- Missing or incorrect input will be red
- Add only the numerical statistic, not the unit (ie. "32" not "32km/h")
- All tank info and related module info should be for the stock model. If the top model differs, add that value to an additional variable with a Top at the end of the same name (e.g. healthTop instead of health) .
- Leave empty if stat is currently unavailable
- Inputs are limited by the format, example for Leichttraktor:
- name = in-game tank name; acceptable - nothing or name of tank (ie. "Leichttraktor"), if nothing template will use page name
- shortname = WG's internal designation for the tank (used for image file name lookup)
- nation = nation tree of tank; acceptable input = "germany", "ussr", "usa", "france", "uk", "china", "Germany", "USSR", "USA", "UK", etc. (ie. "germany")
- class = tank class; acceptable input = "light", "medium", "heavy", "spg", "td", "ttd", "tspg", "Light", "Medium", "Heavy" etc. (ie. "light")
- tier = tank tier; acceptable input = "I"..."X", "i"..."x", "1"..."10" (ie. "1")
- cost = tank cost in store; (ie. "0")
- premium = premium yes|no, can be skipped if no
- notInShop = tank is not available for gold yes|no, can be skipped if no
- unavailable = tank is not available to players on EU/NA/SEA servers at all yes|no, can be skipped if no
- crew = crew members (seperated by <br />); (ie. "1. Commander (Radio, Gunner)<br /> 2. Driver<br /> 3. Loader")
- health = tank health/hit points; (ie. "110")
- weight = tank weight and load limit (weight/load limit); (ie. "7.5/9.2")
- engine = engine horse power; (ie. "51")
- speed = tank speed limit; (ie. "32")
- traverse = tank traverse speed; (ie. "34")
- powerWtratio = horsepower / weight (Done automatically as long as there is a weight specified. It's handled by the "hpt" variable.)
- pivot = tank can pivot/turn around center
- turretTraverse = turret traverse speed; (ie. "40") (not used for TDs or SPGs)
- gunTraverse = gun traverse speed; (ie. "40") (used only for TDs or SPGs)
- gunTraverseArc = gun traverse arc; (ie. "360")
- gunVerticalLimits = gun vertical limits (gun depression/gun elevation, ie. "5/10") - for multiple areas use front area
- armor = tank armor (front/side/rear); (ie."14/12/12")
- turretArmor = turret armor (front/side/rear); (ie."14/12/12")
- damage = standard shell damage (min-max); (ie."22-42")
- penetration = standard shell penetration (min-max); (ie."24-44")
- rof = rate of fire listed in Rounds per Minute; (ie. "30"). If patch notes give Seconds per Shot, convert using 60 / SecondsPerShot = RoF.
- ammo = ammo count; (ie. "105")
- view = view range; (ie. "270")
- signal = radio signal range; (ie. "100")
- accuracy = gun dispersion @ 100m; (ie. "0.4")
- aim = aim focus time; (ie. "1.5")
- fire = change of engine fire; (ie. "25")
- parent = vehicles that lead to this one in research tree, use contour template (ie. {{contour|PzKpfw II}})
- child = vehicles that this vehicle leads to in research tree, use contour template (ie. {{contour|PzKpfw II}})
{{Tank |name = |shortname = |nation = |class = |tier = |cost = |premium= |notInShop = |unavailable = |crew = |health = |healthTop = |weight = |weightTop = |engine = |engineTop = |speed = |traverse = |traverseTop = |pivot = |pivotTop = |turretTraverse = |turretTraverseTop = |gunTraverse = |gunTraverseTop = |armor = |turretArmor = |turretArmorTop = |damage = |damageTop = |penetration = |penetrationTop = |rof = |rofTop = |ammo = |ammoTop = |view = |viewTop = |signal = |signalTop = |accuracy = |accuracyTop = |aim = |aimTop = |fire = |fireTop = |parent = |child = }}