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M3 Light

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M3_Stuart_LL (Stock)

850 Koszt
330 PWWytrzymałość
12.01 / 12.5 Masa
  1. Dowódca
  2. Ładowniczy
  3. Strzelec
  4. Radiowiec
  5. Kierowca
38/25/25Pancerz kadłuba(przód/boki/tył, mm)
38/25/25Pancerz wieży(przód/boki/tył, mm)
268 KMMoc silnika
61 km/hPrędkość maksymalna/cofania
40 stopni/sPrędkość obrotu
40 damage
48 mmŚrednia penetracja
3.2 Czas pełnego przeładowania
40 stopni/sPrędkość obrotu działa
210 mZasięg widzenia
500 mZasięg sygnału
M3 Light
M3 Light

It was previously available to new players for completing the in-game training course. It's slightly better than a stock M3 Stuart, but inferior to one that's been fully upgraded. Even so, don't underestimate this tank, as it still has decent top speed and a fast-firing cannon.



Poziom Wieża Pancerz wieży (przód/boki/tył, mm) Prędkość obrotu działa (stopni/s) Zasięg widzenia (m) Doświadczenie Masa (t)
II D37812 38/25/25 40 210 0 1250
Poziom Działo Średnia penetracja (mm) Szybkostrzelność Celność na 100 m Czas celowania Doświadczenie Masa (t)
II 37 mm M5 48/70/19 40/40/50 18.75 0.36 1.7 0 78


Poziom Silnik Moc silnika (KM) Prawdopodobieństwo pożaru przy trafieniu Doświadczenie Masa (t)
IV Continental W-670 268 20 0 256

Poziom Zawieszenie Maks. obciążenie Prędkość obrotu (stopni/s) Doświadczenie Masa (t)
II Stuart E1 12.5 40 0 3000


Poziom Radio Zasięg sygnału (m) Doświadczenie Masa (t)
IV SCR_209 500 0 80

Compatible Equipment

Lekka osłona p.od.
Siatka maskująca
Osłonięta optyka
Ulepszony system naprowadzania
Ulepszona wentylacja (klasa 1)
Lorneta polowa
Skrzynka z narzędziami

Compatible Consumables

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons


  • Excellent top speed
  • Good turret traverse speed and elevation arc
  • Good rate of fire
  • Very good frontal armor for light tank, immune to most machineguns and autocannons (except weak spots like driver's hatch)
  • Does not encounter tier 5 battles, unlike the regular Stuart


  • Poor damage and penetration
  • Poor view and signal range


The short signal range makes it less beneficial as a scout than it otherwise could be. However, it is a effective flanker, and it has a fast firing cannon but low penetration, so shooting at the sides of enemy tanks in a must.

Historical Info

From the summer of 1942, when enough US medium tanks had been received, the British usually kept Stuarts out of tank-to-tank combat, using them primarily for reconnaissance. The turret was removed from some examples to save weight and improve speed and range. These became known as "Stuart Recce". Some others were converted to armored personnel carriers and were known as "Stuart Kangaroo", and some were converted command vehicles and known as "Stuart Command". M3s, M3A3s, and M5s continued in British service until the end of the war, but British units had a smaller proportion of these light tanks than US units. The other major Lend-Lease recipient of the M3, the Soviet Union, was even less happy with the tank, considering it undergunned, underarmored, likely to catch fire, and too sensitive to fuel quality. The narrow tracks were highly unsuited to operation in winter conditions, as they resulted in high ground pressures under which the tank sank into the snow. Further, the M3's radial aircraft engine required high-octane fuel, which complicated Soviet logistics as most of their tanks used diesel. However, the M3 was superior to early-war Soviet light tanks such as the T-60, which were often underpowered and possessed even lighter armament than the Stuart. In 1943, the Red Army tried out the M5 and decided that the upgraded design was not much better than the M3. Being less desperate than in 1941, the Soviets turned down an American offer to supply the M5. M3s continued in Red Army service at least until 1944.

Light Tanks
Medium Tanks
Heavy Tanks
Tank Destroyers
Self-Propelled Artillery