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Revision history of "Gold Economy"

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16:27, 12 July 2014(10,621 bytes)Added wording so readers will understand that not all premium tanks can be bought with gold.
03:24, 10 July 2014(10,446 bytes)AFAIK, equipment cannot be sold for gold compensation.
11:13, 19 September 2013(10,292 bytes)Playing middle-tier vehicle for free experience will take centuries to collect enough for a high-tier vehicle. One match in high-tier will advance you by two tiers on lowest-tier tanks.
18:44, 17 July 2013(10,259 bytes)updated abilities to host tank companies
10:48, 25 June 2012(9,875 bytes)Added note on where the list of premium tanks can be found
03:14, 14 May 2012(10,221 bytes)Premium tanks all listed here now - https://wiki.worldoftanks.com/Premium_Tanks
07:17, 12 May 2012(13,242 bytes)reduced bias, improved wording
05:56, 10 May 2012(13,644 bytes)Added prices and links to FCM36 Pak40 and 105 leFH18B2
16:43, 6 May 2012(13,557 bytes)forgot SEA support link
11:48, 6 May 2012(13,434 bytes)little overhaul
02:11, 4 May 2012(13,286 bytes)added French premiums and reordered tanks based on everything else in the wiki
11:06, 9 April 2012(12,903 bytes)Fixed Valentine
07:20, 9 April 2012(12,922 bytes)Remember kids, use preview and don't edit sleepy....
00:31, 27 January 2012(12,017 bytes)added warning about gold scams
00:24, 27 January 2012(11,643 bytes)some small corrections and additions
23:53, 26 January 2012(11,215 bytes)well, if you do that, the Type 59 needs to go, too
23:35, 26 January 2012(11,487 bytes)Removed tanks that cannot be bought with gold (Pre-order/Promotional/Beta Tester)
12:08, 6 December 2011(12,788 bytes)Undo revision 12505 by G8DWiN (talk)
10:30, 18 November 2011(12,788 bytes)Someone was playing with Gold economy. Revised and corrected.
07:20, 19 September 2011(12,788 bytes)Updated Premium icons
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