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IS-7 (Stock)

6100000 가격
2050 HP내구도
68.19 / 70.95 중량
  1. 지휘관
  2. 포수
  3. 조종수
  4. 장전수 (무전수)
  5. 장전수
150/150/100차체 장갑(정면/측면/후면, mm)
240/185/94포탑 장갑(정면/측면/후면, mm)
1050 마력엔진 출력
50 km/h최고/후진 속력
25 도/초회전 속도
460 damage
260 mm평균 관통력
12.6839086243333 재장전 시간
18 도/초주포 회전 속도
250 m관측 범위
500 m통신 범위

The IS-7 is a Soviet tier 10 heavy tank



단계 포탑 포탑 장갑 (정면/측면/후면, mm) 주포 회전 속도 (도/초) 관측 범위 (m) 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
X IS-7 240/185/94 18 250 0 14200
단계 주포 평균 관통력 (mm) 연사력 100m에서의 분산도 조준 시간 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
X 130 mm S-70 260/303/68 460/460/600 4.73 0.4 2.9 0 2980


단계 엔진 엔진 출력 (마력) 충돌 시 화재 발생 확률 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
X M-50T 1050 15 0 700

단계 현가장치 한계 중량 회전 속도 (도/초) 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
X IS-7 70.95 25 0 11000


단계 무전기 통신 범위 (m) 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
X _10RK-26 500 0 160

Compatible Equipment

수직 안정기 Mk 2
대형 파편 방지대
탄산가스 충전 연료탱크
코팅 광학장비
개량형 주포 구동 장치
개량형 토션 바 (5톤 이상급)
사이클론 필터
개량형 환기장치 3급
전차용 대구경 장전기
공구 상자
"습식" 탄약 적재함 2종

Compatible Consumables

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Excellent frontal armor
  • Spaced armor on the sides
  • Nearly invincible when face hugging
  • High top speed
  • Excellent ability to side-scrape


  • Poor gun depression
  • Slow traverse speed and poor acceleration
  • Horrible aim time and accuracy
  • Frontal armor is tough, but relies on slope rather than thickness. If angled or shot from above, the front can be penetrated.
  • High terrain resistance means it will never reach its top speed unless going downhill


It's not fast and delivers mediocre damage while being hard to kill due to its heavily sloped front armor. The IS-7 has some of the best sloped frontal armor in the game. However this is somewhat nullified at close range by the equally thick but much less sloped lower plate. All these strengths come with a weakness; the IS-7's main gun. While having the same listed accuracy as the E-100's 15cm, in practice it seems to be worse at actually hitting the target, let alone hitting a weakspot, thus requiring the player to get fairly close to their target in order to lessen the impact of its poor dispersion values. This in turn makes you a much easier target to hit as well.

However, these sloping plates also add a disadvantage: You cannot angle the frontal armor of IS-7 as you expose the well-sloped-but-weak armor plate to the enemy, the effective armor when fighting angled drops a fair amount, allowing tier 8, 9, and 10 guns to punch through if they strike at a shallow enough angle to the plate. This in turn makes your lower plate incredibly easy to penetrate as it is just as thin as the upper plate but with far worse sloping. When fighting one at an angle, prefer its flatter front armor sections than is angled side armor, or shoot the sprocket, dealing damage and throwing off the track. If fighting in an urban environment with many street corners that force you to turn to shoot you opponent, it's advised that you bait them into shooting your thick and spaced side armor by side-scraping, then returning fire as they reload. Or if your weak lower hull exposes to enemy fires, try to wiggle or shake it so that it's harder to penetrate. This can even sometime bounces tier X TD's shots.

Historical Info

The development of the IS-7 started in the Spring of 1945. Prototypes were in trials during 1946 and 1947. By 1948, the IS-7 heavy tank was developed. The IS-7 model 1948 variant had a weight of 68 metric tons and was armed with the 130 mm S-70 naval cannon (7020 mm long barrel) with auto-loader and stabilizer, infrared night scopes, 8 machine guns, armor from 220 to 300 mm thickness', and 60 km/h roadspeed.

Only three were built and it was the largest tank ever produced by the USSR. Although it was in many ways an innovative design, it was never accepted for mass production due to its cumbersome size and the very impractical layout of its fighting compartment. The tank housed a crew of five.

It must be noted that the Slostin gun was to be installed as its AA armament.

Historical Gallery

Sources and External Links

Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Heavy Tanks
Tank Destroyers
Self-Propelled Artillery