T54E1 (Stock)
3600000 價格 |
1750 血量 |
53.21 / 54.5 公斤重量 |
- 車長
110/76.2/35 前/側/後,毫米車身裝甲 |
127/69.9/50.8 前/側/後,毫米砲塔裝甲 |
704 匹馬力引擎功率 |
43.5 公里/小時最高時速 |
44 度/秒迴轉速度 |
240 標準砲彈殺傷力 |
173 毫米標準砲彈穿透力 |
25 完全裝填的時間 |
36 度/秒砲塔迴轉速度 |
400 公尺可視範圍 |
410 公尺訊號範圍 |

An average at best tank in many respects, the T54E1 is made an effective tank by the power of its autoloaded weapons. Able to bring focused damage to a firefight, the T54E1 is not crippled by long reloads like many other autoloaded tanks, and is capable of first devastating an enemy force at the opening of hostilities, withdrawing, and then sweeping back in shortly after with a fresh clip to crush the remaining resistance. Effective timing and good support tactics allow a T54E1 driver to achieve victory.
Compatible Equipment
Compatible Consumables
Player Opinion
Pros and Cons
- High burst damage with the 105mm and fast interdrum cycle rate
- Bouncy turret if angled right
- Inadequate penetration on top gun
- Poor gun handling in dispersion and aimed accuracy
- Poor armor and module protection
- Mobility and speed is not good for a medium tank
You will carry a total of 36 rounds with the 105mm, in loads of four. The reload time between round is 2.22 seconds with a 35 second drum reload, which is fast enough to not remove the tank completely from participation after the first burst before the end of a heated firefight. You can only run APCR (gold) or AP rounds, not HE. The aim time and accuracy for the 105mm are not in any way excellent, but not terrible. You are still an effective second row tank. A flanking, lurking, spam-damage machine, and like it says above, you're pretty nimble. Think of it as an M48 Patton with an autoloader. If you've played the M48, this will make sense. Average damage with either of the 105mm rounds is the same: 390, which is not bad at all. Penetration is 255mm for the APCR, not too damn bad either.
Again though, just like the T69, you need to operate either well out of the field, out on a flank, or lurk with a couple of big boys. Never go it alone somewhere that a flanking medium can pick you up. A T-62A for example, will eat you for breakfast in a head-to-head. Sometimes you'll be heckled for not 'playing like a normal medium' - just ignore it - you're not a 'normal medium' at all.
One thing that you might consider, if you have some pals with the same tank, is to mass-platoon three of them and stagger-fire, covering each other on the magazine reloads. The amount of metal coming out of a platoon of three that works closely together is insane, and you can certainly go it alone in this instance. Arty will be all over you like a rash though, so keep mobile, use that agility well and listen to that sweet sound of three 105mm cannons firing in rapid succession.
Early Research
- The AN/GRC-7 radio carries over from the T71 (not the T69) and should be installed immediately.
- The Continental AV-1790-3 engine carries over from the T29 if you played it previously.
- The Continental AV-1790-5B engine can be used if the M103 is unlocked.
- The AN/GRC-7 radio transfers over if you have the M103 elited.
Historical Info
Historical Gallery
Sources and External Links
Light Tanks | |
Medium Tanks | |
Heavy Tanks | |
Tank Destroyers | |
Self-Propelled Artillery |
USA | |
UK | |
Germany | |
USSR | |
China | |
Japan |