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VK 30.01 (H)

VK 30.01 (H)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

VK3001H (Stock)

410000 가격
730 HP내구도
32 / 41 중량
  1. 지휘관
  2. 포수
  3. 조종수
  4. 무전수
  5. 장전수
50/50/50차체 장갑(정면/측면/후면, mm)
50/50/50포탑 장갑(정면/측면/후면, mm)
300 마력엔진 출력
35 km/h최고/후진 속력
20 도/초회전 속도
160 damage
43 mm평균 관통력
7.82784907845218 클립 재장전 시간
42 도/초주포 회전 속도
230 m관측 범위
500 m통신 범위
VK 30.01 (H)

The VK3001H is a German tier 5 heavy tank

This tank is slow for a tier 5 heavy and the rather weak armor doesn't help, giving this tank low survivability in close-combat encounters. Also, to be able to mount the 7.5cm Waffe gun, the turret has to be upgraded, but this will decrease the agility and drive-performance of the tank due to the added weight and the slower traverse speed. This tank is recommended for mid-range encounters, as the relatively accurate and powerful 7.5cm Waffe proves extremely effective against even tier 7 tanks. Just make sure you have backup. This tank is a very good for learning more advanced defensive tactics (hulldown, sidescraping) that will help throughout the whole line, as simple armor angling will not help you survive in this tank.



단계 포탑 포탑 장갑 (정면/측면/후면, mm) 주포 회전 속도 (도/초) 관측 범위 (m) 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
IV VK 30.01 (H) 0-Serie 50/50/50 42 230 0 3000
단계 주포 평균 관통력 (mm) 연사력 100m에서의 분산도 조준 시간 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
IV 7,5 cm Kw.K. 37 L/24 43/87/38 160/160/200 7.66 0.45 2.3 0 780
IV 5 cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 67/130/25 70/70/90 19.84 0.35 2.3 1350 700
IV 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/43 103/139/38 160/160/200 6.91 0.41 2.3 2140 1437
단계 포탑 포탑 장갑 (정면/측면/후면, mm) 주포 회전 속도 (도/초) 관측 범위 (m) 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
V VK 36.01 (H) 80/60/60 24 240 2600 7680
단계 주포 평균 관통력 (mm) 연사력 100m에서의 분산도 조준 시간 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
IV 7,5 cm Kw.K. 37 L/24 43/87/38 160/160/200 8.34 0.45 2.3 0 780
IV 5 cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 67/130/25 70/70/90 19.84 0.35 2.3 1350 700
IV 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/43 103/139/38 160/160/200 7.46 0.41 2.3 2140 1437
V 7,5 cm Kw.K. 40 L/48 110/158/38 160/160/200 7.46 0.39 2.3 3400 1520
V 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/28 64/104/53 330/330/410 5.93 0.55 2.3 3800 2100
VI 7,5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70 150/194/20 160/160/200 7.14 0.35 2.5 4600 1740
VII 7,5/5,5 cm Waffe 0725 157/221/38 160/160/200 7.44 0.34 2.5 9200 720


단계 엔진 엔진 출력 (마력) 충돌 시 화재 발생 확률 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
IV Maybach HL 116 300 20 0 750
V Maybach HL 190 375 20 1300 1000
VI Maybach HL 150 400 20 5250 850

단계 현가장치 한계 중량 회전 속도 (도/초) 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
IV VK 30.01 (H) 41 20 0 11000
V VK 30.01 (H) verstärkteketten 41 22 2250 11000


단계 무전기 통신 범위 (m) 일반 경험치 중량 (톤)
III FuG5_GER 500 0 50

Compatible Equipment

대형 파편 방지대
코팅 광학장비
개량형 주포 구동 장치
개량형 토션 바 (3톤급)
보조 그라우저
개량형 환기장치 3급
전차용 중구경 장전기
공구 상자
"습식" 탄약 적재함 1종

Compatible Consumables

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Huge gun selection, this tank can unlock nearly every mid-tier German gun
  • Waffe gun has the best penetration and accuracy of all Tier 5 vehicles, with APCR ammo providing better penetration than some tier 7 tanks get
  • Highest view range of all tier 5 heavies
  • Decent mantlet and gun depression allow for effective hulldown fighting
  • Side armour and thick tracks are sufficient for sidescraping


  • Poor maneuverability.
  • Sluggish acceleration.
  • Weakest hull armour of all the Tier 5 Heavy tanks (50mm everywhere); even with heavy angling you cannot expect to bounce anything off the front hull.
  • Engine frequently gets damaged from frontal hits.
  • Very, very, very hard to elite this tank due to the number of guns.


Because of its weak and generally unsloped hull armor, this tank should be played as a sniper, preferably hull-down. Playstyle can be compared to Tiger, VK 30.02 (M) or Panther, and this tank will prepare you for future German tanks. Aside from the howitzer, there is really no reason to use anything but the Waffe as it outclasses all the other guns. However unlocking them all at tier 5 will make future grinds in the German line much easier. Because of the terrible hull armour and easily hit engine, it is essential that you learn to fight hulldown or sidescrape as much as possible. These tricks are essential throughout the entire German heavy line, and really any heavy tank in the game.

For players that favor close-ranged combat, the 10.5cm gun is a good option with its high damage output per shell. However you will have to deal with the cons of this vehicle in order to use this gun effectively. This gun can be used to good effect in urban environments with ranges limited from 50 to 100 meters. Just be sure to aim for the weak spots and have some support when reloading. Also, if you do use the howitzer, DO NOT FIRE AP AMMO! It is a waste of your time and money because with HE ammo, at least you can deal splash damage even if you do not penetrate.

Early Research

  • Upon purchasing this tank, you should immediately install the 7.5 cm KwK 40 L/43 (if researched from the Pz. IV)
  • If you haven't researched the 7.5 cm KwK 40 L/43 yet, research it for a major boost in firepower.
  • Now upgrade the suspension and turret.
  • Next you can decide between going for the Maybach HL 174 or the Waffe. If you really find the L/43 to be unacceptable, you can stop for the L/70 which is almost as good as the Waffe while being much cheaper to unlock.
  • Now research the choice on the line above that you didn't do.
  • If planning to go to the VK3601H next, you may want to leave the top engine. It only provides another 25 h.p. and will unlock for free upon researching the VK3601H.
  • Go from there.

Historical Info

VK 30.01(H) prototype during tests. Note the concrete rings to simulate the weight of the turret.jpg

VK 30.01 (H) is a further development of the Durchbruchswagen concept. The DW vehicles (DW1 and DW2) were – as their name in German suggests – attempts to create a breakthrough tank (in other words, essentially a heavy tank). On September 9, 1938, it was decided to continue with the DW 30 ton category development. On January 1, 1939, Krupp decided that the new vehicle should be equipped with a 75mm L/24 cannon, the crew should be equal to that of Panzer IV and the tank should have 50mm armor all around. On January 31, 1939, this new vehicle program was renamed to Panzerkampfwagen VI (7,5cm), but the new experimental designation for it was VK 30.01 (experimental/tracked vehicle, 30 tons, 1st prototype). At the same time, the old DW projects were renamed to VK 30.01 (Alte Konstruktion), while the new VK 30.01 was referred to as “Neue Konstruktion” (new design).

Design-wise, it was a classical German tank, with typical Henschel suspension that would eventually evolve into the Tiger suspension via VK 36.01. The roadwheels had torsion bar suspension.

3 prototypes were ordered. The hulls were made by Krupp in Essen and delivered to Henschel in Kassel for final assembly in 1940. Turrets were also ordered and Krupp was supposed to deliver them in 1940. However, these came later and most likely were never installed on any prototype machines. The three prototypes instead had a concrete cube installed instead of the turret to simulate the turret weight. The vehicles were equipped with 300hp Maybach HL116 engines and their maximum road speed was 35km/h.

On May 25, 1941, the first order for 8 0-series VK 30.01 (H) tanks was signed. Between October 1941 and January 1942, Henschel also recieved the 8 turrets from Krupp that were to be mounted on the 0-series vehicles. The first 0-series hull was delivered on August 8, 1941, and on November 15, 1941, the first 0-series VK 30.01 (H) (with a mounted turret) was tested in Sennelager. This first 0-series VK 30.01 (H) was by no means finished, however, (some components were missing) and it was sent back to Henschel. The last hull was delivered on November 10, 1941 and the last turret on January 21, 1942. Maybach also built 18 engines in total for the VK 30.01 between 1941 and 1943.

On January 30, 1942, based on the preliminary tests (which did not show the vehicle in a very positive light), it was decided to reduce the amount of the 0-series tanks being built to only 4 vehicles, which were built in March (2 vehicles) and October 1942 (another 2). These tanks were sent to training units and were used for crew training.

The armament (which was still the 75mm L/24, quite insufficient for the 1942 battlefield) was also discussed – Krupp proposed on October 7, 1941 the following options to the Waffenprüfamt 6:

- 75mm KwK L/34,6 (lengthened version of L/24) - 50mm KwK L/50 - 50mm KwK L/60 - 75mm Waffe 0725 (which WoT players will know as the 75mm Konisch on VK 36.01, but it was shown later that this could not be installed).

WaPA 6 responded in the sense that they would like the 75mm KwK 40 L/43 to be installed. Krupp replied that in order to do that, either the gun would have to be modified, or the turret would have to be bigger. In January 1942, the re-arm project was scrapped.

Two hulls were subsequently used to build the two 128mm tank destroyers “12,8cm Kanone 40 L/61 auf VK 30.01(H)”, known as “Sturer Emil”. Additional turrets that were already manufactured before the 0-series VK 30.01 (H) project was reduced were used for fixed emplacements in France (the Atlantic Wall).

The remaining machines were used for crew training and testing various equipment until the end of the war, when they were scrapped.

Historical Gallery

Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Heavy Tanks
Tank Destroyers
Self-Propelled Artillery