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T-46 (Stock)

38500 가격
330 HP내구도
14 / 17.3 중량
  1. 지휘관
  2. 무전수
  3. 장전수
  4. 조종수
  5. 포수
22/15/15차체 장갑(정면/측면/후면, mm)
30/15/15포탑 장갑(정면/측면/후면, mm)
300 마력엔진 출력
58 km/h최고/후진 속력
55 도/초회전 속도
40 damage
58 mm평균 관통력
3 클립 재장전 시간
44 도/초주포 회전 속도
210 m관측 범위
500 m통신 범위

The T-46 is a Soviet tier 3 light tank

Unlike the T-26, this tank has a decent acceleration rate and speed, as it's actually a T-26 on a BT-2 suspension. While it still possesses a weak armor, it gains access to some considerably superior weapons; an accurate 45mm, a quick-firing 37mm, and a hard-hitting 76mm howitzer that can deal massive damage to the enemy. This tank is a good flanker.



단계 포탑 포탑 장갑 (정면/측면/후면, mm) 주포 회전 속도 (도/초) 관측 범위 (m) 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
II T-46 30/15/15 44 210 0 1000
단계 주포 평균 관통력 (mm) 연사력 100m에서의 분산도 조준 시간 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
III 37 mm ZiS-19 58/92/19 40/40/50 20 0.36 1.7 0 200
단계 포탑 포탑 장갑 (정면/측면/후면, mm) 주포 회전 속도 (도/초) 관측 범위 (m) 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
III T-46-1 30/15/15 44 220 510 1450
단계 주포 평균 관통력 (mm) 연사력 100m에서의 분산도 조준 시간 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
III 37 mm ZiS-19 58/92/19 40/40/50 20 0.36 1.7 0 200
III 76 mm L-10 66/75/20 160/160/200 4 0.5 2.5 600 641
IV 45 mm VT-42 75/95/23 55/55/75 19.35 0.37 2.1 1280 322
V 37 mm Automatic SH-37 56/97/19 40/40/50 30.6 0.45 2.3 3500 200


단계 엔진 엔진 출력 (마력) 충돌 시 화재 발생 확률 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
IV MT-5-1 350 20 1050 920
IV V-4 300 15 0 500

단계 현가장치 한계 중량 회전 속도 (도/초) 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
II T-46 17.3 55 0 4200


단계 무전기 통신 범위 (m) 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
III _71-TK-3_USSR 500 0 100

Compatible Equipment

소형 파편 방지대
코팅 광학장비
개량형 주포 구동 장치
사이클론 필터
개량형 환기장치 1급
전차용 중구경 장전기
공구 상자
"습식" 탄약 적재함 1종

Compatible Consumables

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Good turret traverse speed
  • Pretty good mobility and agility
  • Excellent gun selection


  • Paper thin armor
  • Long aimtime
  • Low accuracy for 76 mm L-10
  • Semi-poor view range


The T-46 offers a good combination of speed and firepower, but has no noticeable armor at all. Its speed and acceleration is on par with the faster tier 3 tanks like the Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. A, or the M3 Stuart, but it has problems keeping up with the BT-7. Its gun selection includes the accurate and high pen 45mm VT-42, the 76mm L-10 close range howitzer, and the 37mm Automatic SH-37. The best gun for this tank depends on personal play style and preferences, as it can be played successfully with any of them.

Early Research

  • The 37mm ZiS-19 gun carries over from the T-26. Install it immediately.
  • All upgraded modules can be used without upgrading the suspension.
  • If you prefer a more supportive play style, research the second turret and then the 45mm gun.
  • If you prefer a more aggressive play style, research the second engine, then the turret, and then either the 76mm or the autocannon.
  • Go from there.

Historical Info

T46-1 prototype

The T-46 Light Tank was developed in an attempt to improve the mobility of the T-26, the most numerous Soviet tank from the mid-1930s until the German invasion of 1941. The T-26 suspension consisted of eight small road wheels carried in pairs on small bogies. The bogies were supported in pairs by leaf springs. This was less effective than the Christie suspension used on the BT series of fast tanks, and so in 1935, S. Ginzburg of the OKMO team at Zavod No.185 was ordered to produce a new version of the T-26 using the Christie suspension. A small production run of seventy tanks was planned.

The project was abandoned after the production of a number of prototypes (or possibly of all seventy tanks from the first production run). The T-46 proved to be too complex to mass produce (a flaw that would also cause the failure of the T-25). It also offered little or no benefit over the BT series tanks. Ginzburg and his team were ordered to concentrate on improving the design of the T-26, and produced the T-26S Model 1937.

One brigade is known to have used some of the existing T-46s during the fighting in Finland in 1940, where the Red Army suffered a humiliating setback. A few T-46 prototypes were deployed in October 1941 as one of the desperate measures to stop the German advance to Moscow. Although it is not clear weather these T-46s ever engaged in actual combat, they were used in a static defense line. With wheels and tracks removed and buried into the ground, emerging turrets had the role of a static pillbox.

Historical Gallery

Sources and External Links

Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Heavy Tanks
Tank Destroyers
Self-Propelled Artillery