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Self-Propelled Guns: Historia wersji

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Legenda: = drobna poprawka.
Jeśli chcesz porównać je miedzy sobą, wybierz co najmniej dwie poprawki z różnych wersji.

Porównaj wybrane wersje
14:52, 30 paź 2014(3161 bajtów)1 wersja
13:43, 20 lip 2014(3161 bajtów)Considering it further. With it being a year now since the 8.6 update, I'd rather just burn the whole paragraph - today, a player viewing the wiki would have to have played arty a long time ago to know that there was another way that it played. This is just simply changing it to reflect that the reality which was new once is now the standard. This also brings it back in line with other class pages.
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