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Yoshino B

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Yoshino B
Cruzador | Japão | Tier X
Posição na Árvore Tecnológica
Velocidade MáximaErro de expressão: Operador * inesperado nós
Níveis de Batalha

Yoshino B — Cruzador Japonês Tier X.

Um navio de movimento rápido armado com artilharia de 310 mm para sua bateria principal, destinado a combater cruzadores pesados inimigos (Project B-65). Esta versão do projeto também contava com armamento de torpedo.


NA Taxa de Disparo
Tempo de Virada de 180º
Dispersão Máxima
Maximum HE Shell Damage
Chance of Fire on Target Caused by HE Shell
Maximum AP Shell Damage
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
310 mm/50 Type 0 em uma torre tripla3,2362175 100278 650 00
Casco Pontos de Energia
Torres Principais
Torres Secundárias de Canhões
AA Montadas
Tubos de Torpedos
Hangar Capacity
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
Yoshino B.61 800133053812/20/24/84 00
Torpedos Taxa de Disparo
Torpedo Tubes Reload Time
Tempo de Virada de 180º
Dano Máximo
Velocidade do Torpedo
Alcance do Torpedo
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
Type93 mod. 30,41677,220 9666220 00
Type93 mod. 30,41717,223 7666712 00
Sistema de Controle de Fogo Aumento no Alcance de Disparo
Maximum Firing Range
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
Type10 mod. 1021,3 00
Motor Velocidade Máxima
Preço de Pesquisa
Preço de Compra
( Créditos)
Propulsão: 170.000 hp34 00

Atualizações Compatíveis

 Slot 1  Modificação dos Armamentos Principais 1 Modificação dos Armamentos Auxiliares 1 Modificação do Paiol 1 Modificação da Detecção de Aeronave 1 Modificação do Grupo de Controle de Dano 1
 Slot 2  Modificação do Sistema de Controle de Danos 1 Modificação do Disparo AA Defensivo 1 Modificação da Busca Hidroacústica 1 Proteção da Casa das Máquinas
 Slot 3  Modificação da Bateria Principal 2 Modificação da Bateria Secundária 1 Modificação dos Canhões AA 1 Modificação dos Sistemas de Mira 1 Modificação dos Tubos de Torpedos 1
 Slot 4  Modificação do Sistema de Controle de Danos 2 Modificação de Propulsão 1 Modificação da Caixa de Direção 1 Modificação de Ataque Aéreo 1
 Slot 5  Sistema de Vigilância de Torpedos Modificação do Sistema de Ocultamento 1 Modificação da Caixa de Direção 2 Modificação dos Consumíveis do Navio 1
 Slot 6  Modificação da Bateria Principal 3 Modificação dos Tubos de Torpedos 2 Modificação do Sistema de Controle de Tiros do Canhão 2 Modificação dos Armamentos Auxiliares 2

Opinião dos Jogadores


Aviso. Os dados apresentados na seção de "Defesa AA" na barra lateral podem estar incorretos.
Para uma relação gráfica dos navios de Tiers VIII a XI veja "Actual AA DPS", feita por LittleWhiteMouse (em inglês).

Yoshino B, or Yoshino Black, is a clone of Yoshino with an attractive black skin.

Yoshino B is a Japanese supercruiser at Tier X. Armed with 9x 310mm main guns and 16x 610mm long lance torpedoes, she is well-armed for a cruiser of her size. For her size, she is relatively quick and agile, and her main battery packs a punch. Further comprising her arsenal are long-range torpedoes and an effective anti-aircraft suite.

Yoshino B can best be described as a sort of "hybrid" between the Tier X Japanese battleship Yamato and cruiser Zao. Her 9x 310mm guns are both powerful and more accurate than most supercruisers. Her HE sports high penetration, allowing her to punch through 50mm of armor found on heavily armored cruisers and BBs such as CB Petropavlovsk. Her AP also has very good penetration and will frequently land citadel strikes on broadside cruisers. This is somewhat offset by her slower reload, though it is faster than other supercruisers. If her guns weren't scary enough, Yoshino B also carries 20km torpedoes that can deal crippling damage to anything they hit. That being said, the torpedoes have a high detection range and thus are easy to dodge. Still, the threat of damage will force enemies to react, which can set up opportunities for Yoshino B or her teammates.

However, Yoshino B is surprisingly fragile for a ship her size. Her extremely vulnerable citadel means that an ill-timed maneuver can quickly send her back to port. Like other Japanese cruisers, Yoshino B also has issues with taking citadel hits through her poorly protected stern. However when properly angled, Yoshino B will have no trouble bouncing the majority of enemy AP shots that come her way. Though she has to be wary of BBs with larger than 430mm guns as their AP will overmatch Yoshino B's 30mm armor and severely damage her.

Similar to her smaller cousin Zao, Yoshino B's play style favors mid to long range combat, whittling opponents down in preparation for a decisive counter-attack. Compared to other kiting cruisers, Yoshino B is unique in that she can use both her guns and torpedoes to stall or even defeat major pushes. Careless opponents may see their entire push obliterated by a wall of torpedoes. Even heavily armored ships may rethink their attack for fear of her HE shells ignoring their armor advantage. Yoshino B can also pose a threat at very close range due to her large HP pool and formidable torpedo armament, though she has to be extremely careful of her angling due to her extremely vulnerable citadel. However, Yoshino B is relatively weak at close to mid-range as higher firepower cruisers can overwhelm her defenses and battleships have no trouble hitting her vulnerable sections of armor. Thus Yoshino B players should focus on mid to long range combat, prioritizing out trading the enemy ships until they are weak enough to fall in one decisive push.

Overall, Yoshino B is a reliable mid- to long-range kiting cruiser, and will be a worthy purchase for Japanese cruiser fans or those looking for a solid high tier kiting supercruiser.


  • 30mm armored midsection will bounce any AP up to a caliber of 429mm
  • Relatively small superstructure, making it hard for destroyers to deal with Yoshino B with their guns.
  • High HE penetration value allows her to efficiently damage more heavily armored ships
  • AP has high penetration, superior to most heavy cruisers
  • Long main battery range that can be enhanced even farther with her Spotting AircraftWhile active, a spotter plane circles the ship enhancing main battery firing range..
  • Access to Shimakaze's 20km hard-hitting torpedoes, with 2 launchers of 4 torpedoes on each side
  • Relatively fast with a base top speed of 34.0kts
  • Starts with 1 extra Repair PartyWhile active, restores a percentage of the ship's health points each second. charge


  • Fires burn for 60 seconds, similar to battleships and other supercruisers
  • Low HP pool compared to other supercruisers, though still larger than standard cruisers
  • Does not have access to battleship survivability captain skills
  • Large exposed bow/stern sections that will frequently take full penetration damage
  • Sluggish turret traverse
  • Large and vulnerable citadel, frequently takes citadel hits through the stern
  • Very poor handling, further exacerbating her vulnerable citadel


Despite being a premium ship, Yoshino B does have one module upgrade choice:

Torpedoes: Yoshino B is equipped with the 12km Type93 mod. 3 torpedoes by default. It is recommended to equip the longer 20km Type93 torpedoes instead to complement Yoshino B's long-range play style.

Melhor Configuração


The recommended upgrades for Yoshino B are as follows:

This is the general recommended build to give Yoshino B the most versatility in her play style. Players who want to use Yoshino B as a dedicated long-range damage farming cruiser can take Predefinição:Steering Gears Modification 2 in slot 5 to enhance her dodging capabilities.

Habilidades de Comandante

Key skills for Yoshino B commanders include Gun Feeder, Adrenaline Rush, and Concealment Expert.

Predefinição:Commander Skills 3 CR


Yoshino B can equip the following consumables:

The choice between Defensive AA FireWhile active, the damage per second of large caliber anti-aircraft guns is increased. or Hydroacoustic SearchWhile active, detects all enemy ships and torpedoes within the specified radius, without regard of obstacles such as smoke and terrain. is player preference. Yoshino B appreciates the extra anti-air defense provided by Defensive AA FireWhile active, the damage per second of large caliber anti-aircraft guns is increased. while Hydroacoustic SearchWhile active, detects all enemy ships and torpedoes within the specified radius, without regard of obstacles such as smoke and terrain. will compensate for her poor maneuverability when dodging torpedoes.

Note: Yoshino B starts with one extra Repair PartyWhile active, restores a percentage of the ship's health points each second. charge compared to other cruisers.


Por ser um navio premium, Yoshino B vem equipado com a camuflagem permanente Padrão e um conjunto permanente de bônus de combate.



Informações Históricas

Galeria Histórica


Predefinição:WoWS Ship Changelog Insert

Navios do Japão

 II TachibanaDobrões • II Umikaze • II Tachibana LimaDobrões • III Wakatake • IV Isokaze • V Minekaze • V FūjinDobrões • V KamikazeDobrões • V Kamikaze RDobrões • V Mutsuki • VI Fubuki • VI Hatsuharu • VI Shinonome BDobrões • VI ShinonomeDobrões • VII Akatsuki • VII Shiratsuyu • VII YūdachiDobrões • VIII Akizuki • VIII Kagerō • VIII AsashioDobrões • VIII HSF Harekaze IIDobrões • VIII Asashio BDobrões • VIII HSF HarekazeDobrões • VIII AL YukikazeDobrões • IX Yūgumo • IX Kitakaze • X Shimakaze • X Harugumo • X Hayate •  Yamagiri 


 I Hashidate • II Chikuma • III Tenryū • III KatoriDobrões • IV YūbariDobrões • IV Kuma • IV Iwaki AlphaDobrões • V Furutaka • V Agano • V YahagiDobrões • VI Aoba • VI Gokase • VII Myōkō • VII Omono • VII TokachiDobrões • VII MayaDobrões • VII ARP MyōkōDobrões • VII ARP AshigaraDobrões • VII ARP HaguroDobrões • VII Southern DragonDobrões • VII Eastern DragonDobrões • VII ARP NachiDobrões • VIII Mogami • VIII ToneDobrões • VIII AtagoDobrões • VIII Shimanto • VIII Atago BDobrões • VIII ARP TakaoDobrões • VIII ARP MayaDobrões • IX Ibuki • IX Takahashi • IX AzumaDobrões • IX AL AzumaDobrões • X Zaō • X Yodo • X YoshinoDobrões • X Yoshino B • X Kitakami 


 II MikasaDobrões • III Kawachi • IV Myōgi • IV IshizuchiDobrões • V Kongō • V ARP KongōDobrões • V ARP KirishimaDobrões • V ARP HarunaDobrões • V ARP HieiDobrões • V HSF HieiDobrões • VI Fusō • VI MutsuDobrões • VI IseDobrões • VII Nagato • VII AshitakaDobrões • VII HyūgaDobrões • VIII Amagi • VIII KiiDobrões • VIII Ignis PurgatioDobrões • VIII RagnarokDobrões • IX Izumo • IX MusashiDobrões • IX HizenDobrões • IX IwamiDobrões • IX Daisen • X Yamato • X Shikishima • X ARP Yamato •  Satsuma 


 IV Hōshō • VI Ryūjō • VIII Shōkaku • VIII KagaDobrões • VIII Kaga BDobrões • X Hakuryū •  Sekiryu


 I Hashidate • II Chikuma • III Tenryū • III KatoriDobrões • IV YūbariDobrões • IV Kuma • IV Iwaki AlphaDobrões • V Furutaka • V Agano • V YahagiDobrões • VI Aoba • VI Gokase • VII Myōkō • VII Omono • VII TokachiDobrões • VII MayaDobrões • VII ARP MyōkōDobrões • VII ARP AshigaraDobrões • VII ARP HaguroDobrões • VII Southern DragonDobrões • VII Eastern DragonDobrões • VII ARP NachiDobrões • VIII Mogami • VIII ToneDobrões • VIII AtagoDobrões • VIII Shimanto • VIII Atago BDobrões • VIII ARP TakaoDobrões • VIII ARP MayaDobrões • IX Ibuki • IX Takahashi • IX AzumaDobrões • IX AL AzumaDobrões • X Zaō • X Yodo • X YoshinoDobrões • X Yoshino B • X Kitakami 


 I Erie • II Chester • II AlbanyDobrões • III St. Louis • III CharlestonDobrões • IV Phoenix • V Omaha • V MarbleheadDobrões • V Marblehead LimaDobrões • VI Pensacola • VI Dallas • VII AtlantaDobrões • VII New Orleans • VII Helena • VII IndianapolisDobrões • VII Atlanta BDobrões • VII BoiseDobrões • VII FlintDobrões • VIII Baltimore • VIII Cleveland • VIII WichitaDobrões • VIII AnchorageDobrões • VIII CongressDobrões • VIII RochesterDobrões • VIII San DiegoDobrões • VIII AL MontpelierDobrões • IX Buffalo • IX Seattle • IX Vallejo • IX AlaskaDobrões • IX TulsaDobrões • IX Alaska BDobrões • X Des Moines • X Worcester • X Puerto Rico • X SalemDobrões • X Austin •  Annapolis 


 I Chengan • III Ning HaiDobrões • V Chungking • VI Rahmat • VI HuangheDobrões • VII Chumphon • VIII Harbin • VIII IrianDobrões • VIII WukongDobrões • IX Sejong • IX DalianDobrões • X Jinan 


 I Hermelin • II Dresden • II EmdenDobrões • III Kolberg • IV Karlsruhe • V Königsberg • VI Nürnberg • VI Admiral Graf SpeeDobrões • VI Leipzig • VI HSF Admiral Graf SpeeDobrões • VII Yorck • VII MünchenDobrões • VII WeimarDobrões • VIII Admiral Hipper • VIII Prinz EugenDobrões • VIII MainzDobrões • VIII Mainz BDobrões • VIII Cross of DornDobrões • IX Roon • IX Siegfried • IX Ägir • IX Admiral SchröderDobrões • X Hindenburg •  Clausewitz 


 I Gryf 


 I Orlan • II DianaDobrões • II Diana LimaDobrões • II Novik • III AuroraDobrões • III Bogatyr • III OlegDobrões • III VaryagDobrões • III AL AvroraDobrões • IV Svietlana • V MurmanskDobrões • V Kotovsky • V Krasny KrymDobrões • V MikoyanDobrões • V KirovDobrões • VI Budyonny • VI MolotovDobrões • VI Admiral MakarovDobrões • VII Shchors • VII LazoDobrões • VIII Chapayev • VIII Tallinn • VIII Mikhail KutuzovDobrões • VIII OchakovDobrões • VIII Pyotr BagrationDobrões • VIII Bagration • IX Dmitri Donskoi • IX Riga • IX KronshtadtDobrões • X Moskva • X Alexander Nevsky • X Petropavlovsk • X StalingradDobrões • X SmolenskDobrões • X Sevastopol 

Reino Unido

 I Black Swan • II Weymouth • III Caledon • IV Danae • V Emerald • V Hawkins • V ExeterDobrões • VI Leander • VI Devonshire • VI LondonDobrões • VI DidoDobrões • VII Fiji • VII Surrey • VII BelfastDobrões • VIII Edinburgh • VIII Albemarle • VIII CheshireDobrões • VIII Tiger '59Dobrões • VIII Belfast '43Dobrões • VIII HampshireDobrões • IX Neptune • IX Drake • X Minotaur • X Goliath • X Plymouth • X Gibraltar • X Monmouth •  Edgar 


 I Eritrea • II Nino Bixio • III Taranto • IV Alberto di Giussano • V Raimondo Montecuccoli • V GenovaDobrões • VI Trento • VI Duca d'AostaDobrões • VII Zara • VII Duca degli AbruzziDobrões • VII GoriziaDobrões • VIII Amalfi • IX Brindisi • X Venezia • X Napoli • X Napoli B 

Os Países Baixos

 I Van Kinsbergen • II Gelderland • III Java • IV De Ruyter • V Celebes • VI Kijkduin • VII Eendracht • VIII Haarlem • VIII De Zeven ProvinciënDobrões • IX Johan de Witt • X Gouden Leeuw 


 I Bougainville • II Jurien de la Gravière • III Friant • IV Duguay-Trouin • V Émile Bertin • VI La Galissonnière • VI De GrasseDobrões • VI DupleixDobrões • VII Algérie • VII ToulonDobrões • VIII Charles Martel • VIII Cherbourg • VIII BayardDobrões • IX Saint-Louis • IX Brest • IX CarnotDobrões • X Henri IV • X Marseille • X ColbertDobrões •  Condé 

Comunidade das Nações

 VI PerthDobrões • VI MysoreDobrões • IX HectorDobrões • X Brisbane 


 VI CanariasDobrões 


 I Hércules • II Almirante Barroso • II Almirante AbreuDobrões • III Vicente Guerrero • IV Córdoba • V La Argentina • VI Almirante Cochrane • VII Coronel Bolognesi • VII Nueve de JulioDobrões • VIII Ignacio Allende • VIII Almirante Grau • IX Santander • X San Martin