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Revision history of "Ammo"

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18:27, 18 April 2015(17,146 bytes)apparently row formatting doesnt work with our wikitables...
18:07, 7 April 2015(17,077 bytes)made some small formatting fixes, fixed HE bounce angle
01:21, 13 March 2015(7,901 bytes)Added disclaimer regarding overmatch on the use of AP shells with large caliber "derpguns"
20:07, 9 August 2014(6,777 bytes)Slightly updated HESH info
23:07, 24 July 2014(6,646 bytes)corrected small numbers mistake
13:49, 11 July 2014(6,646 bytes)Reverted edits by nijnelijn:eu (talk) to last revision by DXPower_:na
20:29, 10 July 2014(6,646 bytes)Changed picture size due to resolution issues
16:12, 8 July 2014(6,388 bytes)normalization figures
05:23, 20 May 2013(6,319 bytes)section headers formatting
20:15, 19 March 2013(6,264 bytes)Elaborated on gold ammo
01:36, 3 November 2012(4,122 bytes)Fixed some more grammar. Liked the change from "need" to "should"
08:24, 14 August 2012(3,831 bytes)Updated to better integrate Holakc's info and reflect the fact that 7.5 made it impossible to sort ammo types by credits and gold.
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