Großtraktor - Krupp
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Großtraktor - Krupp
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950 Cost |
570114 HP Hit Points |
16.4/188.55/18 t Weight Limit |
- 車長
- 炮手
- 駕駛
- 通訊員
- 裝填手
- 裝填手
250250 hp Engine Power |
44/12 km/h Speed Limit |
3636 deg/s Traverse |
15.2429.24 hp/t Power/Wt Ratio |
NoNo Pivot |
// mm Hull Armor |
14/8/814/8/8 mm Turret Armor |
AP/HEAT/HE Shells |
110/110/175110/110/175 HP Damage |
43/87/3843/87/38 mm Penetration |
r/m ▲
10.91 r/m Standard Gun ▲
10.91 Rate of Fire Standard Gun |
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
1200.1 Standard Gun ▲
Standard Gun
Standard Gun
1200.1 Damage Per Minute Standard Gun |
m ▲
0.55 m With 50% Crew: 0.681 m ▲
0.55 Accuracy With 50% Crew: 0.681 m |
s 2.2 s 2.2 Aim time |
4141 deg/s Turret Traverse |
360° Gun Arc |
-12°/+60°-12°/+60° Elevation Arc |
180180 rounds Ammo Capacity |
2020 % Chance of Fire |
m 330 m 330 View Range |
m 345 m 345 Signal Range |
The Großtraktor - Krupp is a [[德國|]] tier 3 premium 中型戰車.
一輛實驗型中型戰車,由 Krupp 公司所研發。在 1929 年,兩輛原型車採用非裝甲鋼製造完成,並在蘇聯投入測試直到 1933 年為止。測試中發現多個缺陷,車輛因此從未投入服役。然而,車輛研發成果後來被德國工程師拿來使用。
The Großtraktor's antiquated design makes for a number of odd gameplay characteristics. Despite its great size, the Gtraktor is fairly nimble and almost completely unarmored. Armed with a powerful 75mm howitzer, the Gtraktor is a glass cannon which preys on poorly armored tanks at short range.
Modules / Available Equipment and Consumables
等級 | 炮管 | 平均穿透力(毫米) | 射擊速率 | 100 公尺處擴散度 | 瞄準時間 | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, | |
IV | 7,5 cm Kw.K. 37 L/24 | 43/87/38 | 110/110/175 | 10.91 | 0.55 | 2.2 | 0 | 780 | 10450 |
等級 | 引擎 | 引擎功率(匹馬力) | 碰撞時火災發生機率 | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, |
IV | BMW-Va | 250 | 20 | 0 | 450 | 9300 |
等級 | 懸吊 | 負載限制 | 迴轉速度(度/秒) | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, |
III | Großtraktor - Krupp | 18 | 36 | 0 | 5000 | 1800 |
等級 | 通訊設備 | 通訊範圍(公尺) | 經驗 | 重量 (噸) | 價格, |
IV | FuG 6 | 345 | 0 | 70 | 2220 |
Compatible Equipment
Compatible Consumables
Player Opinion
Pros and Cons
- Large hitpoint pool
- Good mobility and speed
- Great gun elevation and depression values
- Good alpha
- Very large profile
- Poor gun accuracy and handling characteristics
- Low shell velocity and penetration
- Very thin armor
The Großtraktor is a tank that is more than capable of dealing massive damage to smaller tanks while not being entirely capable of withstanding damage in return. The Gtraktor's Kw.K 37 75mm howitzer has very high single-shot alpha damage, a characteristic which is amplified by using the gun's powerful HE rounds (which are almost equally as good at penetrating armor as the AP rounds). At close range, the Gtraktor can devastate poorly armored tanks and soak up shots from smaller guns with its large hitpoint pool. Also, despite being one of the largest tier IIIs, the Gtraktor is fairly maneuverable. With its good speed and very good gun depression value, the Gtraktor can flank and take advantage of terrain to conceal its great bulk.
While the Gtraktor dominates against smaller or more poorly armored tanks of its tier, its effectiveness falls off greatly against higher tier enemies. The howitzer's poor penetration ability means the Gtraktor is almost completely ineffective against well armored tanks such as the Matilda and KV-1. The gun's bad accuracy, poor handling characteristics, and low shell velocity also eliminate sniping as a viable option in high-tier games. In addition, the Gtraktors large hitpoint pool is much less effective at soaking up shots from more powerful high-tier guns. In such games, the Gtraktor is reliant on its larger allies to engage well armored tanks enabling it to attack their weaker flanks.
Suggested Equipment
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