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Revision history of "Game installation and system requirements"

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01:06, 7 January 2019(3,237 bytes)corrections and more simplifying
01:36, 19 June 2013(3,127 bytes)removed "most current version" because it's a pain to update
01:33, 19 June 2013(3,166 bytes)Draft of Mac OS X and Linux Methods
13:44, 13 May 2011(2,119 bytes)Taken out average and maximum system specs as they're unneeded and "maximum system req" makes no sense, updated system req info with correct one too, btw.
20:09, 15 January 2011(2,296 bytes)Created page with "==Things to do before downloading the game== Before downloading World of tanks there are a few checks that must be preformed, below follows a list of what your computer must have..."
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