- 1 Recruiting Commanders
- 2 Managing Commanders
- 3 指揮官技能
- 4 Redistribute Commander Skills
- 5 Reserve Slots
- 6 Retraining Commanders
- 7 Max Rank Commanders and Elite Experience
- 8 Legendary Commanders
- 9 Commander Ranks
Recruiting Commanders
Once Account Level 7 is unlocked, a ship may not be queued for battle without a Commander assigned. Commanders are available to all ships without one; they can be recruited at any time via the Port screen, and are offered for "sale" when a new ship is purchased from the tech tree. Certain missions or campaign tasks will award commanders as a reward as well. Players are offered several options when recruiting a new Commander:
- A new Commander can be recruited with zero (0) skill points for free.
- A new Commander can be recruited with one (1) skill point for 10,000 credits.
- A new Commander can be recruited with three (3) skill points for 25 doubloons.
Clicking the small, circular icon to the top right of the Commander portrait in the recruitment window gives players the option to randomly generate a new name for their commander. This can be done repeatedly until players are satisfied with the name generated.
Managing Commanders
Clicking on the Commander portrait in the top right of the Port screen brings up the Commander interface. This screen allows players to manage their Commanders in various ways.

The currently selected Commander is shown in the top right; the Commander skills trained are shown in the center. The drop down menu next to the Commander's name allows players to assign the Commander to another ship, send him to Reserve, dismiss him, or Go to their Personal File. Directly below the currently selected Commander is shown other Commanders that are eligible for use on the selected ship. The toggle at the top shows either commanders currently assigned to other ships, or those that are in Reserve.
The center of the Commander Interface displays the Commander skill tree — discussed in detail below — with currently trained skills highlighted. At the far left is the Redistribute function, that allows players to "respec" their Commanders by clearing their skill selections and allowing all skill points earned to be assigned again.
技能點數 | 總經驗值 | 晉級經驗值 |
0 | 0 | 1,500 |
1 | 1,500 | 2,500 |
2 | 4,000 | 4,000 |
3 | 8,000 | 6,000 |
4 | 14,000 | 9,000 |
5 | 23,000 | 14,000 |
6 | 37,000 | 21,000 |
7 | 58,000 | 30,000 |
8 | 88,000 | 41,000 |
9 | 129,000 | 54,000 |
10 | 183,000 | 69,000 |
11 | 252,000 | 87,000 |
12 | 339,000 | 108,000 |
13 | 447,000 | 132,000 |
14 | 579,000 | 159,000 |
15 | 738,000 | 189,000 |
16 | 927,000 | 222,000 |
17 | 1,149,000 | 259,000 |
18 | 1,408,000 | 300,000 |
19 | 1,708,000 | — |
The crux of the Commander system — and the main portion of the Commander interface — revolves around the various skills available to train. Players accomplish this by earning Commander experience, then spending that experience on Commander skills.
Earning Commander Experience
Commanders earn experience (XP) in the exact same way ships do, including any applicable bonuses from camouflage and flags. Additional effects that affect only Commander XP — such as Restless Fire camouflage or the Zulu Hotel signal — are added on top of this number. It is, therefore, possible to earn more Commander XP in a match than ship XP. Players can view how much Commander XP they earned in a given match on the "Credits and XP" tab of the Results screen. The chart at right shows the experience requirements for a Commander to earn skill points.
Example Commander Experience Calculation
A player with a Premium account earns 2,233 base experience in a game. He has a Zulu Hotel signal, an Equal Speed Charlie London signal, and the Military Month Contributor flag equipped on his ship. Therefore, he earns:
- 2,233 + [2,233 x 0.5 (for Premium)] = 3,350 modified base experience
- 3,350 + [3,350 x 0.5 (for Equal Speed Charlie London)] + [3,350 x 0.05 (for Military Month Contributor)] = 5,193 ship experience
- 5,193 + [3,350 x 0.5 (for Zulu Hotel)] + [3,350 x 0.05 (for Military Month Contributor)] = 7,036 Commander experience
Spending Commander Experience
Whenever a Commander has a skill point available to spend, an icon indicating how many skill points are unassigned is displayed over their portrait on the Port screen. By clicking on the portrait, players are taken to the Commander interface, where they are able to select a new skill to train. Once a skill is chosen, the Commander interface will ask for confirmation. This is an important step, as redistributing Commander skills after a skill is trained costs doubloons.
Many skills are only useful to certain classes. It is left up to players to learn the difference, since skills from a different class could potentially become useful if the Commander was transferred to a different ship. However, considering the amount of time it takes to train a highly skilled Commander, it is best to focus their skills on ones that are useful to a specific class anyway. A complete list of available skills, their point cost, and effects is below.
When training skills in Rows 2, 3 or 4, Commanders must have at least one skill trained from the previous row. Commanders are free to train any skill in a row before selecting any skill in the subsequent row; they are not confined to skills only within the sub-groupings shown below (and in the skill tree in the Commander interface).
List of Base Skills
圖示 | 技能名稱 | 所需點數 | 內容 | 效果 | 備註 |
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處境感知 |
Free. | An indicator is displayed when your ship is detected by an enemy ship or aircraft. | All commanders receive this ability at no cost. |
List of Endurance Skills
圖示 | 技能名稱 | 所需點數 | 內容 | 效果 | 備註 |
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優先目標 |
1 | Notification of how many enemy ships are targeting this ship. | Situational Awareness indicator will show the number of opponents currently aiming at you with main battery guns. | 指揮官重訓期間,本技能不會作用。 |
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預防性養護 |
1 | 降低艦艇配件失去作用的風險。 (main caliber turrets, torpedo tubes, engine and propeller only). | -30% 配件無法運作的風險 | |
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高度戒備 |
2 | 降低傷害控制小組的重新裝載時間。 | -10% 傷害控制小組消耗品的重新裝載時間 | |
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廣博不精 |
2 | 降低消耗品的重新裝填時間。 | -5% 所有已安裝消耗品的重新裝載時間 | 能與其他同類消耗品或技能堆疊效果。 |
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生存專家 |
3 | 提高艦艇的血量。 | +350 HP 每個艦艇階級的血量 | 舉例說,V 階的艦艇會劃一額外獲得 1750 點的血值。 |
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基本存活性 |
3 | 加快配件修理、滅火、以及進水的恢復。 | -15% 修理時間、滅火以及進水的恢復 | 此技能只會影響被動的維修、滅火及進水的恢復時間。 |
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次要武器的手動射控 |
4 | 副炮只會對玩家指定的目標開火。如此一來,開火效率就會大幅提高。 | -15% I-VI 階艦艇次要武器的砲彈最大偏差度 -60% VII-X 階艦艇次要武器的砲彈最大偏差度 |
This doesn't mean manual aim. It improves the accuracy of the secondary battery by decreasing their dispersion, but requires the player to manually select a target by holding down CTRL and left-clicking on it. With this skill, the secondaries will not fire at all without manual target selection. |
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火災防治 |
4 | 透過減少潛在火源數來降低火災風險及火災所造成的最大傷害。 | -10% 火災風險 艦艇上的最大火源數降低為三 |
For battleships and cruisers, this skill also caps the number of fires in the superstructure of a ship at one (whereas there are ordinarily two fire zones there). For more information on how fire chance is calculated, visit the Fire page. |
List of Attack Skills
圖示 | 技能名稱 | 所需點數 | 內容 | 效果 | 備註 |
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專業裝填手 |
1 | 如果所有主炮都已裝填好,會加快砲彈類型的切換。 | 當砲彈類型切換時,-50% 重新裝填時間 | 炮管必須已完全裝填彈藥才會生效。 |
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飛機整備專家 |
1 | 提高艦載機的整備速度與血量 | +5% 艦載機的血量 -10% 艦載機的整備時間 |
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專業神射手 |
2 | 提高艦炮的迴轉速度。 | +2.5度/秒 低於等於 139 毫米口徑艦炮的迴轉速度 +0.7 度/秒 大於 139 毫米口徑艦炮的迴轉速度 |
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魚雷加速 |
2 | 透過降低魚雷射程來提高從艦艇與飛機上發射之魚雷的航速。 | +5 節魚雷航速 -20% 魚雷射程 |
應用於所有種類的魚雷(包括艦載及航空魚雷)。 |
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專業魚雷武器技術 |
3 | 降低魚雷發射管的重新裝填時間與魚雷轟炸機的整備時間。 | -10% 魚雷發射管的重新裝填時間 -20% 魚雷轟炸機的整備時間 |
與其他減少魚雷管及艦載機整備時間的裝備或技能效果堆疊,如魚雷發射管修改型 3, 飛航控制修改型 1或飛機整備專家。 |
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緊急起飛 |
3 | 允許艦艇起火時還是可以發射和修復飛機。 | +100% 航母起火時的飛機整備時間 | 指揮官重訓期間,本技能不會作用。 |
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HE 彈的慣性引信 |
4 | 以減少使敵方艦艇起火的機率為代價來提高主炮及副炮的 HE 彈穿甲能力。 | +30% HE 彈的裝甲穿透能力 -3% HE 彈造成目標起火的機率 |
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制空權 |
4 | 變更航空中隊的飛機數量。 | +1 戰鬥機 +1 俯衝轟炸機 |
轟炸機項目只包括俯衝轟炸機,不包括魚雷轟炸機。航空母艦的總艦載機數目不受此技能影響,數量維持一樣。 |
List of Support Skills
圖示 | 技能名稱 | 所需點數 | 內容 | 效果 | 備註 |
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彈射式機隊控制中心 |
1 | 當啟用彈射式戰鬥機或偵察機消耗品時,就會額外發射一架飛機。然而,會減少彈射式飛機的飛行速度。 | +1 彈射式飛機 -20% 彈射式飛機的飛行速度 |
指揮官重訓期間,本技能不會作用。 |
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纏鬥專家 |
1 | 提高戰鬥機在與高階飛機對戰時的攻擊火力。階級之間差異越大,就提高得越多。 | +10% 戰鬥機的平均每秒鐘傷害,各階之間都有著差異 +10% 戰鬥機彈藥 |
這技能是計劃艦載機的等級(艦載機等級並不一定等於航空母艦的等級)。如果敵方戰機與我方同級或相比低級,技能便不會提供加乘。 |
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煙幕專家 |
2 | 擴大煙幕面積。 | +20% 煙幕半徑 | 指揮官重訓期間,本技能不會作用。 |
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專業後置機槍手 |
2 | 提高具有後置機槍手飛機的自衛武器效率。 | +10% 具後置機槍手之機上自衛武器的平均每秒鐘傷害 | 只影響俯衝轟炸機及魚雷轟炸機。 |
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基礎射擊訓練 |
3 | 改善低於等於 139 毫米之主炮、副炮、及防空炮組的效率。 | -10% 口徑低於或等於 139 毫米之主炮以及副炮的重新裝填時間 +20% 對空防禦的平均每秒鐘傷害 |
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監督者 |
3 | 提高消耗品運載量。 | +1 額外裝載 裝於艦艇上的所有消耗品 | |
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進階射擊訓練 |
4 | 延伸口徑低於等於 139 毫米之主炮、副炮、及防空炮組的射程。 | +20% 口徑低於 139 毫米之主炮、及副炮的射程 +20% 防空炮防禦射程 |
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防空武器的手動射控 |
4 | 大幅改善大口徑防空炮對玩家指定的優先目標之開火效率。 | +100% 口徑超過 85 毫米防空炮對付優先目標的平均每秒鐘傷害 | This doesn't mean manual aim. It allows the player to manually select a target by holding down CTRL and left-clicking on it, thereby greatly increasing AA effectiveness. |
List of Versatility Skills
圖示 | 技能名稱 | 所需點數 | 內容 | 效果 | 備註 |
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敵人火力來襲警報 |
1 | 顯示即將暴露在遠程火炮火力危險下的警告(砲彈到目標的時間會大於 6 秒鐘)。 | '敵方遠程火炮射擊指示器 | 通知你立刻轉向的警告提示。 |
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迴避動作 |
1 | 減少攻擊機的飛行速度,不過當它們返回航母時也將會降低被偵測性並提高血量。 | -20% 攻擊機返回航母時的被偵測性 +75% 攻擊機返回航母時的血量。 -30% 攻擊機返回航母時的飛行速度 |
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腎上腺素激升 |
2 | 當艦艇血量減少時,提高所有武器的重新裝填速度。 | 每失去 1% 血量 -0.2% 所有類型武器的重新裝填時間 | This skill affects main battery guns, secondary battery guns, and torpedoes; it has no affect on anti-aircraft armament. This skill will not work during retraining. |
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最後的抵抗 |
2 | 當引擎或操舵裝置失去作用時,它們仍可有限度地繼續運作。 | 當引擎或操舵裝置失去作用時,艦艇仍可移動和操縱 | |
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拆除專家 |
3 | 提高使敵方艦艇起火的機率。 | +2% 主炮組砲彈、副炮組砲彈、或炸彈造成目標的起火機率 | For more information on how fire chance is calculated, visit the Fire page. |
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警覺性 |
3 | 延伸魚雷捕獲範圍。 | +25% 魚雷的捕獲範圍 | 讓你提早捕捉到魚雷軌跡,進行迴避動作。 |
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無線電標定 |
4 | 會顯示最靠近的敵方艦艇方位。會在艦艇上出現方向標來警告敵方玩家。如果玩家駕駛的是航空母艦,這個技能將無法運作。 | 指揮官重訓期間,本技能不會作用。 | |
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隱蔽專家 |
4 | 降低艦艇的被偵測距離。 | -10% 驅逐艦的被偵測性 -12% 巡洋艦的被偵測性 -14% 主力艦的被偵測性 -16% 航空母艦的被偵測性 |
能與其他減低被偵測性的物品或技能效果重疊,如隱蔽系統修改型 1 或迷彩. |
Skill Points | XP Required to Retrain |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1,000 |
2 | 1,500 |
3 | 2,000 |
4 | 3,500 |
5 | 5,000 |
6 | 7,500 |
7 | 10,000 |
8 | 15,000 |
9 | 20,000 |
10 | 25,000 |
11 | 30,000 |
12 | 40,000 |
13 | 50,000 |
14 | 75,000 |
15 | 100,000 |
16 | 125,000 |
17 | 150,000 |
18 | 175,000 |
19 | 250,000 |
Redistribute Commander Skills
Players will sometimes want to change the skill selections on one of their Commanders. This is accomplished in the Commander Interface by utilizing the "Redistribute" button (shown highlighted in orange on the graphic above). Redistributing Commander skill points costs 25 doubloons per skill point spent; players are not charged to redistribute unspent skill points. Upon confirming the redistribution, all currently trained Commander skills are cleared, the corresponding skill points are refunded, and players may begin assigning those skill points again as they see fit.
Reserve Slots
Reserve slots — (shown highlighted in green on the graphic above) — allow players to retain Commanders without assigning them to a ship. Commanders in the Reserve can be assigned to any ship as normal, paying any appropriate costs for retraining (see below).
Each player starts with four (4) Reserve slots on their account. Additional Reserve slots can be purchased with doubloons or earned through various mission or campaign rewards.
Retraining Commanders
Once assigned to a researchable ship out of the regular tech tree, a Commander's skills can only be utilized on that ship. Transferring them to a new tech tree ship will require them to retrain. When retraining is required, players are offered several options:
- Commanders can spend nothing, requiring them to earn Commander XP as shown on the table at right in order to fully retrain them for their new ship.
- Commanders can spend 200,000 credits, requiring them to earn Commander XP equal to 1/2 of the Commander XP shown on the table at right in order to fully retrain them for their new ship.
- Commanders can spend 500 doubloons, fully retraining them for their new ship instantaneously.
- Commanders can spend Elite Commander XP (and/or Free XP) equal to the full cost of re-training, fully retraining them for their new ship instantaneously.
Premium Ships
Commanders can be assigned to premium ships of the same nation at any time without undergoing retraining. Their skills will continue to work at full strength, regardless of what ship they are Specialized in. Premium ships are a great way to retrain commanders without having to suffer the penalties associated with not spending doubloons or Elite Commander XP to fully retrain them.
Remember that while a Commander is re-training, skill effects are reduced by 50% and skills with a binary (on or off) effect are disabled.
Max Rank Commanders and Elite Experience
No Commander in the game can earn more experience than the amount of XP needed to earn 19 Commander skill points. To become an Elite Commander, the Commander must earn the maximum amount of XP: enough to earn 19 Skill Points. All XP earned over that value becomes Elite Commander XP (shown highlighted in purple on the graphic above). Elite XP is a type of in-game currency. It does not accumulate on any single Commander but is stored in a common pool of Elite Commander XP on your account.
Using Elite Commander XP and Free XP
Elite Commander XP can be:
- Applied to any non-Elite Commander to open a new level of Skills, or to get additional Skill Points free of charge.
- Used to retrain any non-Elite Commander moved to a different ship (instead of doing the same with Doubloons).
- Used to reset all mastered Skills at no cost (players will now be able to choose whether to reset Commander Skills using Doubloons or Elite XP).
- Converted into Free XP for doubloons.
How to Spend Free XP on Commanders
Free XP can be used in the same way as Elite Commander XP. After all Elite Commander XP is spent, Free XP:
- Can be spent on promoting any Commander (that hasn’t reached the highest rank) to the next rank and increasing their number of Skill points.
- Can be used to retrain a Commander, when assigned to a different ship, to 100% (instead of retraining this Commander with Doubloons.)
- Can be spent on resetting all Skills mastered by a Commander (players will now be able to choose whether to reset Commander Skills with Doubloons or by spending Elite Commander XP/Free XP) -- the cost of redistributing Skills is 10,000 Elite Commander XP multiplied by the number of Skill points spent on mastering Skills.
Elite Commander XP and Free XP can be spent together, like the way Ship XP and Free XP are spent on researching ships and ship modules.
When Elite Commander XP and Free XP are spent, the following rules apply:
- To retrain a Commander, promote them to a new rank, or reset Commander Skills, the available Elite Commander XP and/or Free XP should be sufficient to fully complete such an operation (for example, to retrain a Commander to 100%). Otherwise, the operation will not be successfully completed.
- When an operation can be completed, Elite Commander XP is spent first and Free XP is used only if there is not enough Elite Commander XP available.
When training/retraining a Commander, the total amount of Elite Commander XP and Free XP spent is equal to the amount of the Commander's own XP (Commander XP) required to train this Commander to a 100% level or earn the next Skill point. The total amount of Elite Commander XP and Free XP required to reset Commander Skills equals the amount required for such resetting.
Example of Using Elite XP
A Commander with 7 Skill Points is assigned from one researchable ship to another researchable ship and has just reached their current rank, but without enough Commander XP to reach the next rank. When they're retrained for another ship, the amount of "penalty" XP (required to retrain this Commander to 100%) is 10,000. Accelerating retraining by 50% is made with Credits. Consequently, 5,000 more XP is required to train this Commander to 100%. The player decides to further speed up the retraining process and get a 100% trained Commander using Elite Commander XP and Free XP.
There is 8,000 Elite Commander XP and 40,000 Free XP available on the player’s account. To speed up the retraining process, the player must spend exactly 5,000 Elite Commander XP to have a Commander retrained to 100%. However, the player also chooses to promote this Commander to the maximum attainable rank by using all kinds of available XP. However, the player also chooses to promote this Commander to the maximum attainable rank by using all kinds of available XP.
The "cost" of the next Commander rank is 30,000 XP. To reach it, it's 3,000 Elite Commander XP (the entire remaining amount of Elite Commander XP) + 27,000 Free XP. After that, 41,000 XP is required to reach the next rank. Under our scenario, the player will not be able to promote this Commander to the next rank, because they have zero Elite Commander XP available and only 13,000 Free XP left on their account.Conversion of Elite Commander XP to Free XP
Elite Commander XP can be converted to "ordinary" Free XP using the same rules as the rules for conversion of the accumulated Ship XP. The conversion cost will be the same as the conversion cost of Ship XP into Free XP (25 XP for 1 Doubloon). Free XP cannot be converted back to Elite Commander XP. But, "ordinary" Free XP can now be directly spent for the same purposes as Elite Commander XP.
Access to Operations Involving Elite Commander XP
Elite Commander XP and Free XP become available for leveling up Commanders at Account Level 7, where the Commanders feature itself becomes available. However, Elite Commander XP can be spent only after it's been earned. Unlike Elite Commander XP, Free XP is already accessible to players before the Commanders feature is unlocked. Because of this, Free XP can be spent as described above before any Elite Commander XP has been earned.
Legendary Commanders
The "Plans for 2017" Developer Diary video indicates that Legendary Commanders will be added to the game sometime in 2017. No additional details have been released. Stay tuned to the patch notes!
Commander Ranks