VK 30.01 (P)
VK3001P (Stock)
920000 價格 |
610 血量 |
35.49 / 36.6 公斤重量 |
- 車長
75/60/40 前/側/後,毫米車身裝甲 |
80/60/60 前/側/後,毫米砲塔裝甲 |
420 匹馬力引擎功率 |
60 公里/小時最高時速 |
28 度/秒迴轉速度 |
110 標準砲彈殺傷力 |
110 毫米標準砲彈穿透力 |
4 完全裝填的時間 |
33 度/秒砲塔迴轉速度 |
350 公尺可視範圍 |
310 公尺訊號範圍 |

As this tank was used to prototype the Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger (P), it's similar in size and layout. Its comparatively weak side armour and low traverse rate leaves the tank vulnerable to flank shots. However, it makes up for this with speed and a gun that does a fair amount of damage and is accurate at long range.
- Note: The Germans use the nickname "Leopard" for both this tank and the VK 16.02 Leopard , but in-game that name is only used for the VK 16.02.
Compatible Equipment
Compatible Consumables
Player Opinion
Pros and Cons
- Ability to rotate in place
- Good gun selection; the only German tier 6 medium that can still use the hard hitting 8.8cm L/56
- High top speed
- Huge gun mantlet adds another 82-100mm to frontal turret armor
- Large silhouette
- Below average HP
- Sluggish acceleration and manoeuvrability
- One of the most infamously bad stock grinds for a tier 6; you must unlock the suspension, turret, engine, and one of the improved guns before it can begin to compete with other tier 6 tanks
- Unsloped hull armour unlikely to bounce tier 6 weapons even when angled, though it can stop shots from lower tiers well enough
This is a good support tank with good top speed. You can and should flank with it when you can, but it isn't a full-fledged flanking tank like the VK 30.01 (D). It is let down by sluggish turret traverse and tends to take a while to accelerate from 40 to 60. It can also be an effective sniper as it can make use its thick gun mantlet, so making hull-down tactics very effective. When done properly, it will result in shells penetrating the gun mantlet, but not the actual turret. As always, a lot depends on the MM (i.e. the tier of tanks you are up against). Its decent power to weight ratio and high top speed allows it to exploit gaps or rush to help in an emergency, but don't expect it to dodge shells in close combat like a light tank, as its sheer size forbids such maneuvers.
With the 8.8 changes to the German lines, the VK 30.01 (P) is now the only remaining German tier 6 medium that can use the 8,8cm L/56, giving the tank a much bigger punch than its peers at the cost of lower penetration and RoF. You can of course still opt to use the 7,5cm L/70 which is more suited for long range combat, though the 30.02 (M) and 30.01 (D) are generally better platforms for this weapon. Despite this superior firepower, you cannot confuse this tank for a heavy like the VK 36.01 (H). You do not have the HP or armor to lead the charge, and you are a big target. Stay back and snipe, while using your speed to flank when an opportunity presents itself.
Early Research
- The FuG 7 and FuG 12 radios carry over from the Pz.Kpfw. IV, as well as 10,5 cm KwK 42 L/28 gun. You should install a new radio immediately. Unfortunately the gun upgrades are unavailable until you have the second suspension and turret.
- If you want mobility, go for the Porsche Typ 100/1 engine first as this vehicle is very sluggish in its stock configuration.
- To increase firepower and penetration, you'll have to upgrade the suspension before you can upgrade the turret. Upgrading the turret should be your priority, so you may want to consider purchasing Enhanced Longitudinal Torsion Bars to put off researching the suspension. While it is expensive, getting the increased firepower earlier may be worth it to you, especially since the upgraded suspension doesn't offer any increase in traverse speed.
- Go from there.
Historical Info
In 1937, along with Henschel, Porsche was given the task of build the medium tank that would replace Panzerkampfwagen IV. Its design was supposed to be capable of being armed with 75mm L/24 or even if possible 105mm L/28 gun and one 7.92mm MG34 for local defence. VK3001(P) was Porsche's first design since 1927's Grosstraktor I and its drawings were finished by September 5th of 1939 by Porsche's Chief Engineer Karl Rabe.
Prototypes were supposed to be fitted with turrets manufactured by Krupp. Porsche considered arming the vehicle with 105mm KwK L/47, 105mm KwK L/52 gun and finally with 88mm KwK 36 L/56 gun (developed from 88mm Flak 36 gun). Six turrets armed with 88mm guns were ordered in April of 1941, but none were produced. Leopard's turret was similar in appearance to that used on Tiger(P) and Tiger. Porsche planned to power VK3001(P) with gasoline-electric power/drive system (two air-cooled Porsche Typ 100 engines by Steyr and electric transmission). Only one or two turretless prototypes were completed by Nibelungenwerke in St.Valentin, Austria in late (October) 1941, out of 3 hulls originally ordered. Although many problems were encountered with its advanced power and drive system, prototype(s) performed well. During tests prototype(s) reached maximum speed of 60km/h but its fuel consumption was 170 liters per 100 kilometers. In order to solve the engine problems, Porsche designed diesel engine (Porsche Typ 200) but it was never produced.
VK3001(P) program was abandoned and two prototypes were used extensively in the development of VK4501(P) - Porsche's Tiger, which started in July of 1941. In order to transport VK3001(P) tank, Porsche designed special tank transporter (Panzertransporter Porsche 142), but this project was also abandoned. Tests continued until May of 1942, but VK3001(P) never went into production just like VK3001(H) and VK3601(H).
Historical Gallery
Sources and External Links
Light Tanks | |
Medium Tanks | |
Heavy Tanks | |
Tank Destroyers | |
Self-Propelled Artillery |
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UK | |
Germany | |
USSR | |
China | |
Japan |