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Lista de Bandeiras de Temporadas de Batalhas Classificatórias

Lista de Bandeiras de Temporadas de Batalhas Classificatórias

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Flag Name Earned Via Notes
Jolly Roger Awarded for reaching rank 1 in a season of ranked battles. "This flag, alongside dozens of other flags, was used by pirates in the 17th and 18th century. There was never a unified pirate flag. However, throughout the 19th and 21st century, a flag bearing a skull and crossbones has been associated with piracy."
Jolly Roger II Awarded for reaching rank 1 in a season of ranked battles for a second time. "Uma bandeira comemorativa obtida por alcançar a Posição 1 novamente nas Batalhas Classificatórias (antiga)."
Jolly Roger III Awarded for reaching rank 1 in a season of ranked battles for a fourth time. "Uma bandeira comemorativa obtida por alcançar a Posição 1 pela quarta vez nas Batalhas Classificatórias (antiga)."
Jolly Roger IV Awarded for reaching rank 1 in a season of ranked battles for a sixth time. "Uma bandeira comemorativa obtida por alcançar a Posição 1 pela sexta vez nas Batalhas Classificatórias (antiga)."
Jolly Roger V Awarded for reaching rank 1 in a season of ranked battles for a seventh time. "Uma bandeira comemorativa obtida por alcançar a Posição 1 pela sétima vez nas Batalhas Classificatórias (antiga)."
Jolly Roger VI Awarded for reaching rank 1 in a season of ranked battles. "A commemorative flag awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Tenth Season of Ranked Battles (old)."
The First Season Awarded for participating in the first season of ranked battles. "A commemorative flag granted for participating in the First season of Ranked Battles."
Port of Kure Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the second season of ranked battles. "In the former Empire of Japan, one of the Imperial Navy bases was located in Kure. Yamato, one of the two largest battleships in World War II, was built there."
Hawaii Awarded for reaching rank 14 in the third season of ranked battles. "The state flag of Hawaii. In 1889, the U.S. Navy established a naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. On 7 December 1941, the base was attacked by Japanese naval aviation and midget submarines, bringing the United States fully into World War II."
Midway Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the fourth season of ranked battles. "The Battle of Midway was a colossal naval battle that took place in June 1942 in the Pacfic theater of World War II. The decisive victory of the U.S. Navy over the Combined Fleet of Japan marked a turning point in the Pacific war."
Wilhelmshaven Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the fifth season of ranked battles. "Wilhelmshaven was Germany's largest naval base during World War I and II. The city was founded in 1869 by Prussian King Wilhelm I to serve as a base for the Prussian Navy, with a shipyard built in 1871. Until 1918, the base had been under the command of the Kaiser's Navy. From 1918 to 1935 and from 1935 to 1945, it was under the control of the Reichsmarine and Kriegsmarine, respectively."
Flag of a Naval Fortress Commandant Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the sixth season of ranked battles. "The flag of a naval fortress commandant was established in the Russian Empire by decree of Emperor Nicholas II in 1913. The flag depicts and anchor and two crossed gun barrels against a background of St. Andrew's colors. It used to be awarded to commandants of naval fortresses who defended the main sea bases of the Imperial Russian Navy: Sevastopol, Kronstadt, Vladivostok, and others."
Chatham Dockyard Emblem Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the seventh season of ranked battles. "The Royal Navy Dockyard was founded in 1567. For over four hundred years, warships for the British Royal Navy were built here. The Chatham Dockyard emblem features a crossed trident and sword. The same elements feature on the Coat of Arms of the town of Chatham."
Akureyri Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the eighth season of ranked battles. "In the evening of 23 December 1943, the task force of warships headed by battleship Duke of York departed from the port of Akureyri in Iceland to provide distant cover for Arctic Convoy JW-55B. Three days later, on 26 December, Duke of York would play a leading role in the Battle of the North Cape."
Brooklyn Navy Yard Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the ninth season of ranked battles. "At the Brooklyn Navy Yard, many famous US Navy ships were launched, including such cruisers as New Orleans, Pensacola, Brooklyn, Helena, and battleships Iowa, Missouri, North Carolina, Arizona, New Mexico, and New York."
Puerto Belgrano Naval Base Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the tenth season of ranked battles. "The major Argentinian naval base situated near Bahí­a Blanca came into operation in the late 19th century. The base received its current name in 1923, in honor of brigantine called General Belgrano, which had been exploring the region about a century prior."
Malta Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the eleventh season of ranked battles. "A comemorative flag awarded for reaching Rank 15 in the Eleventh Season of Ranked Battles."
Port Captain flag Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the twelfth season of ranked battles. "The corresponding flag was hoisted on the mast of a Soviet Navy ship with a Captain of the Port on board. A blue cloth with a white common anchor and a naval ensign in the upper left corner."
Marseille Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the thirteenth season of ranked battles. "An emblem of Marseille, one of the largest and most ancient ports in France, depicting a blue cross on a white background, dates back to the times of the crusades, when this city served as a base for the army of crusaders."
Taranto Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the fourteenth season of ranked battles. "The Italian city of Taranto was founded by the Spartans in the 8th century BC, and named by them in honor of one of the heroes of ancient Greek myths. After the unification of Italy, this port began to be used as a base of the Regia Marina."
Devonport Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the fifteenth season of ranked battles. "Devonport, County Devonshire, is one of the oldest naval bases of the Royal Navy. It has been one of the primary centers of British shipbuilding for several centuries."
Commander of the Soviet Union's Naval Forces Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the sixteenth season of ranked battles. Flag of the Commander of the Soviet Union's Naval Forces from 1924 through 1935. It is a naval ensign of the U.S.S.R. that bears two crossed blue admiralty anchors at its center."
Minister of Defense of the Weimar Republic Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the seventeenth season of ranked battles. "During the Weimar Republic period (1919–1933), the German Navy was under the command of the Minister of Defense. The flag of the Minister of Defense was cloth composed of the national colors with an image of the Iron Cross placed at its center."
Army-Navy Excellence in Production Award Awarded for reaching rank 15 in the eighteenth season of ranked battles. "An honor presented by the U.S. to public and private companies and organizations during World War II whose production facilities achieved excellence in production of war equipment."
Nagasaki Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of the Test Season of Ranked Battles. "A commemorative flag, awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League in the Test Ranked Season."
Regia Marina Grand Admiral and Commander Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 2 of Ranked Battles. "A commemorative flag granted for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 2 of Ranked Battles."
General-Admiral: Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 3 of Ranked Battles. "A commemorative flag, awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League in the Third Ranked Season."
Submarine Warfare Insignia Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 4 of Ranked Battles. "A variant of a future insignia for U.S. Navy submariners, developed in 1923. The design was based on a submarine officer badge of the Imperial Russian Navy from 1909 with a tiger shark silhouette placed over it."
Supernavios Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 5 of Ranked Battles. "Pináculos da engenharia, os projetos dos supernavios foram desenvolvidos com base nos melhores representantes de seus tipos."
Cidade Excêntrica Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 6 of Ranked Battles. "Austin é uma cidade do Texas famosa pela riqueza cultural e pela Congress Avenue Bridge, que abriga uma das maiores colônias urbanas de morcegos do mundo.

Bandeira concedida por alcançar a Posição 1 na Liga de Bronze da 6ª Temporada de Batalhas Classificatórias."

Batalha de Helgeå Awarded for achieving Rank 1 in the Bronze League of Season 7 of Ranked Battles. "Na primeira metade do século XI, centenas de dracares se enfrentaram na foz do rio Helgeå. Este evento foi exaltado em crônicas e sagas nos anos que se seguiram."