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Tetrarch_LL (Stock)

750 가격
140 내구력
7.15 / 7.9 kg중량
  1. 지휘관
16/14/10차체 장갑(정면/측면/후면, mm)
16/14/10포탑 장갑(정면/측면/후면, mm)
180 마력엔진 출력
64 km/h최대 속력
51 도/초회전 속도
45 기본 포탄 공격력
64 mm기본 포탄 관통력
2.85714285714286 클립 재장전 시간
44 도/초포탑 회전 속도
260 m관측 범위
545 m통신 범위

The Tetrarch was given as a New Years gift from Wargaming at the beginning of 2012 and has since appeared in gift shop bundles on a few occasions. Historically a British design, it was one of a number models provided to the USSR under the Lend-Lease Act and therefore appears in the USSR tech tree. Though the Tetrarch is extremely fragile, its incredible speed and powerful armament make it a highly dangerous tank capable of damaging almost anything it meets.

Compatible Equipment

소형 파편 방지대
코팅 광학장비
개량형 주포 구동 장치
개량형 환기장치 1급
공구 상자

Compatible Consumables

자동 소화기
수동 소화기
대형 구급 상자
대형 수리 도구
무기대여 연료
추가 전투 식량
속도 조절기 제거
소형 구급 상자
소형 수리 도구

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Very good acceleration and top speed
  • Good hull and turret traverse
  • Powerful gun with great penetration


  • Very fragile, even moreso than other lights
  • Poor view range
  • High aim spread
  • Low ground clearance; regularly bottoms-out on small bumps
  • Low ammo capacity


The Tetrarch is a tank that combines gameplay aspects of light tanks and tank destroyers of its tier. Its 2-pounder gun has more than enough penetration to deal with most tier II-III enemies and is great for sniping. Unlike many other snipers at the tier however, the Tetrarch is incredibly fast and maneuverable. This, combined with its turret-mounted armament means that the Tetrarch can quickly relocate to different sniping positions or flank unsuspecting enemies easily. This combination of speed and firepower make it a very effective tank when played correctly, even in tier III games.

Despite its strong points, the Tetrarch is not without its drawbacks. With little to no armor and a small hitpoint pool, an exposed Tetrarch will not survive long against autloaders, machine guns, and anything shooting large HE shells. For this reason, the Tetrarch is usually best played at a distance. Unfortunately, while the Tetrarch is adept at taking out targets from such a distance, it is usually dependent on its team to spot them. The Tetrarch's poor spotting range often necessitates the use of coated optics or binoculars to see targets at a safe distance. Another thing worth noting is the Tetrarch's low ground clearance, which leaves it prone to bottoming-out on rough terrain and slows it down considerably when this happens.

Early Research

All modules are researched with the tank.

Historical Info

MkVII Tetrarch - A World War II air transportable British light tank. Developed by Vickers between 1938-1940 on its own initiative, initially as a reconnaissance tank, to replace the obsolete Mk VI. However, because of poor results shown by light tanks in the first year of World War II, the production of the Tetrarch, which began in 1940, was soon stopped. Interest in the Mk VII began again in 1941 when it was decided to use it as an air transportable tank. Series production of the Tetrarch was resumed and continued from 1941 to 1942. Total production amounted to 177 vehicles. The Tetrarch saw limited use by British troops in battle during the years 1942-1945 and remained in service after the war until the end of the 1940s. The MkVII was also available in the USSR in small quantities during the war under the Lend-Lease program.

Historical Gallery

Sources and External Links

Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Heavy Tanks
Tank Destroyers
Self-Propelled Artillery