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Light Tanks
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[[image:Light S.png|left|link=|]] Light tanks are small, agile tanks which often take the roles of flankers or scouts. They are represented by a solid green or red diamond on the mini-map and over target marker. Most light tanks sacrifice armor protection for speed and maneuverability. This makes light tanks the fastest class of tanks in the game, but also the most fragile (second only to [[Self-Propelled_Guns|artillery]]). They lack the armor necessary to protect them from most guns in the game and are especially vulnerable to ramming. Light tanks usually feature smaller, rapid fire guns and typically fall just short of [[Medium_Tanks|medium tank]] with regards to firepower (though this disparity becomes smaller in the higher tiers). In return for their lack of firepower and protection, light tanks get superb view ranges and also benefit from great camo values which stay the same regardless of whether the tank is stationary or moving (a feature unique to light tanks). Light tanks are not as adversely affected by battle tier as most other classes are, therefore most middle to upper tier scouts get [[Matchmaker_(WoT)|scout matchmaking]] and are usually pitted against higher-tier vehicles. Because of their physical frailty and their strong spotting and concealment abilities, light tanks are usually best played as [[scouting|scouts]]. Light tanks are well equipped to spot enemy targets in order for their more heavily armed teammates to safely take shots at them, all while staying safe from enemy fire themselves. Light tanks become especially dangerous later in the game when the map is less populated. With more room to move around, light tanks are capable of aggresively spotting or flanking unsuspecting targets and escaping just as quickly. Light tanks can easily circle casemate [[Tank_Destroyers|tank destroyers]] and slow moving [[Heavy_Tanks|heavy tanks]] when caught without support. Light tanks are also adept at hunting down enemy artillery batteries and are incredibly difficult for artillery to kill due to their small size and incredible speed. As with all classes in the game, while most light tanks share similar characteristics there are those which deviate from these norms. This is most true at the lower tiers, where most of the early light tanks are. Many of these older light tanks were designed as more general-purpose vehicles, and thus many of their in-game representations are more well-rounded than the dedicated scout lights of the middle to upper tiers. Tanks such as the [[Valentine]] and [[T-80]] reflect this more general-purpose performance, whereas others such as the [[AMX 40]] buck the trend completely and behave like pocket heavy tanks. {{:{{PAGENAME}}/Data}} __NOTOC__ [[category:nations]] [[ru:Лёгкие танки]]
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