentor Skill, all crew members except the Commander himself, receive an amount of 0.1% additional experience at the end of every battle, up to a maximum of 10% each when the Mentor Skill reaches 100%. If the Commander's Mentor Skill Training Level increases during the battle, the crew will benefit from the increase.
?When acquiring a crew member at the Barracks you will also have to specify a Nation, Vehicle Type/Class, Vehicle Model and Major Qualification (role). 
 +* '''Commander's Jack of All Trades Skill Bonus''': If the vehicle's Commander has acquired the Jack of All Trades Skill, it enables the Commander to fill in for and perform the role of any wounded or killed crew members. The replacement starts immediately upon injury or death of a crew member, but is limited to the JoAT Skill's current Training Level x 0.5% (Or up to a maximum of 50%) for the first knocked out crew member. If additional crew members are knocked out then the effect is divided evenly between the additional knocked out crew members. If the Commander is replacing one knocked out crewman then the Commander performs that role at 50% level, if he must replace 2 knocked out crewman at the same time, the Commander performs each of the two roles at 25%. The JoAT Skill does not provide a direct Bonus for any knocked-out crewman but it does partially offset the Penalty that the vehicle's performance and experience earned in battle that would otherwise incur as a result of a dead crew member. It effectively adds to the experience the Commander may realize in the battle.
?===Training Level=== 
?Once recruited, further advancement of the training level of your crew's capabilities depends on the experience they have gained. Experience can be gained through participation in battles. Each crew member will gain as much experience as the tank did in the battle, modified by any applicable bonuses or penalties listed below. +* '''The Brothers in Arms Perk Bonus''': If each member of the crew has trained the BIA Perk to 100% Training Level then the Perk is active and it increases by a fixed amount of 5%, the Training Level of each one of the crew members in their Major Qualification and in any of the common Skills (Repair, Firefighting, and/or Camouflage) they may have acquired. It also improves the Commander's Mentor Skill by 5%. The BIA Perk does not have any affect on other other role-specific Skills or Perks a crewman may have.
?Experience needed for the next level can be calculated using the following formula, where <br /> 
?'''"<font color=#0000ff>Y</font>"''' is 
?:'''1 = Role''' (Major Qualification)+* '''The Large First Aid Kit Bonus''': If the vehicle is equipped with a purchased premium consumable Large First Aid Kit at the start of a battle it will provide a 15% reduction in the chance of each crew member suffering an injury from penetrating hits. Additionally, activating the LFAK will restore all injured or killed crew members to full health. However, the LFAK can only be activated one time per battle. Once activated it is consumed and the 15% reduction to crew injury risk is lost. The LFAK does not provide a direct Bonus to any crewman but while active it does reduce the risk of any crew member incurring a Penalty to the experience he would otherwise earn in the battle due to his being knocked-out.
?:'''2''' = First '''Skill/Perk'''+
?:'''3''' = Second '''Skill/Perk'''+
?and so on...+
?'''<big><font color=#ff0000>XP for nextSkillLevel</font> = 2<sup><font color=#0000ff>Y</font></sup> &times; 25 &times; 100<sup>(<font color=#ff0000>currentSkillLevel</font>/100)</sup></big>''' 
 +* '''The Small First Aid Kit Bonus''': If the vehicle is equipped with a purchased regular consumable Small First Aid Kit at the start of a battle it will provide the one-time ability to restore one injured or killed crew member to full health. The SFAK does not provide a direct Bonus to any crewman but while active it does reduce the risk of any one crew member incurring a Penalty to the experience he would otherwise earn in the battle due to his being knocked-out.
?To increase the Role from 68% to 69%, you will need 2<sup>1</sup> &times; 25 &times; 100<sup>(68/100)</sup> = 1146 XP. To go from 50% to 100% you need 95,484 XP, and from 75% to 100% it takes 72,544 XP. The first skill takes 210,064 XP from 0% to 100%. For each subsequent skill, that number is doubled. Progressions can be seen on the graphs below. 
 +* '''The Daily Double Bonus''': Each day at midnight server time, the daily double bonus resets and the first victory in each vehicle in the garage will be rewarded with x2 or double experience for the vehicle and for increasing the Training Level of each crew member. An icon in the form of a star followed by x2 appears in the upper right hand corner of the vehicle's imate in the carousel while in the garage. The icon disappears once the day's first victory has been won. From time to time, Wargaming holds a special event or promotion when the x2 for the first victory of the day is increased to x3 or even x5.
?''If you wish, you can download an Excel calculator to help you understand the formula, a link to which can be found in the [[World_Of_Tanks:Community_portal|community portal]], under "WoT Community Tools".'' 
 +* '''Extra Crew Experience Bonus''': From time to time, Wargaming holds a special event or promotion when the amount of experience applied to increasing crew Training Level is increased to x2 or even x3 from each battle during a fixed time period, usually a 3 day weekend. News of these special events is broadcast in advance on the portal.
?<gallery caption="Experience Point Charts" widths=550px heights=394 perrow=2> 
?file:CrewExperienceGraph.png|Graph detailing experience required to increase the role and the first 3 skills or perks by 1%. 
?file:CrewExperienceGraphCumulative.png|Graph detailing cumulative experience required to increase the role and the first 2 skills or perks. 
 +* '''Accelerated Crew Training Bonus Option''': For Premium Vehicles and for fully researched Elite Status vehicles, the Player has the option of checking the Accelerate Crew Training box that appears above the crew panel in the garage. Selecting this option directs all experience normally accrued to the vehicle to instead be added to and applied to increasing the crew's Training Levels. The vehicle's experience at the end of each battle is then applied to the crew member with the lowest Training Level. An icon [[image:AccelerateCrewTrainingIndiciator.png|link=]] appears in the crew panel to the left of the crew member who is receiving this experience. The additional experience is applied before any crew experience multipliers from 2x or 3x events. Accelerate Crew Training can be toggled on and off at any time via the check box, and each time a dialog box will appear to notify the player that it has now on or off.
?=== Experience Bonuses and Penalties === 
?The experience earned by the crew during a battle can be influenced by bonuses or penalties: 
 +'''Penalties that Impact Crew Experience and Crew Training Levels'''<br>
 +If a crew member is not competent to operate the tank he is placed in, or if a crew member gets injured during battle, then there is a Penalty to the Training Level of his Major Qualification and all Skills and Perks that will affect vehicle performance. There is also a Penalty that may apply to the amount of experience the crew member earns towards increasing his Training Level for that particular battle. Penalties are always applied before Bonuses in game mechanics calculations.
?==== Bonuses ==== 
?;Daily Double 
?The first victorious battle each server day (which starts at 00:00 UTC) is awarded with twice the XP that you would otherwise gain. If a tank still has its daily double available it is indicated on the tank icon at the bottom of the garage screen by a little double red star icon in the upper left corner of the tank icon. Despite contrary statements from Overlord, it has been confirmed through testing that the crew benefits from this bonus experience. 
?;Mentor Skill+* '''Vehicle Competence Penalty on Effective Training Level''': A crew member must be trained to serve in a specific vehicle which is his designated "'''Vehicle Competence'''". Should a crewman operate a vehicle that he is not trained for, he may do so but will receive a Penalty to the effectiveness of his Training Level in his Major Qualification and any Skills and Perks he has earned and the Effective Training Level for his Major Qualification will be indicated by the % Training Level being colored red in the garage crew panel on his icon. The amount of this Penalty is variable depending upon whether his Vehicle Competence and the vehicle he moved to are vehicles of the same "'''Type'''" (ie TD, MT, LT, HT, or SPG) or are premium vehicles. The Penalty incurred is according to the following situations:<br>
?If the Commander is trained in the [[#Skills|Skill]] "Mentor", all his crew, but not himself, will receive up to 10% bonus XP.+:* If a crew member is moved to a vehicle of the same Type as that in which he has his Vehicle Competence, and the vehicle is a premium vehicle, there is no penalty.<br>
 +:* If a crew member is in a vehicle of the same Type as that in which he has his Vehicle Competence, and the vehicle is not a premium vehicle, he will take a 25% penalty to his current Training Level. For example, an 80% Training Level will be reduced by 25% to 60% and a 100% level would be reduced to 75%.<br>
 +:* If a crew member is in a vehicle of a different Type as that in which he has his Vehicle Competence, and the vehicle is a premium vehicle, he would also take a 25% Penalty to his current Training Level.<br>
 +:* If a crew member is in a vehicle of a different Type as that in which he has his Vehicle Competence, and the vehicle is not a premium vehicle, he will take a 50% penalty to his current Training Level. For example, an 80% Training Level will be reduced by 50% to 40%, while a 100% level would be reduced to 50%.
?;Accelerate Crew Training 
?This is an option available only for Elite Tanks, i.e. fully researched or [[Premium Tanks| premium]] tanks. Selecting this option means that the tank will no longer accumulate research XP (the 5% bonus XP added to the Free Experience pool is unaffected). Instead, the crew member with the lowest total XP will receive twice the XP for the next battle that they would otherwise have received. If several crew members have equal values, the first one is chosen. The crew member who will next benefit from the bonus is indicated with the following icon left of his portrait in the garage view: [[image:AccelerateCrewTrainingIndiciator.png|link=]]. 
?Because the bonus only goes to a single crew member each battle, the impact to crew advancement is bigger the smaller the crew is.+* '''Vehicle Competence Penalty on Experience to Increase Training Level''': A tanker crewing a vehicle that he is has no Vehicle Competence in will earn less experience from each battle to be applied to increasing his Training Level. <br>
 +:* In a new vehicle of the same Type as that in which he has his Vehicle Competence, there is no Penalty if the new vehicle is a premium vehicle.<br>
 +:* In a vehicle of a different Type as that in which he has his Vehicle Competence, the crew member would earn 50% less experience per battle if the new vehicle is a premium vehicle.<br>
 +:* In a new non-premium vehicle of the same Type as that in which he has his Vehicle Competence, a Penalty will apply and the crewman would earn 50% less experience per battle than he normally would.<br>
 +:* In a new non-premium vehicle of a different Type as that in which he has his Vehicle Competence, a Penalty will apply and the crewman would earn 75% less experience per battle than he normally would.
?Accelerate Crew Training can be toggled on and off at any time via a check box above the crew icons in the garage on the upper-left side of the garage interface, or via a check box in the upper-right corner of the vehicle's research tree menu. When a player turns Accelerate Crew Training on, a dialog box will appear to notify the player that it has now been enabled. 
?==== Penalties ====+*'''Injury or Death Penalty''': A crew member who remains injured or is dead at the end of a battle is Penalized and will receive 10% less experience towards increasing his Training Level than he would have otherwise received. Using a [[Consumables|Small First Aid Kit]] or [[Consumables|Large First Aid Kit]] to heal a crew member will avoid this Penalty, unless they are injured again before the end of battle. Since the rate of crew injuries may not be the same across all the crew members, it is normal that each crew member will improve his Training Level at different rates than another tanker in the same crew should he be knocked out more or less often than his colleague.<br><br>Additionally, a crew member who is knocked out or killed during the course of a battle results in Penalties to the vehicle's performance characteristics. Crew members who are knocked out will perform their designated Major Qualifications at 0% Training Level in game mechancics calculations for crew related vehicle performance. If a crew member serves in multiple Major Qualifications in the vehicle, then all such roles associated with him take a Penalty if he is knocked-out. For example, in the event a Commander is knocked-out who is also serving as Gunner and Loader on a vehicle with a crew of 3, then the vehicle will suffer performance decrease for all 3 of his roles. Vehicle performance reductions include the following:
?;Lack of Competence+::[[image:CrewJobCommandInjured.png|40px|link=]]'''Commander''' knockout removes the Mentor Skill Bonus, if any, given to all crew members and reduces the vehicle's view range.
?A tanker crewing a vehicle that he is not [[#Training.2FRetraining|trained]] for may earn less experience:+::[[image:CrewJobGunINjured.png|40px|link=]]'''Gunner''' knockout reduces aiming speed and increases dispersion. Turret traverse speed will also decrease. If the gun was in the process of zeroing in on target at the moment of the Gunner's death, the process might start over.
?* In a vehicle the same class, there is no penalty if the vehicle is a premium vehicle, otherwise he earns 50% less.+::[[image:CrewJobDriveInjured.png|40px|link=]]'''Driver''' knockout reduces the top speed, traverse speed, and acceleration of the vehicle.
?* In a vehicle of a different class, he earns 50% less if the vehicle is a premium vehicle, otherwise he earns 75% less.+::[[image:CrewJobRadioInjured.png|40px|link=]]'''Radio Operator''' knockout reduces radio range.
 +::[[image:CrewJobLoadInjured.png|40px|link=]]'''Loader''' knockout decreases reloading speed. If a shell was being loaded at the moment of the Loader's death, the process might start over.
?;Crew Death 
?A crew member who remains injured at the end of the battle will receive 50% less experience than he would have otherwise received. Using a [[Consumables|Small First Aid Kit]] or [[Consumables|Large First Aid Kit]] to heal a crew member will avoid this penalty, unless they are injured again before the end of battle. Since the rate of crew injuries may not be the same across all the crew members, it is possible that one tanker will improve his skills faster than another tanker in the same crew should he be knocked out less than his colleague.  
 +===Effective Training Level===
 +The Training Level for a crew member's Major Qualification and his Skills and Perks can be found by hovering the cursor over a crew member's icon in the crew panel in the garage. These Training Levels do not tell the whole story because they do not take into account any applicable Bonuses or Penalties that may be affecting the actual Training Level used in games mechanics calculations, the '''Effective Training Level'''. The Effective Training Level can be calculated using the Bonuses and Penalties that are known to be applied.
?===Training/Retraining===+:* The maximum Effective Training Level for his Major Qualification that can be achieved by a Commander is 120%. This is the sum of his 100% Training level + the 5% Bonus for installed Improved Ventilation equipment + the 10% Bonus if Premium Consumables are on-board + the 5% Bonus for Brothers in Arms Perk. If the Commander is serving on an open topped vehicle and Improved Ventilation equipment is not available to it then the Commander's maximum Effective Training Level will be 115%.
?If you right click a crew member and select their Personal File, on the Training tab you have the option to improve the training level of your crew member in their role, or to retrain him for use in a different vehicle that you have already researched of the same nation. Training/retraining, as recruiting, gives you three options to choose from. +
?[[image:CrewTrainingTankAcademy.png|link=]] '''Tank Academy''' +:* The maximum Effective Training Level for his Major Qualification that can be achieved by any crew member other than the Commander is 132%. This is the sum of his 100% Training level + the 5% Bonus for installed Improved Ventilation equipment + the 10% Bonus if Premium Consumables are on-board + the 5% Bonus for Brothers in Arms Perk + the bonus of 10% of the Commander's Major Qualification level. If the crew member is serving on an open topped vehicle and Improved Ventilation equipment is not available to it then his maximum Effective Training Level will be 126.5%.
?::At the cost of 200 [[Gold_Economy|Gold]], this option trains or retrains a crew member to 100% training level.+
?[[image:CrewTrainingRegimentalSchool.png|link=]] '''Regimental School''' 
?::At the cost of 20,000 credits, this option trains/retrains a crew member as follows, but never below 75% training level: 
?::* If the crew member is retraining to a vehicle of the same class, then the final training level is 90% of the crew member's current training level. 
?::* If the crew member is retraining to a vehicle of a different class, then the final training level is 80% of the crew member's current training level. 
?[[image:CrewTrainingRapidCourses.png|link=]] '''Rapid Courses''' 
?::This option is free, and retrains a crew member as follows, but never below 50%:  
?::* If the crew member is retraining to a vehicle of the same class, then the final training level is 80% of the crew member's current training level. 
?::* If the crew member is retraining to a vehicle of a different class, then the final training level is 60% of the crew member's current training level. 
?Existing skills are unaffected by training/retraining. However, when using the '''Regimental School''' or '''Rapid Courses''' options, any experience that a crew member has accrued towards a skill, without actually having selected that skill (i.e. the [[image:New_skill_small.png|link=]] is showing), will be used first when deducting the penalty. If your crew member has accrued enough unassigned skill XP, it will allow retraining without losing any percentage in his role. This can be very useful for retraining SPG crews, which are highly dependent on their role's training level but do not benefit much from additional skills. 
?===When to Retrain=== 
?When moving on to a higher tier tank from a tank you do not intend to play again, retraining can be preferable over recruiting a fresh crew in a number of cases: 
?;Role training Level and Regimental School 
?If your existing crew member has already reached more than 83% training level, retraining him to a vehicle of the same class in the Regimental School will leave him with a training level that is higher than the 75% for a crew member recruited fresh out of Regimental School, thus making it preferable to retrain him rather than recruit someone new if you were going to use that option. When retraining to a vehicle of a different class, your crew member needs to be at least at 94% training level. You should avoid retraining between classes or use gold which retrains to 100% regardless of the class. 
?;Retention of Skills 
?Fresh crews, regardless of what training level they started with, will not have any [[#Skills_and_Perks|skills]]. Since skills and perks are retained through retraining, always retrain crews that have already obtained them. 
?;Continuation of the Crew Member's Career 
?A crew member's [[#Ranks|rank]] and the [[Achievements|medals]] he earned are retained through retraining. Although neither have any affect on the crew member's performance, you may be interested to continue a crew member's career to further their rank and achievements. 
?{{ panel content toc 
?|title= Crew Management 
?<h3>Personal File</h3>+'''Multiple Roles''' - Some vehicles in game have more than one Gunner, Loader, and Radio Operator on board in a normal crew complement. If more than one crew member in a vehicles have the same Major Qualification, then the average of their Training Levels is used to determine their joint performance in that role. For example, for a vehicle with two Loaders, one at 50% Training Level, and the other at 100%, their average Training Level of 75% will apply to the vehicle as the Loader's Effective Training Level in battle mechanics and vehicle performance calculations.
?Players can look at the Personal File for each of their crew members by right clicking on the crew member's icon in either the Barracks or the Garage.+
?On the left side of the window is a list of the crew member's basic information, including: 
?* Rank 
?* Full Name 
?* Vehicle they are crewing, if any 
?* Major Qualification (Role) 
?* Training Level in their role 
?* Modifiers (this feature is not in game) 
?* Competence, i.e. the vehicle they are trained for 
?* Skills and Perks, either completed or in-progress. 
?In addition, there are buttons in the bottom-left corner to send the crew member from his vehicle to the barracks, and to dismiss the crew member from service. Dismissing a crew member from service cannot be undone. 
?On the right side of the menu are four tabs:+'''Common Skills''' - The Effective Training Level of the Common Skills, (Repairs, Firefighting, and Camouflage) are averaged across all crew members having them. If more than one crew member in a vehicles have the same Common Skills, then the average of their Training Levels is used to determine their joint performance in the Common Skills. For example, for a vehicle with a crew of 4 and two of them are trained in Repairs, one to a level of 60% and one to a level of 100%, then the Effective Training Level for the Repairs Skill for the vehicle is (100+60+0+0)/4=40% and this value will apply in battle mechanics and vehicle perforance calculations.
?; Service Record: This tab includes the number of battles fought and awards given to the crew member over the course of his career. Battle awards given to a crew member will stay with him, even if the crew member is retrained and placed in another vehicle. The tab also shows the amount of experienced needed to reach the next training level, and the amount of battles you will likely need for that based based on your average experience.+
?; Training: ''See also:'' [[#Training.2FRetraining|Retraining]]+
?: This tab is where players can raise their crew member's competence or retrain them so that the crew member can operate a different vehicle.+
?; Skills: ''See also:'' [[#Skills_and_Perks|Skills and Perks]]+
?: This tab is where players can view all the skills and perks that are currently available for the crew member to learn. When a crewman is ready to start his training on a skill/perk, a button will appear which will allow the player to commence the crew member's training.+
?; Personal Data: Players can change the name and avatar of their crew member, where they can select from a list of pre-defined names, and a selection of face icons. Changing a crew member's personal details costs 50 [[Gold_Economy|Gold]].+
?===Moving Crew Members===+'''Role-Specific Skills and Perks''' - The Effective Training Level of the role-specific Skills and Perks is not averaged but affect the Effective Training Level directly. In a situation where multiple crewmen on the same vehicle both hold a role-specific Skill then the only one that will apply in battle mechanics and vehicle perforance calculations will be the one with the higher Skill Training Level.
?; Barracks: Here is where players can find all their crew members, whether they are in a tank or in the barracks itself. Players start with sixteen bunks in their barracks, and can increase the number of bunks by 16 for 300 [[Gold_Economy|Gold]] by scrolling down and selecting the '''Enlarge Barracks''' button. Only crew members who are not in a tank use a bunk in the barracks. Those who are in tanks are listed in the Barracks window, but they don't take up a bunk. By using the toggles and drop-down menu on the left side, a player can sort his crew members by their nationality, vehicle training, major qualification (role), and location (whether assigned to a tank or not). Crewmen that are not currently in a tank can be dismissed from service to free up a bunk in the barracks. Dismissing a crew member is permanent, meaning the crewman is lost forever with any awards and skills he may have acquired.+
?; Garage: In the Garage, players will see icons on the left side that represent the crewmen who are operating the currently active vehicle, with the rank, last name, skills and their levels. Hovering over a crew member will provide additional information, revealing the crew member's full name, skills, bonuses, and vehicle training. Players can left-click on a crew member to bring up a small pop-up menu, which will allow players to view the selected crew member's personal file, recruit a crew member who can fill the selected slot, select a crew member from the barracks who is capable of filling that slot, or send the selected crew member to the barracks. If there is no crew member in a crew slot, then clicking on the crew slot will bring up the crew recruitment menu, with the proper fields filled in for that vehicle. 
 }} }}
Ligne 538 :Ligne 560 :
 <tr><td>[[image:Graffiti_stickers_ussr_S.png|link=USSR|]]<br /> USSR</td></tr> <tr><td>[[image:Graffiti_stickers_ussr_S.png|link=USSR|]]<br /> USSR</td></tr>
 <tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-ussr-11.png|link=]]<br/>Ryadovoy (Рядовой)</td></tr> <tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-ussr-11.png|link=]]<br/>Ryadovoy (Рядовой)</td></tr>
?<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-ussr-10.png|link=]]<br/>Efreitor (Ефрейтор)</td></tr>+<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-ussr-10.png|link=]]<br/>Yefreytor (Ефрейтор)</td></tr>
 <tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-ussr-9.png|link=]]<br/>Mladshiy Serzhant (Младший Cержа́нт)</td></tr> <tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-ussr-9.png|link=]]<br/>Mladshiy Serzhant (Младший Cержа́нт)</td></tr>
 <tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-ussr-8.png|link=]]<br/>Serzhant (Cержа́нт)</td></tr> <tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-ussr-8.png|link=]]<br/>Serzhant (Cержа́нт)</td></tr>
Ligne 551 :Ligne 573 :
 <table style="float:left;margin-left:25px"> <table style="float:left;margin-left:25px">
 <tr><td>[[image:Graffiti_stickers_china.png|link=China|]]<br /> China</td></tr> <tr><td>[[image:Graffiti_stickers_china.png|link=China|]]<br /> China</td></tr>
?<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-1.png|link=]]<br/>Private (列兵 ''Lièbīng'')</td></tr>+<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-11.png|link=]]<br/>Private (列兵 ''Lièbīng'')</td></tr>
?<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-2.png|link=]]<br/>Private First Class (上等兵 ''Shàngděngbīng'')</td></tr>+<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-10.png|link=]]<br/>Private First Class (上等兵 ''Shàngděngbīng'')</td></tr>
?<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-3.png|link=]]<br/>Corporal (下士 ''Xiàshì'')</td></tr>+<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-9.png|link=]]<br/>Corporal (下士 ''Xiàshì'')</td></tr>
?<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-4.png|link=]]<br/>Sergeant (中士 ''Zhōngshì'')</td></tr>+<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-8.png|link=]]<br/>Sergeant (中士 ''Zhōngshì'')</td></tr>
?<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-5.png|link=]]<br/>Sergeant First Class (四级军士长 ''Sìjí jūnshìzhǎng'')</td></tr>+<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-7.png|link=]]<br/>Sergeant First Class (四级军士长 ''Sìjí jūnshìzhǎng'')</td></tr>
 <tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-6.png|link=]]<br/>Warrant Officer (准尉 ''Zhǔnwèi'')</td></tr> <tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-6.png|link=]]<br/>Warrant Officer (准尉 ''Zhǔnwèi'')</td></tr>
?<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-7.png|link=]]<br/>Second Lieutenant (少尉 ''Shàowèi'')</td></tr>+<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-5.png|link=]]<br/>Second Lieutenant (少尉 ''Shàowèi'')</td></tr>
?<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-8.png|link=]]<br/>First Lieutenant (中尉 ''Zhōngwèi'')</td></tr>+<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-4.png|link=]]<br/>First Lieutenant (中尉 ''Zhōngwèi'')</td></tr>
?<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-9.png|link=]]<br/>Captain (上尉 ''Shàngwèi'')</td></tr>+<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-3.png|link=]]<br/>Captain (上尉 ''Shàngwèi'')</td></tr>
?<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-10.png|link=]]<br/>Senior Captain (大尉 ''Dàwèi'')</td></tr>+<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-2.png|link=]]<br/>Senior Captain (大尉 ''Dàwèi'')</td></tr>
?<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-11.png|link=]]<br/>Major (少校 ''Shàoxiào'')</td></tr>+<tr><td>[[image:CrewRank-china-1.png|link=]]<br/>Major (少校 ''Shàoxiào'')</td></tr>
 </table> </table>
 }} }}
Ligne 567 :Ligne 589 :
 {{Tutorial}} {{Tutorial}}
 [[ru:Экипаж]] [[ru:Экипаж]]

Version du 21 octobre 2018 à 16:24


Aucun véhicule de World of Tanks ne peut fonctionner sans un équipage virtuel complet, qui conduit le véhicule sous la direction du joueur. Le nombre de membres d'équipage complet dépend des exigences de chaque véhicule. Les équipages en jeu vont d'un minimum de 2 à un maximum de 6 membres. Chaque membre d'équipage occupe l'un des cinq rôles ou Qualification principale dans le véhicule : Commandant, Tireur, Pilote, Opérateur radio et Chargeur.

Tout comme les véhicules accumulent de l'expérience, le niveau d' entraînement de chaque membre d' équipage augmente à chaque combat auquel il participe. Semblable aux États de service du joueur ou aux statiques des véhicules, chaque membre de l'équipe dispose d'un Dossier personnel qui détaille ses caractéristiques, ses statistiques de combat, ses médailles, son niveau d'entraînement et ses performances, ainsi que les niveaux de toutes ses Compétences et Aptitudes. Le Niveau de qualification principale d'un membre d'équipage peut être augmenté grâce à l'expérience acquise au combat ou en achetant une formation achetée avec des crédits ou de l'or, jusqu'à 100%. Par la suite, une expérience de combat supplémentaire est appliquée pour augmenter les niveaux des Compétences ou Aptitudes définies par le joueur. Le niveau de Compétences et Aptitudes ne peut être augmenté que par l'expérience au combat ou l'utilisation d'expérience libre et ne peut pas être acheté avec des crédits ou de l'or.

Le degré de compétence de chaque membre de l’équipe affecte directement les performances de son véhicule au combat. Si un membre de l'équipage est blessé ou tué au combat, les performances du véhicule s'en ressentent, en particulier dans le domaine dont il a la charge. Ainsi, un pilote blessé ou tué rend le véhicule plus difficile à manœuvrer. Si tous les membres de l'équipe sont mis hors d'état, le véhicule devient inutilisable..