Account Level 1

Experience required to advance to next level: 500
All players start their World of Warships journey at Account Level 1, which grants them access to Co-Op Battles. New captains will be pitted against computer AI-controlled ships as they discover the basics of gameplay.
Account Level 2

Experience required to advance to next level: 1,500
Reward for achieving this level: 500,000
Upon reaching Account Level 2, players are granted access to the various national tech trees in the game, allowing them to purchase new ships. They also earn the ability to purchase improved modules — such as range or hull upgrades — for existing ships.
Account Level 3

Experience required to advance to next level: 3,000
Reward for achieving this level: 500,000
Account Level 3 allows players to queue up in Random Battles, earning experience and credits faster than before. In Random Battles, players will find themselves battling other players as opposed to the computer-controlled bots they previously fought in Co-Op Battles.
Account Level 4

Experience required to advance to next level: 5,000
Reward for achieving this level: 1,000,000
Containers become available at Account Level 4, providing players with additional opportunities to earn credits, consumables, Free experience, and — potentially — rare rewards like premium ships! Containers are earned by acquiring regular ship experience in battle, and provide fresh opportunities for earnings by resetting every day.
Account Level 5

Experience required to advance to next level: 3,000
Reward for achieving this level: 3,000 Free experience
Beginning at Account Level 5, players begin to earn Free experience as well as regular experience. Free experience can be spent on unlocking new ships and upgrades as needed, and undistributed experience can be converted to Free experience using doubloons.
Account Level 6

Experience required to advance to next level: 3,000
Reward for achieving this level: 1,000,000
Upgrades become available to players starting at Account Level 6, allowing captains to customize and improve the performance of various aspects of the ships in their port. Ships can mount as many as six upgrades, depending on their tier.
Account Level 7

Experience required to advance to next level: 3,000
Reward for achieving this level: 2,000,000
Account Level 7 introduces players to one of the most important mechanics in World of Warships: commanders. Just like the ship, the commander assigned to her also earns experience in battles, allowing them to acquire skills that further customize and improve a ship's performance.
Account Level 8

Experience required to advance to next level: 3,000
Reward for achieving this level: 1,000,000
Reaching Account Level 8 grants players the ability to queue up for Scenarios. Scenarios are challenging PvE encounters that pit a team of 7 players against a series of increasingly difficult AI-controlled bot opponents, while working towards a list of primary and secondary objectives. Rewards for top performance include camouflage, flags, commanders, and even Premium time!
Account Level 9

Experience required to advance to next level:
Reward for achieving this level: 2,000,000
Once they have achieved Account Level 9, players are able to participate in Campaigns. Campaigns are long-term projects in World of Warships, as players choose a certain number tasks to pursue at a given time in order to continue progression towards unlocking additional rewards. Completing each task likewise awards credits, flags, Free experience, and more!
Account Level 10

Experience required to advance to next level: 10,000
Reward for achieving this level: 25x Juliet Charlie, 25x November Foxtrot, 25x Juliet Whiskey Unaone, 25x November Echo Setteseven, 25x India Delta, 25x India X-Ray, 25x Sierra Mike, 25x India Yankee, 25x Juliet Yankee Bissotwo, 25x Victor Lima
Attaining Account Level 10 grants players the ability to mount Signal Flags on their ships. Signal Flags are earned via the Achievement system, and are expended when used. Many of them provide significant buffs to experience and credits earned in battle, with others granting small buffs to ship performance.
Account Level 11

Experience required to advance to next level: 10,000
Reward for achieving this level: 100x Type 5 Camouflage
A player's reward for unlocking Account Level 11 is the ability to mount camouflage on their ships. Camouflage provides a variety of bonuses, from reductions in spotting range, to additional credit earnings, to additional experience for the ship and commander at the conclusion of battle.
Account Level 12

Experience required to advance to next level: 10,000
Reward for achieving this level: 24 hours of Premium Account time
Once they have reached Account Level 12, players have access to Missions and Challenges. These provide additional rewards above and beyond those attained through regular battle, and vary from additional credits or experience, to earning a brand new ship just for playing the game!
Account Level 13

Experience required to advance to next level:
Reward for achieving this level: 2,000,000
Reaching Account Level 13 grants players access to the Inventory screen, allowing them to better manage their inventory of ship modules, camouflage, upgrades, and consumables.
Account Level 14

Experience required to advance to next level:
Reward for achieving this level: 3,000,000
Ranked Battles become accessible to players who have earned Account Level 14. Ranked Battles provide a more team-focused experience over Random Battles, while granting unique rewards up to and including reward ships that are only attainable by playing Ranked games!
Account Level 15

Reward for achieving this level: 50x Damage Control Party II, 25x Repair Party II, 25x Hydroacoustic Search II, 25x Smoke Generator II, 25x Torpedo Reload Booster II, 25x Catapult Fighter II, 25x Engine Boost II, 25x Defensive AA Fire II, 25x Spotting Aircraft II, 25x Surveillance Radar II
Players wishing to experience the challenge of Clan Battles must first attain Account Level 15. Once they do, they'll have the ability to join their Clan on the battlefield, queueing up as a group to challenge others on their server's Clan Rating leader boards.