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在2020年11月3日 (二) 19:09由所做的修訂版本
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No vehicle in World of Tanks can operate without a complete virtual crew. The crew operates the vehicle under the direction of the player. The size of a complete crew varies, depending on the vehicle. In-game crews range from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 6 crew members. Crew members fill one of five designated roles, or Major Qualifications within a vehicle. The 5 roles are Commander, Gunner, Driver, Radio Operator, and Loader.

Just as vehicles accumulate experience for every battle, so do crew members. Each crew member has a Personal File, which records his battle statistics, medals, his Training Level in his qualification, and his training level in any Skills and/or Perks he has acquired. Credits or gold can be used to immediately train a crew member up to 75% (using credits) or 100% (using gold) in his qualification. Credits/gold cannot be used to boost the training of Skills and/or Perks.

Each crew member's Proficiency directly affects and improves the performance of their vehicle in battle. If a crew member is knocked out in battle, the vehicle's performance will suffer, especially in the area affected by his role. A knocked out Driver, for example, would reduce the acceleration, speed, and maneuverability of your vehicle. Since the Commander provides a bonus to the rest of the crew, losing the Commander will slightly degrade the performance of all remaining crew members. Skills/Perks belonging to a knocked out crew member are also disabled.

If all crew members are knocked out, the vehicle will become inoperable.