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American Cruisers Collection

American Cruisers Collection

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The "American Cruisers" Collection is available once players complete the final task of Mission 1 of the "Hit Hard! Hit Fast! Hit Often!" campaign. Earning the first collection item via completion of the campaign task or purchase of special containers from the Wargaming store unlocks the ability for collection items to drop from regular Containers earned through daily missions.

The overall collection is comprised of eight sub-collections. Each sub-collection grants a different reward. After obtaining all 48 items in the collection, players are rewarded with an alternate permanent camouflage for Tier VIII Wows_flag_USA.png cruiser Cleveland.


"Cruisers, 1900s-1930s" Collection

"Cruisers, 1900s-1930s" Collection — Reward

Completing this sub-collection provides the following rewards:

Flag Unlock
Icon Name Notes
Two Flags

"Cruisers, 1940s" Collection

"Cruisers, 1940s" Collection — Reward

Completing this sub-collection provides the following rewards:

Flag Unlock
Icon Name Notes
Two Flags

"Main Battery" Collection

"Main Battery" Collection — Reward

Completing this sub-collection provides the following rewards:

Flag Unlock
Icon Name Notes
Two Flags

"Anti-Aircraft Guns" Collection

"Anti-Aircraft Guns" Collection — Reward

Completing this sub-collection provides the following rewards:

Flag Unlock
Icon Name Notes
Two Flags

"Highest Awards" Collection

"Highest Awards" Collection — Reward

Completing this sub-collection provides the following rewards:

Alternate Camouflage Color
Icon Type Effect
Type 1
Type 2
Type 5
Type 6
  • Alternate color scheme for Types 1, 2, 5, and 6 camouflage for Wows_flag_USA.png American cruisers. Effects of each type of camouflage are unaffected.

"Orders and Medals" Collection

"Orders and Medals" Collection — Reward

Completing this sub-collection provides the following rewards:

Alternate Camouflage Color
Icon Type Effect
Type 1
Type 2
Type 5
Type 6
  • Alternate color scheme for Types 1, 2, 5, and 6 camouflage for Wows_flag_USA.png American battleships. Effects of each type of camouflage are unaffected.

"Combat Ratings" Collection

"Combat Ratings" Collection — Reward

Completing this sub-collection provides the following rewards:

Alternate Camouflage Color
Icon Type Effect
Type 1
Type 2
Type 5
Type 6
  • Alternate color scheme for Types 1, 2, 5, and 6 camouflage for Wows_flag_USA.png American aircraft carriers. Effects of each type of camouflage are unaffected.

"Other Ratings" Collection

"Other Ratings" Collection — Reward

Completing this sub-collection provides the following rewards:

Alternate Camouflage Color
Icon Type Effect
Type 1
Type 2
Type 5
Type 6
  • Alternate color scheme for Types 1, 2, 5, and 6 camouflage for Wows_flag_USA.png American destroyers. Effects of each type of camouflage are unaffected.

Overall Reward

Completing the entire collection provides the following rewards:

Alternate Permanent Camouflage
Icon Type Effect Notes
Cleveland - Freedom
  • -3% to detectability range.
  • +4% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy at your ship.
  • -10% to the cost of ship's post-battle service.
  • +50% to experience earned in the battle.
Alternate permanent camouflage for Cleveland.