GAZ-74b (Stock)
124000 價格 |
260 血量 |
12.03 / 12.4 公斤重量 |
- 車長
25/15/15 前/側/後,毫米車身裝甲 |
0/15/0 前/側/後,毫米砲塔裝甲 |
140 匹馬力引擎功率 |
43 公里/小時最高時速 |
38 度/秒迴轉速度 |
110 標準砲彈殺傷力 |
78 毫米標準砲彈穿透力 |
3.4 完全裝填的時間 |
44 度/秒砲塔迴轉速度 |
390 公尺可視範圍 |
325 公尺訊號範圍 |

It is very similar to the SU-76 in characteristics, except that it mounts a larger gun and has a greatly increased gun arc. Many players find that this tank destroyer can double as a scout. Though not the fastest, it still proves effective. The SU-85B is able to perform reconnaissance with intent to survive, unlike others that are often-times destroyed. Should you see someone noteworthy, many players choose to remain hidden and keep the target marked for attack. With a top speed of 43 km/h, and a view range of 390m, it has the ability to fire over long ranges and get away faster than most tanks in its tier, making it a great tank for sniping or hit and run tactics. Either way, should you choose to scout or attack, the AP round is able to make quick work of low-tier tanks, and damage some larger ones. The SU-85B is able to mount the D-5S 85-A and LB-2S guns, shooting 85mm rounds at a relatively high RPM. As a TD, the 85B also has a camouflage bonus. All this comes at the cost of HP and weak armor, meaning it can not really hold up to a lot of punishment. The stock gun on 85B is the top gun of the SU-76, and is highly recommended to upgrade the gun quickly to the 85 mm D-5S-85A, and then to the 85 mm LB-2S.
Compatible Equipment
Compatible Consumables
Player Opinion
Pros and Cons
- Extremely good top gun in most categories. No gun will have comparable stats to this gun until the D5T-85BM from the T-34-85/SU-85
- Good acceleration, turn rates, and overall mobility
- Good camouflage values
- Excellent view range
- Nearly no armor, very vulnerable to HE shells
- Limited gun depression and elevation
- Stock gun is easily damaged
- Ridiculously expensive guns, most costing above 50,000 credits
The SU-85B is a long range sniper, much like its predecessor SU-76. Compared to his predecessor it has a better engine and a bigger punch, but it sacrifices top speed, accuracy, gun depression and elevation for it. The SU-85B has much less problems with fast light tanks, partly due to its better performance and higher health, partly due to the fact that it will usually face larger and slower opponents. Due to its much better acceleration it feels much more nimble and is able to reach its top speed within a few seconds. It has a wider gun arc at the expense of less gun depression and elevation, which diminishes its performance on hilly ground. The SU-85B is one of the few tanks with such a small gun elevation that it feels like a handicap.
While playing the SU-85B you should always remind yourself that you're driving a small but fast tin can with a huge gun. Your only defenses are your high range and good mobility, so don't hesitate to run away if the enemy comes too close or when its foreseeable that the situation will turn against you. Your biggest vulnerability are HE shells, as you will usually die from the first hit. Consequently, the SU-85B is a common victim of arty fire, forcing the player to change position every few shots. This isn't too much of a penalty as its awesome gun not only allows to snipe effectively but it can also kill most enemies within 2-3 shots, making the SU-85B a formidable ambusher.
Early Research
- The 57mm gun carries over from the SU-76. Install it immediately as you will need the penetration.
- The 9RM radio also carries over from its predecessor.
- Research the engines first, as they are inexpensive and give you great mobility.
- Research the suspension.
- If you stay with the 57mm after researching the first 85mm is a matter of play style.
- Don't skip the second 85mm, or you will miss out on the best gun for any tier 4 tank.
Historical Info
Historical Gallery
Sources and External Links
Light Tanks | |
Medium Tanks | |
Heavy Tanks | |
Tank Destroyers | |
Self-Propelled Artillery |
USA | |
UK | |
Germany | |
USSR | |
China | |
Japan |