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2019年4月19日 (五) 09:20的修訂版本2019年4月19日 (五) 09:54的修訂版本
第 9 行:第 9 行:
 Please mind that during a test it is impossible to tweak up the balance right because a test server is very much different from the main server. It offers different game conditions and incomplete statistics, with many of your opponents replaced with bots. For several months following the release of reworked carriers, any of the aircraft parameters, including the number and types of aircraft in a flight formation, will be subject to change. In doing so, we would very much appreciate your feedback and support! Please mind that during a test it is impossible to tweak up the balance right because a test server is very much different from the main server. It offers different game conditions and incomplete statistics, with many of your opponents replaced with bots. For several months following the release of reworked carriers, any of the aircraft parameters, including the number and types of aircraft in a flight formation, will be subject to change. In doing so, we would very much appreciate your feedback and support!
?=== Aircraft Carriers: Tame your Planes ===+=== 航空母艦:馴服您的飛機 ===
?Under the new concept, you control only one squadron in the air, but now you can use your squadron to carry out several attacks in a single offensive mission.+在新概念下,您在空中只能控制一個航空中隊,但是現在您可以使用您的航空中隊在一次攻擊任務中進行幾次攻擊。
?Apart from that, a new type of aircraft—attack aircraft—will appear in the game, armed with unguided rockets. Torpedo and dive bombers will continue to be at your service.+除此之外,一種新型的飛機 — 對艦攻擊機 — 將出現在遊戲中,裝備無導引火箭。魚雷和俯衝轟炸機將繼續由您指揮。
?Squadrons are controlled with the WASD keys and the mouse.+一旦您選定您的目標並準備攻擊,點擊滑鼠左鍵。這將導致航空分隊從航空中隊分離並切換到攻擊模式。當陣型準備就緒後,再次按下滑鼠左鍵讓它攻擊您的目標。
?Once you've selected your target and are ready to attack, hit the left mouse button. This will cause a flight formation to detach from the squadron and switch to attack mode. When the formation is ready, hit the left mouse button again to make it attack your target.+我們已盡一切努力使每艘艦艇的對空防禦系統保持獨特。現在,防空炮座分為三種類型,取決於它們的作用距離:
?We've taken every effort to keep anti-aircraft (AA) defenses of every ship unique. Now, AA mounts are divided into three types, depending on their range of operation:+短程炮(口徑:小於和等於30毫米)
?Short-range guns (caliber: up to 25 mm inclusive);+每個航空中隊現在都將裝備特定的消耗品:「戰鬥機」、「引擎冷卻」和「維修」。
?Medium-range guns (caliber: up to 85 mm inclusive);+
?Long-range (caliber: more than 85 mm).+
?AA mounts deal a certain amount of damage continuously with a given frequency to one randomly selected aircraft in a squadron that is within their reach. Moreover, medium- and long-range AA mounts fire shells that explode in the air in a hostile squadron's path, substantially damaging aircraft within the shell’s explosion zone.+
?Every squadron will now be equipped with specific consumables: "Fighters", "Engine Cooling" and "Repair".+「戰鬥機」消耗品取代之前安裝在艦艇上的彈射式戰鬥機。在此消耗品啟動後,將召喚一個戰鬥機航空中隊進入戰鬥。如果戰鬥機是被飛機召喚,它們將抵達被請求協助的地方附近進行巡邏。如果此消耗品被艦艇啟動,戰鬥機將不會前往地圖上的特定點,而是護衛該艦艇。如果敵方飛機進入它們的巡邏區域,戰鬥機會自動攻擊它們,並且可以摧毀同等於該區域巡邏戰鬥機數量的敵機。
?The "Fighters" consumable replaces Catapult Fighters previously mounted on ships. After this consumable is activated, a squadron of fighters will be called in to battle. If fighters are called in by an aircraft, they will arrive to patrol the area around the point at which their assistance was requested. If this consumable is activated by a ship, fighters will not race to a given point on the map but will escort the ship instead. If hostile aircraft enter their patrolled area, fighters automatically attack them and can destroy as many of them as the number of fighters patrolling the area.+有關新飛機控制、攻擊模式、飛機類型以及對空防禦和消耗品機制的更多詳細資訊,請參見專屬文章。
?More details about the new aircraft controls, attack modes, types of aircraft and the mechanics of AA defenses and consumables are available in a dedicated article.+=== 航空母艦:翻新您的航空母艦 ===
?=== Aircraft Carriers: Pimp Your Carrier ===+在科技樹中,航空母艦將僅放置在偶數階級。
?All changes that produce an effect on gameplay entail changes to such game aspects as the matchmaker, the Tech Tree, economy, upgrades, Commander skills and much more.+戰鬥每一隊最多配對三艘航空母艦。
?In the Tech Tree, aircraft carriers will be placed at even tiers only.+{{Block|i|content=自1月31日至2月8日,您可以免費重置技能並免費重新訓練指揮官。所有與飛機或對空防禦系統交互作用的升級品都將從您的艦艇卸下,以便您可以按照自己喜歡的方式對您的艦艇進行「翻新」。}}
?Up to three carriers may be matched to a team for battle.+
?Now, you will have more options for fitting up your carrier and more strategies to pursue in combat, but it will take you many a dozen battles to acquire a good understanding of the mechanics and become a true flying ace. Controlling air squadrons with the new AA defense mechanics in place is a tricky business: you need to master the skill of starting a maneuver well in time to evade explosions of AA shells, keep an eye on enemy squadrons, and foresee the actions of your target.+
?{{Block|i|content=From January 30 until February 8 you can reset skills and retrain your Commanders free of charge. All upgrades that interact with aircraft or AA defenses will be demounted from your ships so that you can "pimp" your ships the way you like.}}+有關該主題的所有詳細資訊均可在另一篇文章中找到。
?All details on the subject are available in a separate article.+=== 航空母艦:選擇您的國家 ===
? +==== 日本航空母艦 ====
?=== Aircraft Carriers: Choose Your Nation ===+日本航空母艦擁有快速打擊飛機和AP炸彈。我們重製了AP炸彈的機制,使它們更有趣但更難使用:炸彈命中艦艇的彈道和角度取決於您放放炸彈的位置。
?==== Japanese carriers ==== +
?Japanese carriers boast fast strike aircraft and AP bombs. We have reworked the mechanics of AP bombs to make them more interesting yet harder to use: the trajectory and angle at which the bomb hits a ship depend on where you drop it.+
  :* IV Hosho  :* IV Hosho
第 55 行:第 56 行:
?==== U.S. carriers ====+==== 美國航空母艦 ====
?U.S. carriers boast stronger aircraft, torpedoes with a short arming threshold and two types of rockets for attack aircraft.+美國航空母艦擁有更強大的飛機、觸發距離較短的魚雷和對艦攻擊機的兩種火箭。
  :* IV Langley  :* IV Langley
第 63 行:第 64 行:
  :* X Midway  :* X Midway
?However, if you don't like the new gameplay or would like to research the whole carriers branch from beginning to Tier X once again, until February 21 you can exchange any available researchable aircraft carriers for credits and Free XP, and sell Premium aircraft carriers for their full price in doubloons{{Doubloons}}. You can do it in the Inventory section. The rules for compensation for aircraft carriers are intended to ensure maximum advantage to players, and the general principle is really simple: you lose nothing, and even gain an advantage.+但是,如果您不喜歡新的玩法或是想要從頭開始再次研發整個航空母艦分支到X階,0.8.2版本釋前,您可以用任何已取得的可研發航空母艦兌換成銀幣和自由經驗,並以達布隆全額出售加值航空母艦。航空母艦的補償規則目的在於確保玩家獲得最大的好處,而且一般原則非常簡單:您什麼都不會失去,甚至可以獲得好處。
?For a more detailed look into the unique features of carriers and the rules of replacement, read our special article.+有關航空母艦的獨特功能和更換規則的更詳細資訊,請閱讀我們的特殊文章。
?== 排名戰:第11賽季 ==+== 排名戰:第十一季 ==
?The Eleventh Season of Ranked Battles will really stand out: battles will be fought with Tier IX ships in the reworked Arms Race game mode. We've added new bonuses and enhanced the logic of dropping buffs to add more reality to naval clashes in this game mode.+排名戰的第十一季將真正脫穎而出:戰鬥將以IX階艦艇在重製的軍備競賽模式中進行戰鬥。我們已添加新的加成並強化掉落增益效果的邏輯,以便在此遊戲模式中為海戰添加更多現實。
?:* Format: 6 vs. 6;+:* 格式:6對6;
?:* Shorter-than-usual duration of the season: 27 days only;+:* 比平時賽季的時間短:僅27天;
?:* Fewer Ranks: the new season will offer 18 Ranks only;+:* 較少排名:新賽季僅提供18個排名;
?:* Fewer Leagues: League 2, League 1 and the Premier League remain only. The League of Sea Wolves will no longer be available;+:* 較少聯賽:只有聯賽2、聯賽1和超級聯賽。海狼聯賽將關閉;
?However, despite a reduction in the number of Ranks, the total amount (worth) of rewards remains practically the same as in prior seasons;+:* 然而,儘管排名數量減少,獎勵的總額(價值)幾乎與之前的賽季相同;
?:* The amount of Steel you can get (5,500) will not change, either.+:* 您可以獲得的鋼鐵數量(5,500)也不會改變。
 More details about the Ranked Battles are available in a separate article. https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/development/ranked-11-arms-race/ More details about the Ranked Battles are available in a separate article. https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/development/ranked-11-arms-race/
?== 海戰 ==+== 海戰:公會之間的衝突 ==
?Your Clan needs Oil to develop the Clan Base and get extra bonuses? Don't miss our weekly competition codenamed "Naval Battle"!+您的公會需要石油來開發公會基地並獲得額外的加成?不要錯過代號為「海戰」的每週競賽!
?The competition will consist of two stages:+比賽將分為兩個階段:
?"Preparation": From Monday till Thursday. At this stage, your Clan needs to confirm its participation and earn, by joint efforts of all clanmates, a given amount of base XP to be able to move to the next stage;+"準備":從週一到週四。在這個階段,您的公會需要確認參加,並透過所有公會成員的共同努力,獲得一定數量的基本經驗以進入下一階段;
?"Engagement": From Friday till Sunday. Here you will compete against another Clan and your primary task will be to outscore the adversary by the number of stars you get. Stars will be issued for earning base XP with ships of different types and nations.+"決戰":從週五到週日。這時您將與另一個公會競爭,而您的主要工作是讓您獲得的星星數量超越對手。以不同類型和國家的艦艇獲得基本經驗將給予星星。
 == 遊戲平衡改動 == == 遊戲平衡改動 ==
第 106 行:第 107 行:
 日本主力艦Izumo,IX階: 日本主力艦Izumo,IX階:
?:* 將sigma值從1.8增加到2.0使得炮彈落點在擴散橢圓內能更加集中。+將sigma值從1.8增加到2.0使得炮彈落點在擴散橢圓內能更加集中。
 提高火炮的精準度能補償主炮的特殊配置,這個改動將使這艘主力艦變得更加強大。 提高火炮的精準度能補償主炮的特殊配置,這個改動將使這艘主力艦變得更加強大。
?Japanese battleship Kii, Tier VIII:+日本主力艦Kii,VIII階:
?Main Battery reload time was reduced from 31 to 30 seconds+主炮重新裝填時間從31秒縮短到30秒;
?We changed the following parameters of torpedo armament:+我們更改了魚雷武器的下列參數:
?Range was increased from 6 to 10 km+射程從6公里增加到10公里;
?Speed was reduced from 63 to 62 kts+速度從63節降低到62節;
?Maximum damage was increased from 14,600 to 17,233+最大傷害從14,600增加到17,233。
?This turns Kii into a battleship with more opportunities to use her torpedo tubes, elevating them beyond being a weapon of "last resort". Previously using them required players to expose the ship's broadside to enemy fire, due to the restrictive launch angles.+這樣的改動讓Kii成為一艘有更多機會使用魚雷發射管的艦艇,從此魚雷不會再被當成是「最後手段」的武器來使用了。原先因為魚雷發射角度受限,使得玩家得將側舷暴露在敵人的火力之下。
 日本主力艦Nagato,VII階: 日本主力艦Nagato,VII階:
?:* 主炮重新裝填時間從32秒縮短到30秒。+主炮重新裝填時間從32秒縮短到30秒。
 我們藉由縮短艦炮的重新裝填時間來強調Nagato是一艘犧牲了裝甲保護換來良好機動性和少量精準火炮的主力艦。 我們藉由縮短艦炮的重新裝填時間來強調Nagato是一艘犧牲了裝甲保護換來良好機動性和少量精準火炮的主力艦。
 美國主力艦Colorado,VII階: 美國主力艦Colorado,VII階:
?:* 將sigma值從1.9增加到2.0。+將sigma值從1.9增加到2.0。
 新的sigma值將使這艘主力艦成為一艘以不錯的機動性、良好的裝甲和少量精準火炮而聞名的慢速艦艇。 新的sigma值將使這艘主力艦成為一艘以不錯的機動性、良好的裝甲和少量精準火炮而聞名的慢速艦艇。
 法國主力艦Dunkerque,VI階: 法國主力艦Dunkerque,VI階:
?:* 將主炮的重新裝填時間從28秒縮短到26秒。+將主炮的重新裝填時間從28秒縮短到26秒。
 縮短重新裝填時間將能彌補Dunkerque小口徑主炮的缺點,使得這艘主力艦的性能與其他VI階主力艦相比顯得更加平衡。 縮短重新裝填時間將能彌補Dunkerque小口徑主炮的缺點,使得這艘主力艦的性能與其他VI階主力艦相比顯得更加平衡。
 英國主力艦Hood,VII階: 英國主力艦Hood,VII階:
?:* 將sigma值從1.8增加到1.9使炮彈在擴散橢圓內的落點更加集中,以提升艦艇的射擊精準度;+將sigma值從1.8增加到1.9使炮彈在擴散橢圓內的落點更加集中,以提升艦艇的射擊精準度;
?:* AP引信延遲從0.015秒增加到0.033秒。+AP引信延遲從0.015秒增加到0.033秒。
 新的引信啟動時間將使穿甲彈更常在裝甲艦的裝甲區引爆,但會在攻擊輕型裝甲目標時造成更多的過度擊穿。 新的引信啟動時間將使穿甲彈更常在裝甲艦的裝甲區引爆,但會在攻擊輕型裝甲目標時造成更多的過度擊穿。
 法國驅逐艦Aigle,VI階: 法國驅逐艦Aigle,VI階:
?:* 魚雷射程從7公里增加到8公里。+魚雷射程從7公里增加到8公里。
 增加魚雷射程讓這艘法國驅逐艦有更多機會能在不被敵人發現的情況下發射魚雷,讓她有更多機會能夠擊中主力艦。 增加魚雷射程讓這艘法國驅逐艦有更多機會能在不被敵人發現的情況下發射魚雷,讓她有更多機會能夠擊中主力艦。
 美國驅逐艦Mahan,VII階: 美國驅逐艦Mahan,VII階:
?:* 主炮重新裝填時間從4秒縮短到3.3秒。+主炮重新裝填時間從4秒縮短到3.3秒。
 儘管該驅逐艦在其同階級的每秒傷害統計數據是名列前茅的,但由於其艦炮的特殊彈道,往往使得她在與其他驅逐艦交戰時無法感受到這個優勢。新的參數雖然不會改變其主炮彈道,但會顯著提升與敵方驅逐艦在近距離交戰時的作戰效率。 儘管該驅逐艦在其同階級的每秒傷害統計數據是名列前茅的,但由於其艦炮的特殊彈道,往往使得她在與其他驅逐艦交戰時無法感受到這個優勢。新的參數雖然不會改變其主炮彈道,但會顯著提升與敵方驅逐艦在近距離交戰時的作戰效率。
 美國驅逐艦Sims,VII階: 美國驅逐艦Sims,VII階:
?:* 修改了預設魚雷的數值:+修改了預設魚雷的數值:
 射程從5.5公里增加到7公里; 射程從5.5公里增加到7公里;
?:* 修改了可選魚雷的數值:+修改了可選魚雷的數值:
 射程從9.2公里增加到10.5公里; 射程從9.2公里增加到10.5公里;
?:* *最大傷害從8,500增加到9,667;+最大傷害從8,500增加到9,667;
 重新裝填時間從72秒增加到76秒。 重新裝填時間從72秒增加到76秒。
 藉由修改了預設和可選魚雷的特性來強調Sims兩種不同玩法之間的差異: 藉由修改了預設和可選魚雷的特性來強調Sims兩種不同玩法之間的差異:
?:* 使用射程短且速度快的魚雷來造成很高傷害的「高風險,高報酬」遊戲玩法;+使用射程短且速度快的魚雷來造成很高傷害的「高風險,高報酬」遊戲玩法;
?:* 與敵人之間保持較遠的距離,但魚雷傷害較小且速度慢的相對安全玩法。+與敵人之間保持較遠的距離,但魚雷傷害較小且速度慢的相對安全玩法。
?Soviet destroyers Ognevoi, Tier VIII, and Udaloi, Tier IX:+蘇聯驅逐艦Ognevoi,VIII階,和Udaloi,IX階:
?"Repair Party" consumable was added to an extra slot:+「維修小組」消耗品已被加到額外的欄位中:
?Number of charges: 1 (Repair Party I) and 2 (Repair Party II)+裝載數:1(維修小組I)和2(維修小組II);
?Reload time: 120 (Repair Party I) and 80 (Repair Party II) seconds+重新裝載時間:120秒(維修小組I)和80秒(維修小組II);
?Duration: 28 seconds+持續時間:28秒;
?HP regeneration speed: 0.5% of HP per second+血量恢復速度:每秒0.5%的血量。
?Soviet destroyer Kiev, Tier VIII:+蘇聯驅逐艦Kiev,VIII階:
?"Repair Party" consumable was added to the slot with "Smoke Generator":+「維修小組」消耗品被加到「發煙機」的欄位中:
?Number of charges: 2 (Repair Party I) and 3 (Repair Party II)+裝載數:2(維修小組I)和3(維修小組II);
?Reload time: 120 (Repair Party I) and 80 (Repair Party II) seconds+重新裝載時間:120秒(維修小組I)和80秒(維修小組II);
?Duration: 28 seconds+持續時間:28秒;
?HP regeneration speed: 0.5% of HP per second+血量恢復速度:每秒0.5%的血量。
?Adding the "Repair Party" consumable will allow for more effective duels with enemy destroyers, making the progression to Tier X more logical.+添加「維修小組」消耗品將使這艘艦艇能更有效地與敵方驅逐艦進行對決,並使得進展到X階的過程更具有邏輯性。
 +== 額外內容與改動 ==
?== Content Additions and Changes ==+=== 農曆新年 ===
?British Tier V cruiser Exeter has been added for testing by developers, supertesters and community contributors.+為慶祝農曆新年,我們加入新貨櫃、迷彩塗裝和獨特指揮官。
?=== Lunar New Year ===+2019年農曆新年貨櫃和2019年農曆新年加值貨櫃。
?In celebration of the Lunar New Year, we've added new containers, camouflage patterns and unique Commanders.+
?Lunar New Year 2019 Container and Lunar New Year 2019 Premium Container.+2019年農曆新年貨櫃和2019年農曆新年加值貨櫃。
?The Lunar New Year camouflage and special permanent camouflage patterns for Anshan, Loyang, Huanghe and Irian.+Anshan、Loyang、Huanghe和Irian的農曆新年迷彩和特殊永久迷彩塗裝。
?The Dragon Port has been changed. The Port will be shown at night. We also added some new sounds.+龍港已經改變。港口將以夜晚顯示。我們還增加了一些新的音效。
?=== Commanders ===+=== 指揮官 ===
?We added two unique '''Pan-Asian Commanders''' — Dà Róng and Quán Róng—each with enhanced skills.+我們新增兩名獨特指揮官 —Dà Róng和Quán Róng— 兩位都有著強化技能。
?Demolition Expert - +1% to each type+拆除專家 - +1% to each type
?+3% to the chance of HE shells causing a fire on target (by default: +2%);++3% HE彈造成目標火災的機率(預設:+2%);
?+2% to the chance of rockets causing a fire on target (by default: +1%);++2% 火箭造成目標火災的機率(預設:+1%);
?+6% to the chance of HE bombs causing a fire on target (by default: +5%).++6% HE炸彈造成目標火災的機率(預設:+5%)。
?Survivability Expert+生存專家
?+400 HP for your ship and +20 HP for aircraft for each ship tier (by default: +350 and +15, respectively)+每個艦艇階級為您的艦艇+400血量和飛機+20血量(預設:分別+350和+15)
?Commander Dà Róng will be available as a reward for completing a chain of combat missions, while you can obtain Commander Quán Róng via the Arsenal.+指揮官Dà Róng將作為完成一系列戰鬥任務的獎勵,而指揮官Quán Róng將可以在軍火庫購買。
?=== Musashi and Kronshtadt ===+=== Musashi和Kronshtadt ===
?Starting from Update 0.8.0, Tier IX ships Musashi and Kronshtadt won't be available for purchase with Free XP, and cannot be obtained for Coal in the game client either.+從0.8.0版更新開始,IX階艦艇Musashi和Kronshtadt將無法以自由經驗購買,也無法在遊戲客戶端以煤炭取得。
?These ships are becoming extremely popular at their tier, and to avoid Tier IX battles being packed with these ships as well as to maintain adequate team setup diversity, we decided to remove the possibility to purchase or obtain these ships for an indefinite period.+這些艦艇在它們的階級變得非常受歡迎,為了避免IX階戰鬥被這些艦艇佔據以及保持多樣性,我們決定無限期取消購買或獲得這些艦艇的可能性。
?These ships have already been replaced with a French Tier IX battleship Jean Bart, and we also plan to offer U.S. Tier IX cruiser Alaska in the near future.+這些艦艇已經被法國IX階主力艦Jean Bart取代,我們還計劃在不久的將來提供美國IX階巡洋艦Alaska。
?=== Arsenal ===+=== 軍火庫 ===
?A new set of bundles is available with Lunar New Year 2019 containers and other in-game goodies in the Arsenal. For guaranteed receipt of the main reward, a unique Commander named Quán Róng and Premium ship VIII Irian, be sure to obtain the bundles consecutively and in sequence, one by one. You may even find that Premium cruiser Irian drops into your hands in one of the Lunar New Year containers that are part of the bundles.+軍火庫中將提供一套包含2019年農曆新年貨櫃和其他遊戲內好東西的組合包。為了確保您能收到作為主要獎勵的一位獨特指揮官Quán Róng以及一艘加值艦艇 VIII Irian,請您連續且依序購買組合包。請記住,您有可能在組合包中的其中一個農曆新年貨櫃裡獲得加值巡洋艦Irian。
?Bundle offers:+組合包包含:
?15x Lunar New Year 2019 containers, available for 8,888 doubloons.+15個2019年農曆新年貨櫃,只需花費8,888達布隆;
?9x Lunar New Year 2019 containers and a special permanent camouflage for Premium ship Irian, available for 8,888 doubloons.+9個2019年農曆新年貨櫃和加值艦艇Irian的特殊永久迷彩,只需花費8,888達布隆;
?3x Lunar New Year 2019 containers, unique Commander Quán Róng, Premium ship Irian, and the "Irian" commemorative flag, available for 8,888 doubloons.+3個2019年農曆新年貨櫃、獨特指揮官Quán Róng、加值艦艇Irian和 一面「Irian」紀念旗幟,只需花費8,888達布隆。
?=== Operations Update ===+=== 行動更新 ===
?In light of the changes to aircraft carrier gameplay, some Operations were removed from rotation:+鑒於航空母艦玩法的改動,一些行動被從輪換中移除:
?:* Cherry Blossom+:* 櫻花
 :* Operation Dynamo :* Operation Dynamo
?:* The Ultimate Frontier+:* 終極前沿
?:* Raptor Rescue+:* 營救Raptor
 :* Hermes :* Hermes
?Part of the gaming process in these Operations is tied to carriers. Unfortunately, at this stage bots have not been "trained" to cope with the new gaming process. Work is already underway to "upgrade" them, and we'll make every effort to put these Operations back in the game.+上述這些行動中的部分遊戲過程與航空母艦密切相關,但很不幸的,現階段機器人還沒被「訓練」到能應付新的遊戲過程。我們已經在著手進行這些行動的「升級」作業,我們將盡力讓它們重新回到遊戲中。
?== Other Changes and Improvements ==+== 其他改動和改進 ==
?By popular demand, the graphics settings will now contain an option to configure the transparency of fog in battles. By default, it is set to the minimum value. Thus, players that are comfortable with fog in battles will not need to change anything. But if you feel like making fog in the game a little more transparent, switch its transparency setting to maximum. However, the fog cannot be removed completely using the game settings because this parameter is important for the visual perception of the game process. This setting will also help you configure the visual display in battles involving local weather activities.+應廣大玩家的要求,現在在圖形設定中將多一個能更改戰鬥中霧透明度的選項。在預設的情況下,它將被設為最小值,因此,對於目前戰鬥中霧的畫面感到舒適的玩家不需要做任何更改。但如果您想讓遊戲中的霧變得更透明,那就將霧的透明度設定值調到最大。然而,霧是無法完全被移除的,因為它對於遊戲過程的視覺感知來說是個重要的參數。這個設定也能讓您在戰鬥中更改涉及到當地天氣活動的視覺畫面。
?Fixed an issue which immediately removed a detectability penalty applied to a ship after firing if the ship has left the enemy's line of sight. In Update 0.8.0, the penalty will work for 20 seconds irrespective of whether the enemy target sees the firing ship or not.+如果艦艇不在目標的視線範圍內,則會立即消除在主炮開火後對該艦艇所施加的被偵測性懲罰,上述問題已被修正。在0.8.0版更新中,無論目標敵人是否看得到開火的艦艇,該懲罰都將持續作用20秒。
?Improved the interaction of shadows with the effects of fires, flooding, and smoke.+
?Added a message to notifications for instances when a ship attains Elite status.+改善陰影和火災、進水和煙霧效果之間的相互作用。
?The description of the peculiarities of Elite ships will be added as a tip window in the Modules tab.+當一艘艦艇獲得精英狀態時,將在通知中添加一則消息告知玩家。
?We reworked the geometry of armor protection for cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov, with more detail added. This change will not affect the combat performance of the ship.+精英艦艇的特性說明將以一個提示視窗的形式加到配件分頁中。
?Minor improvements in the geometry and textures of the following ships: Akizuki, Mahan, Asashio B, Atago B, Dreadnought, Bourgogne, Hood, Perth, West Virginia 41, and Vanguard.+我們重製了巡洋艦Mikhail Kutuzov的裝甲防護幾何形狀,增加了更多細節。這些改動不會影響到艦艇的作戰性能。
?Destroyer Kagero’s model was reworked. It was brought in line with the ship's real model with numerous changes in the geometry of the hull and main battery turrets, thickness of smoke stacks, form of superstructures, location of anti-aircraft defenses and much more. This change will not affect the combat performance of the ship.+對下列艦艇的幾何形狀和紋理進行了小改進:Akizuki、Mahan、Asashio B、Atago B、Dreadnought、Bourgogne、Hood、Perth、West Virginia 41和Vanguard。
?The "Urashima" camouflage was adjusted to match the new model of destroyer Kagero in the game.+重製了驅逐艦Kagero的模型,為了讓它與艦艇的原型保持一致,我們在艦身和主炮炮塔的幾何形狀、煙囪的厚度、上層建築的形式、防空火炮的位置和其他地方進行了許多改動。這些改動將不會影響艦艇的作戰性能。
?Fixed an issue which caused the incorrect display of the window used for purchasing Premium Account time in the game client.+調整了「Urashima」迷彩,讓它能在遊戲中吻合到新的驅逐艦Kagero。
?The "King of the Air" and "AA Defense Expert" achievements will no longer be displayed in the Achievements section of the Profile of players who have never earned any of them.+修正了遊戲客戶端中用來購買加值帳號時間的視窗顯示不正確的問題。
?Fixed an issue which sometimes made it impossible to maximize the Clan or Division chat.+如果玩家從未獲得「空中之王」和「防空火炮專業」成就,這些成就將不會再顯示於個人資料的「成就」頁面中。
?Fixed an issue which caused the carousel of ships to overlap with the missions of the "Mighty Prinz" campaign on screens with a resolution of 1,366 х 768 or smaller.+修正了公會和分艦隊聊天視窗無法最大化的問題。
?Fixed the visual display of battleship Hood in the carousel.+修正了在解析度為1,366 х 768或更小的螢幕上發生的艦艇卷軸和「偉大的Prinz」戰役任務重疊的問題。
?Made minor changes to the Czechoslovakian Legions patch.+修正了主力艦Hood在卷軸中的顯示問題。
?The list of rewards in the Daily Shipments section now automatically shifts to the current day.+對捷克斯洛伐克軍團臂章做了小改動。
?Fixed the display of a service text in the description of reasons regarding the impossibility of selecting Clan Battles in the Campaigns window.+每日貨運的獎勵清單現在會自動切換到當天。
?Fixed the incorrect display of the combat missions banner when setting up a Division.+修正了在戰役視窗中無法選擇公會戰鬥的原因說明中服務文本的顯示問題。
?Fixed an issue in the Operations selection screen, which caused the name of an Operation to stretch beyond the limits of its field.+修正了在設置分艦隊時作戰任務顯示不正確的問題。
?Fixed poor performance of the Port camera when flying over ship modules in the London Port.+修正了選擇行動的畫面中行動名稱超出其欄位限制的問題。
?Enhanced the display of visual effects, which will no longer be disrupted when a player moves the camera. This, for example, helps to avoid breaks in a torpedo's wake.+增強了視覺效果的顯示。玩家移動鏡頭時,將不會再有畫面被中斷的問題。舉例來說,這個改動有助於避免魚雷尾跡的中斷。
?Added an option to re-configure the replay save parameters. You can utilize it by editing the scriptsPreferences section of the preferences.xml file. Future updates will not affect your personalized settings. To change the settings, edit the following parameter:+加入一個選項得以重新設定重播保存的參數,您可以透過編輯 preferences.xml 檔案的 scriptsPreferences 區塊來達成這項動作,往後的更新將不會影響您的新設定。要更改參數請編輯以下的字串:
?maxReplaysToSave — number of replays to save, 0 — save all replays, N — save replays of the last N battles+maxReplaysToSave — 已經被儲存的重播數量, 0 — 儲存所有重播, N — 儲存倒數 N 場戰鬥的重播
?Fixed an issue that caused a minor memory leak during a battle.+修復會在戰鬥中造成輕微的記憶體洩漏的問題。
 [[分類:遊戲歷史]] [[分類:遊戲歷史]]

2019年4月19日 (五) 09:54的修訂版本

We're launching a series of updates focused on aircraft carriers. In addition to the new gameplay experience, Update 0.8.0 kicks off an event called "Fly! Strike! Win!" with new Directives dedicated to naval aviation.

Reworked Aircraft Carriers: Gameplay

All details are available in a series of articles where we describe the new system of aircraft controls and attacking, special consumables, changes in the Tech Tree and in other aspects of the game. Wanna be heralded a true flying ace? Read on, the information in this article will come in handy. First, let's take a look at some highlights.

Please mind that during a test it is impossible to tweak up the balance right because a test server is very much different from the main server. It offers different game conditions and incomplete statistics, with many of your opponents replaced with bots. For several months following the release of reworked carriers, any of the aircraft parameters, including the number and types of aircraft in a flight formation, will be subject to change. In doing so, we would very much appreciate your feedback and support!



除此之外,一種新型的飛機 — 對艦攻擊機 — 將出現在遊戲中,裝備無導引火箭。魚雷和俯衝轟炸機將繼續由您指揮。 使用WASD鍵和滑鼠控制航空中隊。



短程炮(口徑:小於和等於30毫米) 中程炮(口徑:小於和等於85毫米) 長程砲(口徑:大於85毫米). 防空炮座以一定頻率持續對航空中隊中一架隨機選擇的飛機進行一定程度的傷害。此外,中程和長程防空炮座將發射會在敵方航空中隊飛行路徑上爆炸的炮彈,顯著傷害炮彈爆炸區域內的飛機。



有關新飛機控制、攻擊模式、飛機類型以及對空防禦和消耗品機制的更多詳細資訊,請參見專屬文章。 https://worldofwarships.asia/zh-tw/news/game-updates/cv8-how-to-play/



在科技樹中,航空母艦將僅放置在偶數階級。 戰鬥每一隊最多配對三艘航空母艦。 現在,您將有更多適合您的航空母艦選項和更多可以在戰鬥中追尋的戰術,但是您需要進行數十場的戰鬥才能獲得對機制的良好理解,並成為真正的飛行王牌。面對新的對空防禦機制,控制航空中隊變成一件棘手的事情:您需要掌握及時開始移動的技巧,以迴避防空炮彈的爆炸,密切關注敵方航空中隊,並預測目標的行動。


有關該主題的所有詳細資訊均可在另一篇文章中找到。 https://worldofwarships.asia/zh-tw/news/game-updates/cv8-how-to-tune/




:* IV Hosho
:*  VI Ryujo
:*  VIII Shokaku
:*  X Hakuryu



:*  IV Langley
:*  VI Ranger
:*  VIII Lexington
:*  X Midway


有關航空母艦的獨特功能和更換規則的更詳細資訊,請閱讀我們的特殊文章。 https://worldofwarships.asia/zh-tw/news/game-updates/cv8-which-nation-to-choose/



  • 格式:6對6;
  • 比平時賽季的時間短:僅27天;
  • 較少排名:新賽季僅提供18個排名;
  • 較少聯賽:只有聯賽2、聯賽1和超級聯賽。海狼聯賽將關閉;
  • 然而,儘管排名數量減少,獎勵的總額(價值)幾乎與之前的賽季相同;
  • 您可以獲得的鋼鐵數量(5,500)也不會改變。

More details about the Ranked Battles are available in a separate article. https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/development/ranked-11-arms-race/



比賽將分為兩個階段: "準備":從週一到週四。在這個階段,您的公會需要確認參加,並透過所有公會成員的共同努力,獲得一定數量的基本經驗以進入下一階段; "決戰":從週五到週日。這時您將與另一個公會競爭,而您的主要工作是讓您獲得的星星數量超越對手。以不同類型和國家的艦艇獲得基本經驗將給予星星。




  • 如果驅逐艦意外發現自己處於接近巡洋艦的危險地帶,她們將有更多的時間開始移動;
  • 由於更好的隱蔽,巡洋艦可以減少對主力艦的恐懼;
  • 對於主力艦,此技能似乎不再是必備的,允許在配置選擇方面提供更大的靈活性。






日本主力艦Izumo,IX階: 將sigma值從1.8增加到2.0使得炮彈落點在擴散橢圓內能更加集中。 提高火炮的精準度能補償主炮的特殊配置,這個改動將使這艘主力艦變得更加強大。

日本主力艦Kii,VIII階: 主炮重新裝填時間從31秒縮短到30秒; 我們更改了魚雷武器的下列參數: 射程從6公里增加到10公里; 速度從63節降低到62節; 最大傷害從14,600增加到17,233。 這樣的改動讓Kii成為一艘有更多機會使用魚雷發射管的艦艇,從此魚雷不會再被當成是「最後手段」的武器來使用了。原先因為魚雷發射角度受限,使得玩家得將側舷暴露在敵人的火力之下。

日本主力艦Nagato,VII階: 主炮重新裝填時間從32秒縮短到30秒。 我們藉由縮短艦炮的重新裝填時間來強調Nagato是一艘犧牲了裝甲保護換來良好機動性和少量精準火炮的主力艦。

美國主力艦Colorado,VII階: 將sigma值從1.9增加到2.0。 新的sigma值將使這艘主力艦成為一艘以不錯的機動性、良好的裝甲和少量精準火炮而聞名的慢速艦艇。

法國主力艦Dunkerque,VI階: 將主炮的重新裝填時間從28秒縮短到26秒。 縮短重新裝填時間將能彌補Dunkerque小口徑主炮的缺點,使得這艘主力艦的性能與其他VI階主力艦相比顯得更加平衡。

英國主力艦Hood,VII階: 將sigma值從1.8增加到1.9使炮彈在擴散橢圓內的落點更加集中,以提升艦艇的射擊精準度; AP引信延遲從0.015秒增加到0.033秒。 新的引信啟動時間將使穿甲彈更常在裝甲艦的裝甲區引爆,但會在攻擊輕型裝甲目標時造成更多的過度擊穿。

法國驅逐艦Aigle,VI階: 魚雷射程從7公里增加到8公里。 增加魚雷射程讓這艘法國驅逐艦有更多機會能在不被敵人發現的情況下發射魚雷,讓她有更多機會能夠擊中主力艦。

美國驅逐艦Mahan,VII階: 主炮重新裝填時間從4秒縮短到3.3秒。 儘管該驅逐艦在其同階級的每秒傷害統計數據是名列前茅的,但由於其艦炮的特殊彈道,往往使得她在與其他驅逐艦交戰時無法感受到這個優勢。新的參數雖然不會改變其主炮彈道,但會顯著提升與敵方驅逐艦在近距離交戰時的作戰效率。

美國驅逐艦Sims,VII階: 修改了預設魚雷的數值: 射程從5.5公里增加到7公里; 修改了可選魚雷的數值: 射程從9.2公里增加到10.5公里; 最大傷害從8,500增加到9,667; 重新裝填時間從72秒增加到76秒。 藉由修改了預設和可選魚雷的特性來強調Sims兩種不同玩法之間的差異:

使用射程短且速度快的魚雷來造成很高傷害的「高風險,高報酬」遊戲玩法; 與敵人之間保持較遠的距離,但魚雷傷害較小且速度慢的相對安全玩法。 蘇聯驅逐艦Ognevoi,VIII階,和Udaloi,IX階: 「維修小組」消耗品已被加到額外的欄位中: 裝載數:1(維修小組I)和2(維修小組II); 重新裝載時間:120秒(維修小組I)和80秒(維修小組II); 持續時間:28秒; 血量恢復速度:每秒0.5%的血量。 蘇聯驅逐艦Kiev,VIII階: 「維修小組」消耗品被加到「發煙機」的欄位中: 裝載數:2(維修小組I)和3(維修小組II); 重新裝載時間:120秒(維修小組I)和80秒(維修小組II); 持續時間:28秒; 血量恢復速度:每秒0.5%的血量。 添加「維修小組」消耗品將使這艘艦艇能更有效地與敵方驅逐艦進行對決,並使得進展到X階的過程更具有邏輯性。










我們新增兩名獨特指揮官 —Dà Róng和Quán Róng— 兩位都有著強化技能。

拆除專家 - +1% to each type +3% HE彈造成目標火災的機率(預設:+2%); +2% 火箭造成目標火災的機率(預設:+1%); +6% HE炸彈造成目標火災的機率(預設:+5%)。


每個艦艇階級為您的艦艇+400血量和飛機+20血量(預設:分別+350和+15) 指揮官Dà Róng將作為完成一系列戰鬥任務的獎勵,而指揮官Quán Róng將可以在軍火庫購買。




這些艦艇已經被法國IX階主力艦Jean Bart取代,我們還計劃在不久的將來提供美國IX階巡洋艦Alaska。


軍火庫中將提供一套包含2019年農曆新年貨櫃和其他遊戲內好東西的組合包。為了確保您能收到作為主要獎勵的一位獨特指揮官Quán Róng以及一艘加值艦艇 VIII Irian,請您連續且依序購買組合包。請記住,您有可能在組合包中的其中一個農曆新年貨櫃裡獲得加值巡洋艦Irian。

組合包包含: 15個2019年農曆新年貨櫃,只需花費8,888達布隆; 9個2019年農曆新年貨櫃和加值艦艇Irian的特殊永久迷彩,只需花費8,888達布隆; 3個2019年農曆新年貨櫃、獨特指揮官Quán Róng、加值艦艇Irian和 一面「Irian」紀念旗幟,只需花費8,888達布隆。



  • 櫻花
  • Operation Dynamo
  • 終極前沿
  • 營救Raptor
  • Hermes








我們重製了巡洋艦Mikhail Kutuzov的裝甲防護幾何形狀,增加了更多細節。這些改動不會影響到艦艇的作戰性能。

對下列艦艇的幾何形狀和紋理進行了小改進:Akizuki、Mahan、Asashio B、Atago B、Dreadnought、Bourgogne、Hood、Perth、West Virginia 41和Vanguard。






修正了在解析度為1,366 х 768或更小的螢幕上發生的艦艇卷軸和「偉大的Prinz」戰役任務重疊的問題。






修正了選擇行動的畫面中行動名稱超出其欄位限制的問題。 修正了港口鏡頭在飛過倫敦港口中的艦艇配件時發生運作不正確的問題。


加入一個選項得以重新設定重播保存的參數,您可以透過編輯 preferences.xml 檔案的 scriptsPreferences 區塊來達成這項動作,往後的更新將不會影響您的新設定。要更改參數請編輯以下的字串: maxReplaysToSave — 已經被儲存的重播數量, 0 — 儲存所有重播, N — 儲存倒數 N 場戰鬥的重播

