Wiki Teams
Wiki Team tvoří hráči, kteří asistují a pomáhají ostatním ve hře World of Warships, tím prokazují, že jim na hře záleží. Jsou to v podstatě hráči, kteří dobrovolně věnují svůj čas a energii své lásce ke hře World of Warships a tím zlepšují zážitek z online komunity pro ostatní!
- Musí bý starší 18 let.
- Musí mít skutečný zájem o hry a produkty Wargaming.
- Přispěvatel se musí chovat a vytvářet obsah v souladu s našimi smluvními podmínkami, právní dohodou s koncovým uživatelem (EULA) a oficiálními pravidly hry.
- Obsah přispěvatele musí mít potenciál oslovit a ovlivnit publikum (jinými slovy, přispěvatel musí produkovat kvalitní obsah).
- Přispěvatel musí mít skutečný zájem na tom, aby nám pomohl vybudovat zdravou komunitu kolem našich her sdílením konstruktivní zpětné vazby.
Seznam překladatelů wiki
Tým překladatelů wiki
CZ Wiki
Lídr českých překladatelů wiki, LucyCZ má za sebou několik projektů týkajících se výuky hráčů World of Warships, dále například článků ke hře či terminologie atd. Je aktivní na fóru a v současné době je moderátorem fóra a twitch kanálu.
"Ke hře jsem se dostala vyloženě náhodou a poznala skvělou partu lidí, kteří mi s mechanikou velice pomohli. Svou prací pro wiki jim v podstatě zplácím svůj dluh. Jsem členem jednoho z nejstarších českých klanů [IDDQD]. Nerada hraju sama, takže mne uvidíte v podstatě jen v divizi a v křižníku. Námořní historii teprve poznávám a je velice zajímavá a bohatá. Je neskutečné kolik krásných loděk skončilo na dně oceánu".
A historian and photo collector at heart, Doomlock is the senior team lead for the EN wiki team. When not editing the wiki, he is perusing the web looking for more images of the ships he loves, and has amassed quite a collection of pictures. Usually, he can be seen hanging out on the forums, playing with his clan, Hijackers Anonymous [HINON], learning more about a ship on the internet, or talking up a storm about a ship's history.
A historian and photo collector at heart, Doomlock is the senior team lead for the EN wiki team. When not editing the wiki, he is perusing the web looking for more images of the ships he loves, and has amassed quite a collection of pictures. Usually, he can be seen hanging out on the forums, playing with his clan, Hijackers Anonymous [HINON], learning more about a ship on the internet, or talking up a storm about a ship's history.
A historian and photo collector at heart, Doomlock is the senior team lead for the EN wiki team. When not editing the wiki, he is perusing the web looking for more images of the ships he loves, and has amassed quite a collection of pictures. Usually, he can be seen hanging out on the forums, playing with his clan, Hijackers Anonymous [HINON], learning more about a ship on the internet, or talking up a storm about a ship's history.
EN Wiki
A historian and photo collector at heart, Doomlock is the senior team lead for the EN wiki team. When not editing the wiki, he is perusing the web looking for more images of the ships he loves, and has amassed quite a collection of pictures. Usually, he can be seen hanging out on the forums, playing with his clan, Hijackers Anonymous [HINON], learning more about a ship on the internet, or talking up a storm about a ship's history.
🦆 iDuckman 🦆 is an over-educated rules lawyer and a proud Texan — the not-laconic type. He loves his cruisers. Rumor has it that the witch, Salem, is considering his proposal of marriage. [<hiss> Get away from him, you witch!] (Naively, SirDucken believes that he owns a cat.)
On the wiki, 'Ducky' sticks mostly to the rules pages, trying to keep up with ongoing, constant, never-ending improvements. Sir Ducken is the junior Team Lead, where his extensive cat herding experience is proving to be just as useless as it is with cats. 🦆
On the wiki, 'Ducky' sticks mostly to the rules pages, trying to keep up with ongoing, constant, never-ending improvements. Sir Ducken is the junior Team Lead, where his extensive cat herding experience is proving to be just as useless as it is with cats. 🦆
Khazal chose his odd name only because Panzer was already taken when he signed up for the World of Tanks CBT. He likes long walks on the beach or a cup of hot cocoa next to a cozy fire. Often seen in game trying his best not to give the enemy team first blood or telling everyone who will listen that Fujin is superior to Kamikaze in every way. A master of no line and a disciple of Secondary builds on battleships he seeks to do what will create the most fun. He prides himself on having jokes so bad that even Doom sighs. With that said he will do his best not to break the wiki...too much.
Taking greedy advantage of his real life experience, Panzer has been appointed Deputy Lead in charge of Training. He is also a Reviewer who does not grade on a curve.
Taking greedy advantage of his real life experience, Panzer has been appointed Deputy Lead in charge of Training. He is also a Reviewer who does not grade on a curve.
ToxicSymphony: Lord of the change-logs, checker of facts, finder of bugs and purveyor of truths. Organizing his own army in the Wiki garage.
Joining the community in open beta, SeaRaptor00 also hails from . Having served his time herding kittens that just happen to look a lot like the other wiki staff, he is now semi-retired, though, as a self-appointed Apostle of the Church of Hindenburg, he still edits wiki pages.
When not sinking ships on behalf of the Kriegsmarine or mining the game client for images, he can occasionally be found on Twitch casting competitive matches of World of Warships, such as King of the Sea.
When not sinking ships on behalf of the Kriegsmarine or mining the game client for images, he can occasionally be found on Twitch casting competitive matches of World of Warships, such as King of the Sea.
Lord_Zath was one of the first members of the EN wiki team, joining at a time when most wiki pages were but empty shells. His passion for photography quickly earned him the position of "resident wiki screenshot guru". Zath is also a Supertest Coordinator and a Community Contributor. An avid fan of World of Warships, he aims to teach players as much as he can with his streams on Twitch and his YouTube channel. You can see some of his favorite death pics on Twitter or join his Discord to submit replays.
Tedster_ is the other resident black cat, a wiki team member (and former lead wiki editor), and a supertest coordinator. He is a battleship player who started during the 2nd wave of closed alpha in June 2014, and he is probably whining somewhere about the simplification of the game over the course of testing and release or is making "back in the day" comments. When not attempting to citadel destroyers with whatever battleship is currently being tested, he plays artillery for the current top NA Clan Wars clan in World of Tanks, while also spending way too much time playing Kantai Collection, or reading Friedman-level tomes for entertainment.
Sharkbait_416 is a member of the World of Warships EN wiki team. For some reason, people keep assuming he is a streamer, so he covered his webcam just to be safe. He has regularly played the game since January 2016.
Sharkbait is currently in law school, where he studies Wiki Law (among other, less important, things).
Sharkbait is currently in law school, where he studies Wiki Law (among other, less important, things).
Embeddeddear97 is an avid US Navy history nerd and will often see him in game sailing one. While enjoying all classes Embedded especially enjoys playing battleships. The one thing he despises in this game are HE spamming botes that he can't shoot back at.
floribe2000 has been one of the leading members of the German wiki team for a while and recently joined the EN wiki team. He is one of the tech-experts of the wiki. While not contributing much to normal articles, he usually works on templates and helps with technical issues behind the scenes. He is known to constantly complain about templates being messy and is trying to bring order into the chaos. Good luck with that.
MidnightPhoenix07 is one of the newer members of the EN Wiki team. A former US battleship main turned cruiser main, he has been playing WoWS since the start of Open Beta. He primarily focuses on writing articles for new releases, although he also contributes historical info and change-log updates on occasion. When not working on the Wiki, he can often be found in-game playing cruisers or teaching himself to destroyer. In addition to the Wiki, he is also part of the WoWS subreddit Moderation team. And no, despite his name, he won't play Phoenix no matter how much you ask.
Benser is one of the EN wiki team members who must remember not to use British English when making contributions. In WoWS, a jack of all trades (and master of none) who has played since the Closed Beta Test period, Benser has approximate knowledge of most things and a questionable memory to back it up with.
Pikachu_Lv32 is a Certified Aircraft Carrier Specialist who ironically isn't that great in CVs (according to critics). But there is no one better than Pika when it comes to fostering kittens. After all, cats were said to bring good luck on ships and prevent bad weather.
Omallie_40 Is one of the new additions to the Wiki Team, and has been a part of the player community since Beta. A casual player in-game, he can be spotted frequently sailing CV’s (he actually served in the Navy on them once upon a time), but can be spotted having slipped the mourning lines on any class(yes even subs). For the Wiki, his current focus is on historical research, overviews of ships, and posting historical Images.
DE Wiki Editing Staff
Z_OnkelE is one of the original DE Wiki staff. His WoWS hobby horses (starting even before his wiki involvement) are a detailed gunboat destroyer guide on the EU forum and statistics about one-sided battles.
Shatricor joined the DE Wiki staff in 2020 and plays the game since Closed Alpha. He have deep IT knowledge and actively plays WoWs on Linux. Sometimes he is also in the EN Wiki active when a topic he wants to translate is there outdated too.
PT-BR Wiki Editing Staff
caduzanon is a Brazilian nerd who is equally at home in the guts of the English wiki and in the Brazilian Portuguese wiki that he founded. When he learned Templates, he became truly dangerous. (Fortunately he's a good nerd.)
When not marching in Toxic's Army, he enjoys papercrafting. His latest project is a paper Graf Zeppelin, the Aircraft Carrier. He also enjoys brigadeiro.
When not marching in Toxic's Army, he enjoys papercrafting. His latest project is a paper Graf Zeppelin, the Aircraft Carrier. He also enjoys brigadeiro.
Ripper200: In addition to being an important part of the initiative that brought the Brazilian Portuguese wiki to life, he is now also part of the Moderation team, and wields the sword in official Twitch streams, in the PT-BR section of Official Discord and in the game Forums. In addition to Warships, he is also a huge fan of Flight Simulators and enjoys some aviation content, which gave him the inspiration for his nickname.
Luscao joined the PT-BR wiki team while Cadu and Ripper were building the base for everything, thus participating in the huge process of finishing the adittion of basic templates, translating the main articles and giving a different shape to old pages, making the PT-BR wiki a unique place.
If you happen to stumble upon a Bismarck full of stars in battle, make sure you are not showing broadside!
If you happen to stumble upon a Bismarck full of stars in battle, make sure you are not showing broadside!