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Revision history of "Engine/Data"

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18:29, 28 August 2014(25,693 bytes)
22:07, 20 August 2013(24,532 bytes)panzer IV hydraulic updated
23:20, 8 May 2013(20,912 bytes)Added German engines from Aufklärungspanzer Panther
18:31, 2 May 2013(20,602 bytes)Added missing engines of T-70
16:08, 2 May 2013(20,592 bytes)Added missing engines of T-60
02:55, 29 April 2013(20,272 bytes)maus and KV-3 engine changes
21:18, 25 April 2013(20,270 bytes)updated 3002 db engine and M26/27
22:58, 11 April 2013(20,274 bytes)german light tank engines added
20:30, 9 April 2013(20,114 bytes)Minor spelling correction: Guiberson vice Cuiberson
20:26, 9 April 2013(20,114 bytes)Added engines for UK TDs AT 8, AT 7, AT 15, Tortoise, and FV215b (183).
17:20, 27 March 2013(19,860 bytes)Added engines for the UK AT 2 TD.
18:24, 22 March 2013(19,850 bytes)Added Alecto's engines.
17:57, 22 March 2013(19,734 bytes)Added Valentine AT to list of applicable existing engines. All four were already listed.
17:29, 22 March 2013(19,682 bytes)Added engines for UK TD, Universal Carrier 2-pdr
21:04, 20 March 2013(19,541 bytes)Added Churchill Gun Carrier to the user list for the Meadows D.A.V.
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