Changelog: World of Tanks (XBOX) Patch 1.5.0
Spis treści
New Features
- Operations System: Earn awards based on activities
- Tank upgrade menu multi-layer reel system
- Lifetime Ribbons Collection under Stats
- Will not track ribbons earned prior to update
- Changed the Functionality of "The 122 and U" achievement to no longer require ownership of the T-150
- Added secondary callout menu to the radial command wheel (default: RT) with the following callouts:
- "Great Shot!"
- "Good Game!"
- "On My Way!"
- "In Position!"
- "Awesome!"
- "Sorry!"
New Maps
New Tanks
- French Premium Tanks (available in the Store beginning Sept. 26)
- Heavy Tanks
- Tank Destroyers
- UK
- Artillery
- Tank Destroyers
- Germany
- Medium Tanks (Second tree)
New Achievements
- Absolute: Research a Tier X tank)
- Tactical Espionage: Spot at least 9 members of the opposing team in a single match and win
- Now You See Me...: Apply Camouflage to your tank
- This is World of Tanks: Be the last tank to be destroyed on your team
- Ranger: Destroy all enemy light tanks during a match, must be 3 or more
- The Sherminator: Own the M4, M4A3E2, and M4A3E8 Sherman tanks simultaneously
- 'Tis Just a Scratch: Win and survive a match with 3 or more damaged components
- Stand By Me: Survive and win a battle along with one or more Platoon mates.)
- Fixed a graphical issue in which placeholder information is visible in the tank stats panel
- Button legend now updates when highlighting an already owned equipment/consumable
- Corrected some rate-of-fire rounding issues in the tank details screen
- Backing out of the Options menu while in the tank grid now displays the correct information in the tank stats panel
- "Return to Garage" dialog box now warns the player of the penalty for leaving early if they are alive
- "Sell tank" dialog now has a separator for values in the thousands
- Description for Clutch Breaking skill corrected
- Updated Crew help screen
- Fixed map image failing to load in loading screens
- Fixed soft lock when purchasing a tank while ready in a Platoon
- Resolved issues caused by returning to grid view after viewing tank details
- Added error message/notification that your Platoon leader is already in battle queue
- Corrected Platoon status text after returning from battle
- Fixed an issue with Premium days displaying incorrectly in certain time zones
- Removed the brief display of tank details when tabbing to the Tanks tab
Map Changes
- Mountain Pass Encounter spawn points have now been changed. Team 1: A4 and corner of B2; Team 2: H8 and J8
- Mountain Pass Standard spawn points adjusted slightly for both bases
- Fisherman's Bay Encounter spawn points have been moved: J4 and K4 for team 2
- Fisherman's Bay Standard team 1 base moved to A6
- Lakeville Encounter spawn points have been moved slightly
- Prohorovka Encounter has its base radius set to the standard 50 meters and moved slightly north
- Erlenberg Assault base has been moved to A4/5 and the attackers have been moved to K9 and J0
- Malinovka Encounter base has been moved to H3
- Malinovka Assault defending team has been moved to B8
- Malinovka Standard spawn points have been moved slightly
- El Halluf Encounter Team 2 spawn points moved slightly
- Province - Rocks added to H3 to block line of sight
- Removed invisible wall from Mines at coordinate E8
- Maps out of rotation:
- Arctic Region
- Sand River
- Westfield
- Widepark
- Audio mix adjustments
- Fixed the audio cues for purchasing 75% and 100% crew
- All languages: Fixed truncation for tank names while in the Stats tab
- Russian, Korean: Fixed truncation for "upgrade to Gold" message in the pause menu
- German: Corrected translation of some German inscriptions