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World of Tanks
8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger
8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger
Tank:JagdTiger SdKfz 185
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{{TankData|Tank=JagdTiger_SdKfz_185 |This Tank Destroyer is a formidable opponent on the battlefield as its main gun has excellent accuracy and an extremely high rate of fire for this tier (5.5 second reload). At long range situations, with the vulnerable glacis plate hidden and the robust superstructure exposed, this Tank Destroyer can become a nightmare for equal tiers to penetrate. Its Tier IX Cousin the [[Jagdtiger]] has better mobility and firepower but this tank has a formidable rate of fire. Unfortunately you share the Jagdtiger's weaknesses too which is the vulnerable glacis plate and very weak side and rear armor. Keep at long range, avoid close combat, aim for the weakspots and you can be the deciding factor in the game. |Gallery= |InTheGame_pros= *Very strong superstructure *Precise gun that hits weakspots well *Outstanding reload time and consequently DPM (2666 dpm base) *Ability to hull down *Excellent aiming time *Decent armor for tier 8 *Excellent view range *Special matchmaking (as of 8.2) that makes tier 9 the highest it will face *Good amount of hit points *Thick tracks can absorb damage *Can engage multiple frontal targets easily - great for holding chokepoints *One of the cheaper tier 8 premiums at 10,000 gold. *Cheap shells |InTheGame_cons= * Slow traverse speed * If "tracked" while going full speed, the momentum of such weight will turn the tank 90°, exposing its potentially thin sides. * Poor Alpha damage - can not compete with "peek-a-boo" tactics, and most halfway decent players won't just sit and let you shoot them repetitively * Can easily catch on fire if hit in the lower glacis, an issue of greater concern after the precision of all guns was improved in the 8.6 update. * Lower glacis plate is a known weakspot, though it is thicker than Tiger II's and Jagdtiger's * Side armor is weak * Large superstructure combined with slow speed make this tank very easy for artillery to hit * Specialist flank defender, requires large amounts of team support * Inferior speed and traverse than a regular Jagdtiger, despite the lighter gun |InTheGame_performance= Having a very armoured superstructure, an accurate gun with high ROF and decent maneuverability, the Jagdtiger 88 is a deadly tank that can easily burn down many of the tanks with extreme DPM. Most shots from tanks you face will harmlessly bounce off your upper front plate and superstructure, but your sides are very weak and your turning ability is limited. With all these in mind, tactics with this tank should change over the course of the match. When the match begins, you should use your accurate gun to snipe the enemy, helping your flank thin out the enemies. Considering that most tanks of this tier have low rates of fire, your high ROF may provide the additional firepower necessary for your allied tanks to overwhelm the opposition. Be careful of areas with multiple shooting angles - your front may face an enemy, but your sides may face another flank! If your team is gaining the upper hand and the enemies' numbers are thinning out, you can start pushing your flank with support. Based on previous observations of enemy positions, angle your tank to ensure that all potential fire will hit your front or bounce off your sides. Attack enemy tanks to draw shots, which will expose them to your allies, allowing you and your team to swiftly dispose of them. If your flank is collapsing, pull back and use your high ROF to hold enemies off. Be sure to hide your lower front plate as it is very weak. Hopefully, more tanks will come to reinforce your flank, and your opponents will be weak enough to be easy pickings for your team. If such a flank is a short drive away, do not be afraid to go back and hold it - such occasions are where this tank shines, and a good defense can net 3000+ damage, several destroyed enemy topdogs and a resecured flank. Weakspot shooting is mandatory in this tank, as 203mm may not cut it on tier IX and some tier VIII opponents. Drivers of this tanks should get familiar with where to shoot on most opponents for damage. The accuracy and rate of fire will handle the rest. Reliably detracking enemies is also essential, as the gun fires faster than the speed at which a 100% crew with 100% repair can repair the track for most tanks. Not only can this save you from flankers, but it can also earn you "damage on detrack" bonuses on tanks that you cannot reliably penetrate from your side. At all times, be wary of SPGs. Tier 7 and above SPGs will end your tank in a single hit. Your large size and slow speed make you an arty magnet, and with the potential for top tier SPGs in 8.6, this is an even worse issue. In addition, the lower glacis is very weak and should be hidden - hull-down tactics or a large rock may suffice to protect it. Tier 9 tanks, along with the [[T34]] and tier 8 tank destroyers, can easily crack your upper front plate and even your superstructure. If you find yourself in a battle tier 9 match, switch to a purely supportive role. All in all, this tank has one of the best credit earning potentials of the tier 8 premiums. Use your gun to chip away at enemies, and you will earn a lot from driving this tank. |InTheGame_equipment= Improved Ventilation Class 3,Large-caliber Tank Gun Rammer,Enhanced Gun Laying Drive,Coated Optics,Binocular Telescope,Toolbox |Gallery= |History= In November of 1944, Krupp proposed to arm Jagdtigers with longer 128mm Pak L/66 gun. The superstructure was be extended over the engine deckto allow for the recoil of the gun. The project was never realized.It was also intended to arm Jagdtiger with 88mm KwK 43 L/71 gun instead of 128mm Pak 44 L/55 gun.In April of 1945, four were armed with 88mm Pak 43 L/71 gun and were designated as Panzerjäger Tiger mit 88mm Pak 43/3 (Sf)Sd.Kfz.185, while those armed with 128mm Pak 44 L/55 were designated Sd.Kfz.186. |HistoricalGallery= image:PzJgr Tiger 8.8 cm PaK 43.jpg|160px|Panzerjager Tiger "JagdTiger" 8.8 cm PaK 43 Technical Drawing |Ref_references= |Ref_sources=*https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagdtiger |Ref_links= |Sidebar_Camostop=10.9 |Sidebar_Camomove=6.6 |Sidebar_Camofire=2.6 |Sidebar_Passhard=0.959 |Sidebar_Passmed=1.438 |Sidebar_Passsoft=2.301 |Sidebar_DispTurret=0.077 |Sidebar_DispRecoil=2.877 |Sidebar_DispAccel=0.173 |Sidebar_DispTurning=0.173 }}
Tank:JagdTiger SdKfz 185
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