在2020年11月28日 (六) 19:19由
所做的修訂版本 勛帶
擊毀 - 擊毀敵方艦艇
命中目標 - 以您的主炮命中敵方艦艇
擊穿 - One ribbon is awarded per main battery full penetration.
過度擊穿 - One ribbon is awarded per main battery over-penetrating hit.
未擊穿 - (sometimes called Shatter) - One ribbon is awarded per main battery non-penetrating hit. Note that no damage is dealt by this kind of hit. However, a non-penetrating hit from a High Explosive shell may still produce blast damage.
命中魚雷防護 - One ribbon is awarded per main battery shell that penetrates the torpedo bulge but not the underlying armor, thus doing no damage to the ship.
跳彈 - One ribbon is awarded per main battery ricochet hit. Note that no damage is dealt by this kind of hit.
命中裝甲區 - 命中敵方艦艇的裝甲區
失去作用 - 讓敵方艦艇配件失去作用
引發火災 - 使敵方艦艇起火
命中目標 - 以您的副炮命中敵方艦艇
擊落飛機 - 擊落敵方飛機
以戰鬥機擊落 - 以戰鬥機摧毀一架敵方飛機
命中目標 - 以魚雷命中敵方艦艇
造成進水 - 造成敵方艦艇進水
命中目標 - 以炸彈命中敵方艦艇
擊穿 - One ribbon is awarded per full bomb penetration.
過度擊穿 - One ribbon is awarded per bomb over-penetrating hit.
未擊穿 - One ribbon is awarded per bomb non-penetrating hit. Note that no damage is dealt by this kind of hit.
命中魚雷防護 - One ribbon is awarded per bomb hit that penetrates the torpedo bulge but does no damage to the ship.
跳彈 - One ribbon is awarded per bomb ricochet hit. Note that no damage is dealt by this kind of hit.
命中目標 - 以火箭命中敵方艦艇
擊穿 - One ribbon is awarded per full rocket penetration.
過度擊穿 - One ribbon is awarded per rocket over-penetrating hit.
未擊穿 - One ribbon is awarded per rocket non-penetrating hit. Note that no damage is dealt by this kind of hit.
命中魚雷防護 - One ribbon is awarded per rocket that penetrates the torpedo bulge but does no damage to the ship.
跳彈 - One ribbon is awarded per rocket ricochet hit. Note that no damage is dealt by this kind of hit.
發現 - 發現在戰鬥中從未被發現的艦艇, 或是保持隱蔽超過90 s秒
防禦 - 擊中正在佔領關鍵地區或我方基地的敵方艦艇
協助佔領 - 協助佔領關鍵地區或敵方基地
佔領 - 佔領關鍵地區或敵方基地
Destroyed - One ribbon is awarded for obtaining the last hit which destroys a fort or shore installation.