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T82 (Stock)

30000 가격
240 HP내구도
12.63 / 15.8 중량
  1. 지휘관
  2. 조종수
  3. 포수
  4. 무전수
  5. 장전수
13/7/13차체 장갑(정면/측면/후면, mm)
7/0/0포탑 장갑(정면/측면/후면, mm)
245 마력엔진 출력
48 km/h최고/후진 속력
32 도/초회전 속도
200 damage
20 mm평균 관통력
10.5 클립 재장전 시간
44 도/초주포 회전 속도
240 m관측 범위
500 m통신 범위

Compared with the T18, the T82 has good speed and an excellent view range, but no armor. With this tank you have the choice of three guns: the deceptively excellent 57mm Gun M1 L/50, which is good for sniping due to a high RoF which results in high DPM. The 105mm howitzer deals massive damage penetrates a bit more armour than the stick 75mm howitzer but is balanced with poor accuracy and a long reload time. The T82 should be played from far even with the howitzers, because you lack armor you are better off being in the secondary lines.



단계 주포 평균 관통력 (mm) 연사력 100m에서의 분산도 조준 시간 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
IV 75 mm Howitzer M1A1 20/91.4 200/160 5.71 0.52 2.3 0 138
V 105 mm AT Howitzer M3 30/101.6 400/250 3.24 0.55 2.3 4900 2100
V 57 mm Gun M1 110/180/15 90/90/110 11.54 0.34 2 3000 400


단계 엔진 엔진 출력 (마력) 충돌 시 화재 발생 확률 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
III Continental W-670 268 20 560 256
III Guiberson T-1020-4 245 12 0 331
IV Continental R-975-C1 350 20 990 500

단계 현가장치 한계 중량 회전 속도 (도/초) 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
II T82T55E2 15.8 32 0 3000


단계 무전기 통신 범위 (m) 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
II SCR_200 500 0 40

Compatible Equipment

소형 파편 방지대
코팅 광학장비
개량형 주포 구동 장치
개량형 수직 코일 스프링 1급
전차용 중구경 장전기
공구 상자
"습식" 탄약 적재함 1종

Compatible Consumables

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Good acceleration and top speed
  • Good gun elevation
  • Excellent view range and signal range
  • Very powerful close range firepower with the 105mm Howitzer
  • High penetration, decent accuracy, high rate of fire, and decent damage with the 57mm gun


  • Poor accuracy with 75mm and 105mm howtizer
  • Horrible armor; even HE will easily penetrate
  • Some-what large target
  • Relatively inaccurate with the 57mm compared to the Valentine AT and the SU-76


The T82 is an extremely different approach to combat compared to its earlier parent the T18 in terms of armor and firepower. Where the T18 was sluggish to turn and had thick armor for its tier, the T82 is extremely fast both speed and turning with only 13mm of armor for protection. However, don't let the lack of armor dismay you, this tank can be a blast to use even in a stock configuration. The tank starts out with the 75mm gun, which if you used on the T18, will still pack a relatively good punch until upgraded. The two other choices will be the 105mm howitzer or the 57mm gun. The 105mm can one shot tanks up to tier 5 like the M4 Sherman or T-34 or put a good hurting on heavies. However, the 105mm is slow to reload, slow to aim, inaccurate, and fires a very slow moving projectile, so either good timing or close in shots are a must (which, with your lack of armor, better be the first and last shot needed, or you may not survive the return fire). On the other side, the 57mm gun provides a different play style. The 57mm gun is extremely accurate, fast firing, and is well suited for long range support. Its penetration is so well that it will be able to realiably penetrate and damage any tank it should face, including the KV-1 from the front. Both guns have different play style and are entirely up to you to decide, and both guns are considered overpowered for tier 3, making the T82 arguably the best tier 3 TD.

As an interesting trait, the gun sits high to the point where it almost forms the top of the tank's silhouette, making any form of cover that you can shoot over very effective in protecting the vast majority of your tank if used correctly. This could come in handy where you are trying to protect a lane of approach, since you cannot rely on bouncing any round at all and trying to dodge all of the enemy fire would render your ability to return fire hampered if not eliminated due to the hull mounted gun.

Early Research

  • The SCR 210 radio carries over from the T18 and the SCR 506 carries over from the M3 Stuart. In addition, the Continental R-975-C1 engine carries over from both.
  • Researching the upgraded suspension first is a good place to start since it's cheap.
  • Next take your pick between the two guns, the 105mm Howitzer or 57mm gun.
  • Go from there.

Historical Info

Development of the T82 started in December 1943. The vehicle was put on trials in August 1944, but was never mass-produced, nor saw service. The T82 was a SPG built by the Heil Company to a specific Ordnance Department requirement for a light vehicle for Pacific theatre of operations. This vehicle was equipped with the M3 105mm howitzer which could fire a 30 pound projectile about 5 miles. The T82 was based on the M5A1 Stuart chassis and could carry 58 rounds of 105mm ammunition.

Historical Gallery

Sources and External Links

Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Heavy Tanks
Tank Destroyers
Self-Propelled Artillery