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Revision history of "Automatic Loader"

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05:24, 2 August 2014(18,931 bytes)Updated links in Autoloader section. Updating the Semi-Auto and Autocannon links will require someone who knows how to edit Template:Link to include "Tank:" in the link without displaying it.
03:21, 8 October 2013(18,599 bytes)The AT7 autoloader keeps getting removed for some reason.
12:35, 17 July 2013(18,051 bytes)Fixed the T57 linking to the tier 2 SPG instead of the tier 10 heavy
05:59, 5 July 2013(18,034 bytes)Add image of schematic of Autoloader
14:54, 4 July 2013(17,890 bytes)Add descriptive info on Autoloaders, Semi-Autos, and Autocannons
10:54, 4 July 2013(12,168 bytes)Upgrade Autoloader availability on in-game vehicles
10:31, 4 July 2013(10,972 bytes)Add characteristics of Semi-Auto Cannons
10:22, 4 July 2013(10,673 bytes)Add autocannon characteristics
13:35, 1 July 2013(8,542 bytes)Add Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G,
13:20, 1 July 2013(8,352 bytes)Add 7.92 mm Mauser E.W. 141
13:09, 1 July 2013(8,251 bytes)Add Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C to appropriate guns
14:15, 3 May 2013(8,143 bytes)List was a bit old since the Chinese tanks with autoloaders were not listed
01:23, 11 April 2013(8,035 bytes)Included the AT 7 in the list of tanks with autoloaders.
22:59, 20 February 2013(7,989 bytes)Fixed grammatical error.
23:05, 13 December 2012(8,049 bytes)Added 8.2 autoloaded tanks
10:35, 31 October 2012(7,790 bytes)Added British guns and updated data for all guns from Guns page
07:27, 24 August 2012(6,626 bytes)Added AMX 50 Foch 155
02:18, 9 July 2012(6,531 bytes)Apparently I missed quite a few. Fixed now. Also added Bat Chatillon 155.
02:32, 4 July 2012(6,494 bytes)Followed Jiri's example for the rest of the page
02:12, 4 July 2012(6,538 bytes)Changed to match tool tip links.
08:39, 3 July 2012(6,544 bytes)Changed "Single-Shot Cannons with Magazines" to "Semi-Automatic Cannon"
07:20, 23 June 2012(6,556 bytes)Added 25 mm automatique
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